When the game day came, the fans were already in front of the TV, and there were countless sailors on the Internet chatting and waiting.

"The first battle is about to start, and I don't know if I can get off to a good start?"

"If Senegal can't win, let's go home early, this is a soft persimmon in Group B. "

"I'm more concerned about whether our men's basketball team will KO Senegal by force, you must know that the men's basketball team was originally very hung in the fight, and now Han Zhe, the boxing champion, has joined again, tsk..."

"Upstairs makes sense, but if you want to fight, let's fight Puerto Rico first!"

As soon as these words came out, many people laughed, and old fans know that the men's basketball team in 05 played with Puerto Rico upside down.

As soon as this topic was provoked, everyone chatted about it, and the old adult things of beating Brazil and Tunisia were thrown out, and there are really a lot of glorious histories of men's basketball fights.

At almost 7 p.m. domestic time, players from both teams began to enter.

At 19 o'clock, with the referee's whistle, the first game of the national team World Cup officially started.

When they saw the starters, not only the audience was surprised, but Zhang Weiping and Su Qun, who were holding the list, were also stunned.

Su Qun paused before saying: "It seems that Coach Gong Luming attaches great importance to cultivating the new generation of players, except for the UAE and Zhou Peng, the other starters are young players born in the 90s, the backcourt combination is Han Zhe and Guo Allen, and Wang Zhelin is the starting center today." "

Zhang Weiping said: "This employment is indeed very bold, Han Zhezhi has no problem, although he has not started his career for a long time, but in terms of experience and ability to resist pressure, he is definitely not a rookie, I am a little worried about Guo Allen and Wang Zhelin, I don't know if they can withstand the pressure of this kind of competition."

But in general, I agree with Coach Gong Luming's bold use of people this time, jade is not a weapon, it is always good for young players to sharpen on this kind of international stage, and we have indeed reached the time of renewal. "

Senegal jumped to get possession of the ball and was ready to launch a fast break, but the Celestial Empire team was aggressive defensively and stuck them outside the three-point line and couldn't cut in.

When the offensive time was about to expire, the opposing center Ndoye reluctantly received the ball and turned to shoot, the ball did not score under the interference of Wang Zhelin, and Yi Jianlian got the rebound with a long pass.

Han Zhe, who ran to the midfield, jumped to catch the ball, landed and turned to pass a defender.

After controlling the ball, he glanced behind him and found that his teammates were still some distance away from him, so Han Zhe simply accelerated and rushed straight forward.

"Han Zhe played two in the frontcourt, Heaney hesitated at the three-point line, he didn't know whether Han Zhe was sudden or thrown, he wasted the best interception opportunity, Han Zhe rushed to the basket and jumped, beautiful, Pep was directly overturned by Han Zhe, is this Han Zhe's dismount to Senegal?"

After Han Zhe successfully dunked the dunk, there were a lot of cheers on the scene, although there were many fans of the Celestial Empire at the scene today, but it was definitely not so loud, which can prove that Han Zhe should also have a lot of fans in Spain.

"Brother Yi, this ball is really well passed. Han Zhe slapped Yi Jianlian when he ran back.

Yi Jianlian said with a smile: "Don't hold me, this ball is completely self-defeating." "

Han Zhegang became the captain Yi Jianlian didn't have any idea in his heart, it was impossible, after getting along during this time, I found that Han Zheren was still very good, there was no captain's frame, and Ping Haha was quite chatty with everyone.

The key is that Han Zhe showed strength, and they were convinced in their hearts.

Zhang Weiping and Su Qun are also chattering:

"A superstar is a superstar, not only is he strong, but he also plays domineeringly, you see that the first goal has stopped the opponent. "

"That's right, in fact, I think strength is secondary, since Da Yao retired, we always feel that there is a lack of a soul in the team, Han Zhe fills this vacancy very well, and have you noticed that Han Zhe has a momentum in playing, which is the kind of domineering you said, which can not only deter opponents, but also increase confidence for teammates. "

"Yes, but domineering comes from strength and self-confidence, if you don't have the strength, you can't be domineering, and the NBA is a place where people are sharpened, if you don't be strong, it's easy to be bullied..."

I don't know if it was really affected by Han Zhe's dunk, Serbia's attack in this round seemed a little lacking in confidence, and he hesitated to get several opportunities, and finally missed the three-point rush shot, and did not score a point in the two rounds of attack.

The Celestial Empire attacked, Han Zhe received the ball and rushed into the inside line to make a return pass, Guo Allen got a vacant opportunity, but I don't know if this kid has a bad hand or is a little nervous, this ball is iron.

Gong Luming, who was on the sidelines, stomped his feet at this goal, and almost shouted "Lao Tzu can throw in".

Senegal fought back, and this time the low-post pick-and-roll was beautiful, scoring two points.

This made the few Senegalese fans in the stadium very excited, and the team finally scored, and they were much more anxious to watch the game than to play.

Before the clamor of the Senegalese fans fell, Han Zhe shut them up with a precise three-point shot, and this time it was replaced by the cheers of the fans of the Heavenly Dynasty.

Next, Senegal played very badly, their mid-to-long-range shooting accuracy was obviously not good, and their breakthrough ability was not good and they made frequent mistakes, and the offense relied on transmission and blocking to go inside, and they played very uncomfortable under the joint defense of the Celestial Empire, and at the end of the first quarter, they were 16-25 behind by 9 points.

Su Qun said: "The gap between the strength of the two teams is a bit big, Senegal's offensive means are too single, and the players' steps are not very flexible, so if you continue to play like this, you may soon collapse." "

Zhang Weiping said with a smile: "The height gap between the two teams is also large, and at the beginning, I thought Senegal had accidentally played five centers!"

The audience couldn't help but laugh after hearing this, Senegal is indeed a bit strange, all five players are over 2 meters, and three of them are more than 210cm tall

There are certainly advantages to high players, but there are also many disadvantages, such as poor projection, weak breakthrough and ball control, slow turning and other disadvantages are also troublesome.

In the second quarter, the Celestial Empire team played with full confidence and began to blossom in an all-round way, even if Senegal used foul tactics, it did not have much effect, and none of the Celestial Empire players made too bad free throws.

If it weren't for Senegal's advantage in rebounding, it is estimated that they would have been beaten to tears in the second quarter, but it was almost the same if they didn't cry, and they fell behind by 16 points at the end of the first half, 35-51, and this game can be said to be in suspense.

Gong Luming obviously also felt that there was no need to overconsume the main force in this situation, and he began to make frequent substitutions in the second half, which could not only allow the main force to rest, but also allow other players to find a feeling.

In the end, the Tianchao team easily won the opponent 92-71 and made a good start to the World Cup in Spain.

Although Han Zhe played less than 30 minutes, his statistics are beautiful, with 31 points, 11 assists, and 3 steals, he is undoubtedly the MVP of the game.

Yi Jianlian's statistics are also good, with 16 points and 5 rebounds.

Guo Allen and Wang Zhelin can only be said to play average, not bad or outstanding.

However, for the Chinese people, this ball is very satisfying, in Zhang Weiping's words, it has played with momentum and level!


PS: Thanks to the boss of [shabi123007] for tipping 1000 points. _

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