The quarter-finals have been revealed, with Lithuania vs. Turkey, United States vs. Slovenia, Celestial Empire vs. Brazil and France vs. Spain.

Among them, France and Spain are undoubtedly the most concerned, and there will be an injury when the two top two meet.

This game is generally more optimistic about Spain to advance, Spain is slightly stronger than France, and they also have the advantage of the host.

Another game that pays more attention is the Celestial Empire and Brazil, these two teams seem to have to play at the moment, and Han Zhegang showed that Zone is the topic of conversation, and everyone also wants to see if he will use Zone in the next game.

And the ball in the United States should be the most suspenseful, no one thinks that Slovelia can make the dream team capsize.

In the evening, the quarterfinals officially began, and the first to appear was Lithuania VS Turkey.

Both teams are basketball powerhouses, and in terms of rankings, Lithuania has a certain advantage, but overall, the difference in strength between the two teams is not large, which is still very interesting.

After kick-off, both teams were clearly focused on defense, playing a little cautiously and not at a fast pace.

Lithuania had a better first quarter, showing their teamwork skills and shooting accurately to take a five-point lead.

In the second quarter, Turkey also started to be in good shape, not allowing Lithuania to play an advantage, and kept biting the score.

In the third quarter, Turkey struggled to move an inch under Lithuania's oppressive defense, and the score began to gradually widen.

In the final quarter, Turkey was ready to catch up, but Lithuania played very steadily, with a strong control of the tempo, and did not give Turkey a chance.

Lithuania won 73-61 in this game, and it can be seen from Turkey's score that Lithuania's defensive ability is really not covered.

Lithuania also became the first team to qualify for the semi-finals.

It didn't take long for the match between the United States and Slovelia to start.

Curry was in great form today, scoring 16 points in the first quarter, including three three-pointers.

In the second quarter, the thick eyebrows also showed a hand, and no one could stop him from making a fortune under the Slovelian basket.

In this game, Harden, Owen and others all came on the court one after another, bombing the Slovelian defense in turn.

Slovelia was completely powerless against the in-form Dream Team, and they were already crushed in the third quarter.

In the last quarter, the United States began large-scale substitution training, and Slovelia couldn't keep up in the face of a score difference of more than 30 points.

In the end, the United States won easily 119-76.

After watching the ball, the Celestial Empire team as a whole was a little heavy, and they found that the gap between themselves and others was indeed a bit big.

The Dream Team of the United States is really not called in vain, their ratio is to win by crushing, and it feels like it is not at the same level as other teams.

There was no particularly exciting performance after the victory, as if everything was taken for granted.

This is like the Celestial Empire table tennis, it is normal to win, and it is news to lose.

However, after the game, Owen wiped his sweat and walked to the sidelines to say hello to Han Zhe, and said with a smile: "Han, well done, you helped me win hundreds of dollars, and I will invite you to dinner when I go back." "

Seeing Han Zhe's confused face, Owen explained, it turned out that they were betting on whether the Celestial Dynasty could enter the quarterfinals, and Owen could get in if he bought it, so he naturally won!

Then Owen said mysteriously: "I can bet 200 dollars to buy you to enter the semi-finals, but don't let me lose money and kill Brazil!"

Han Zhe cried and laughed: "Fortunately, you can get in what you bought, otherwise I will definitely consider playing match-fixing and losing in order to prevent you from losing with 200 knives!"

Both of them burst out laughing.

After laughing, Owen said seriously: "Han, come on, I really look forward to seeing us in the final." "

Han Zhe said: "Then you have to go to the finals first, Lithuania is not weak, I really want to see you cry when you lose." "

Now the competition system is cross-elimination, and the top four opponents of the United States can already be confirmed to be Lithuania.

If the Celestial Empire advances, the next opponent will be the winner of France and Spain.

Owen said confidently: "We can't be eliminated, the championship must be ours." "

Han Zhe couldn't see his small appearance, and was about to say a few words to him when a large number of members of the Mi Country came over.

This not only attracted the attention of the media and the audience, but also made the Celestial Empire players nervous, what is this for, want to fight?

Of course, the players from the United States are not here to fight, Curry took the lead and said: "Han, congratulations on making it to the quarterfinals, you performed great." "

Other players also greeted Han Zhe warmly one after another, and even some players were suspected of being sycophants.

Han Zhe responded and wondered a little at the same time, he had a good relationship with Owen, and he didn't have much interaction with these players, why was everyone suddenly so enthusiastic?

Owen put his arm around Han Zhe's shoulders and whispered in his ear: "Not only the media, but we have also discussed internally, you are the NBA brother now, and everyone will live in the NBA in the future, and it is always right to have a good relationship with you, the first brother." "

Han Zhe suddenly realized, it seems that his status is different, and his treatment is not the same.

Han Zhe didn't put on any show, and he enthusiastically bragged about the members of this sub-rice country.

After a while, even the coach of the United States, Shashewski, came over to make a familiar face with Han Zhe, and said with a smile that everyone could sit together when they were free.

Although Han Zhe didn't take these scenes seriously, he still smiled and promised.

The abnormal behavior of the Mi Guo team naturally made Han Zhe the focus of the audience, and the flash did not stop for a moment.

The players of the Celestial Dynasty were all surprised, although they knew that Han Zhe was in a high position in the NBA, but they didn't expect it to be so high, the whole team of the United States actually came to greet him, and some of them who knew English also heard a lot of sycophants.

In their opinion, these Mi players are already big names, but they didn't expect that big names would take the initiative to find their own captains to pull relationships.

This is really more than goods have to be thrown, and people have to die more than people.

Everyone plays basketball, why is there such a big gap?

However, then there is a deep sense of pride, your team is awesome, but individually, compared to Han Zhe, they are all younger brothers!


PS: Thank you [no word] boss for tipping 100 points. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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