Sun Yue's departure from the team can be said to have made the team lose a time bomb, and played a good role in killing chickens and monkeys, and the next training players are much more honest.

Han Zhe can be regarded as initially integrated into the team, at least no one is making trouble for him openly and secretly.

During the group confrontation training, seeing Gong Luming's brows, the tactical coach said: "I see that everyone is running in well, is there a problem?"

Gong Luming said: "It's a big problem, most players and Han Zhe are not at the same frequency at all, and the error rate is too high." "

As soon as Gong Luming finished speaking, Han Zhe threw a sudden point directly into the air, and he and Wang Shipeng, who was about to receive the ball, raised their hands at the same time to indicate that the ball was their mistake.

The players and coaching staff were helpless, this was not the first time that there had been such a passing error, and it was impossible to say who was right and who was wrong.

It can be said that Han Zhe made a mistake in passing, and it can also be understood as Wang Shipeng's mistake in responding, which is what Gong Luming said, Han Zhe and other players are not on the same channel.

The essential reason is that Han Zhe is accustomed to the rhythm of the NBA, that is, he plays fast and passes quickly, and when passing, he will also predict the amount of advance for the receiving player to run the position, so that the receiving player can break through or flash the projection gap after taking the ball.

But this is very uncomfortable for players who are used to playing CBA, they can't keep up with Han Zhe's thinking and passing speed at all, so ~ they often can't catch the ball.

Gong Luming quickly made adjustments, let Liu Xiaoyu and Han Zhe form a backcourt partner, and put Han Zhe in the second position-.

After testing, the effect is a little better than before, but it is far from perfect, they are still prone to mistakes when they pass the ball to Han Zhe, and now it has become Han Zhe often turning back to catch the ball, or a rhythm problem, Han Zhe is always faster than everyone - a beat.

After practicing for a few more days, the tacit understanding of the players has improved to a certain extent, which is comprehensive, and the other players have adapted to some of Han Zhe's rhythm, and Han Zhe has also deliberately slowed down his style of play, so that everyone can barely stand on a parallel line.

Gong Luming could only smile bitterly, and joked in private with the coaching staff: "Fortunately, it doesn't take too long, otherwise you have to beat Han Zhe to waste!"

They were concentrating on training in the national team without hearing what was going on outside the window, and there was already a lot of trouble outside.

Originally, the national team has been training in closed hands, and everyone didn't know that the progress was urgent enough, but now that Sun Yue was fired, all kinds of speculation and worries are inevitable.

What the hell is going on inside?

Sun Yue and Han Zhe fought again?

Does Han Zhe have any stabs at the moment?

How far has the locker room conflict got?

Can Gong Luming hold down the players?

What is the attitude of the basketball pipe, and has it interfered?

However, the official website only simply mentioned that Yue was cleared out of the team for violating discipline, and nothing else was revealed.

Of course, the media refused to give up, and quickly targeted Yue.

Sun Yue himself actually still has scruples and doesn't say anything.

Later, I don't know if I was annoyed by the reporter or the resentment broke out in my heart, and bluntly said that the reason for being fired was that Han Zhe was not convinced by being the captain of the national team.

Now it was lively, and the media finally figured out the reason and indirectly worked with Han Zhe.

also got a news that everyone is more interested in, that is, Han Zhe is actually the captain?

This news has not been officially announced.

Now the Internet is more lively, there are sympathizers for Sun Yue, everyone can see that he was killed to make an example.

There are also those who scold him for deserving it, his strength is not good, and he will tease Han Zhe if he has nothing to do one day, isn't he looking for a draw!

There are also worries about the locker room problem, if the national team escalates the locker room conflict, how will this ball be played?

It's more about discussing whether Han Zhe, the captain, can suppress other players, don't look at Han Zhe's rise in magic, but our national team is a magical place, and strength and ability don't seem to be the primary factors.

The next day, when the media found Sun Yue again to see if they could break some fierce news from him again, Sun Yue kept silent and denied what he said yesterday, saying that he was talking nonsense.

The media looked at each other, but then it became clear that this Gua Wa seemed to have been warned and silenced, and not everyone could be as unscrupulous as Han Zhe.


The national players ushered in the first warm-up match, and the opponent was the Xiangjiang team.

Although this game is only a warm-up match, the audience and the media are extremely concerned, after all, this is the first collective appearance of the national team after the training camp, and everyone wants to see how the state and results are.

0······· Asking for flowers0···

There was no suspense, and the national team easily defeated the opponent 95-68.

After the game, the media and fans were full of praise, and they were full of confidence that the national players had come out of the trough and that this World Cup would definitely be able to make a difference.

However, a small number of media and professional commentators have expressed a different view.

First of all, Xiangjiang is not a strong team, and it is normal to be defeated by the national player by a big score.

Secondly, the performance of the national players in this game is not particularly outstanding, the rhythm on the field is slow, and there are frequent mistakes in passing and running, and even Han Zhe has made four mistakes in this game, which is a danger signal.


The only highlight of this game is that the national team's shooting rate is okay, which is also the reason for the big win.

But these analyses were quickly drowned in saliva, my country has always been like this, as long as you win, countless people jump out to praise you for playing well, you can always find some bright spots, if you lose, even if you play well, you have to spit on your face.

The process is not important, the result is the key!

Gong Luming was actually not satisfied with this game, made some improvements, and played another game with the island country on a day off.

There is naturally a gap between the level of the island country and Xiangjiang, and the players of this country played very hard, and they were all behind for a while, or in the last quarter, Han Zhe broke out, and hit three three-pointers in a row to reverse the game, 89-87 narrowly won.

This time, the crowd was a little smaller, after all, this game was really not exciting, it was once pressed and played, and the final comeback relied on the individual performance of the players.

But no matter what, the team still won, and everyone is still happy.

However, while the fans and media were blowing hard, the national team suffered a Waterloo, losing to Han 99-105 in the third warm-up game.

At this time, many media and fans have exploded, from tactics to individuals, and suddenly picked out a lot of faults, as if it was the end of the world.

Gong Luming didn't care about this, he was used to it, and after a few warm-up games, he did find a lot of problems.

It's good to be able to spot the problem, because they still have time to fix it. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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