Before the Celestial Empire and the United States went to war, there was one more match, and that was the battle for the third or fourth place between Lithuania and France.

The attention of this ball is naturally much smaller for the final, it has been like this throughout the ages, only the championship is easy to remember.

Both the Celestial Empire and the United States came to watch the game in person, and it was regarded as relaxing before the game.

Not long after the two teams kicked off, everyone cheered up, because today the two teams played very unrestrained, both pulled out to attack, the rhythm was also concise and fast, and the game was very exciting.

Han Zhe was amused and joked: "When France fights us, if we are in today's state, maybe we can't do it."

Everyone laughed after hearing this, France played very relaxed today, very daring to make moves, and played extremely well.

In fact, this is also normal, the mentality of the third or fourth finals and the finals qualification is different, this game is the same for France and Lithuania, it doesn't matter if you win or lose, you naturally play unrestrainedly.

To put it simply, the previous game was stressful, and they all suffered from gains and losses, even in the face of a not too strong Celestial Empire, the French tactics would be very cautious, and the players did not dare to play too casually, and the result was that they could not play at their best.

The United States was also discussing over there, saying that if Lithuania played the same 26 games as today, even if they won, it would be quite difficult for them to win.

In fact, the gap between the third and fourth places is not big, but whether it is France or Lithuania, it is obvious that they don't want to end the World Cup with failure, and they are very persistent.

The scores of the two sides have been rising alternately, and no one can help anyone, until the final quarter, the difference has remained within five points.

With 10 seconds left in the game, the two sides were tied at 93, and the ball was still on Lithuania's side, and it seemed that Lithuania was likely to beat France.

The result changed dramatically, as Lithuania advanced with the ball and made a passing error under pressure from France, only to take advantage of the God-given opportunity to press the whistle and kill Lithuania.

95-93, France won.

Gong Luming also praised the two teams for playing well, but then also reminded the Celestial Empire team to take precautions and let them stay focused at all times during the game, otherwise a mistake like Lithuania could bury the game.

The players of the Celestial Empire all nodded, they were all a little sorry for Lithuania, and it was uncomfortable to think about being reversed at the last moment.

September 15th.

The much-anticipated final is finally here.

The stadium has already been full, and the fans of the Celestial Empire are still so outstanding, and today they occupy almost half of the audience, and it seems that the scalpers have made another profit.

To everyone's surprise, a large number of foreign fans at the scene today also wore the jerseys of the big red Celestial Empire to support.

A reporter began to conduct interviews, first interviewing a white man with a family in tow, "Hello sir, can you ask what nationality you are from and why you support the Celestial Empire team?" "

The white man laughed, "I am German, I live in Orlando, Han is the idol of our whole family, of course we support him and his country."

The reporter understood, this is Han Zhe's hardcore, and the DPRK is incidental.

Later, I interviewed many people, and they were basically Han Zheqiu.

The most outrageous thing is that many fans of the Celestial Empire team are actually from the United States, you must know that today's opponent of the Celestial Empire is the United States...

This point is very unfruitful in the eyes of the Chinese people, and today there are audiences in the Celestial Empire wearing the uniforms of the United States, and it is estimated that the titles of traitors and traitors are indispensable.

But these Mi fans have different concepts, in their words, they love their motherland, but this is a pure basketball game, it has nothing to do with patriotism, they are magic fans, Han Zhe is their idol, they are their heroes, of course they must support Han Zhe.

This is called iron powder.

The Celestial Empire reporters were very busy today, because they could see that there were many big names and international stars in the Celestial Empire today, and the interviews were a bit overwhelming.

However, soon everyone's eyes were gathered together, because Han Zhe was having a good conversation with a beautiful woman sitting in the second row, and everyone knew that person, Liu Yan.

"Sorry excuse me, can you come closer and let us take a picture?" A reporter said to Han Zhe.

Han Zhe didn't refuse, bent down and hugged Liu Yan's shoulders and smiled and motioned for everyone to take pictures.

It was the first time that Liu Yan was hugged by Han Zhe in public, and she stiffened for a moment before she reacted and gave him a blank look.

The reporter was also stunned for a moment, and then began to press the flash like chickens, they just wanted to get the two closer to create a topic.

I didn't expect Han Zhe to be so upright, where is this use for them to create topics, Han Zhe gave it directly.

Although the media knows that the relationship between the two seems to be very good, this kind of intimate contact is still very rare, and the appearance of the two eyebrows is abnormal.

Han Zhe had a lot of acquaintances today, and he whispered to Liu Yan for a while before going to say hello to the others.

I don't know what I said, anyway, I saw Liu Yan blushing, which made the reporter think about it again.

The TV camera had been following Han Zhe just now, and his every move was naturally watched by the audience of the Celestial Empire:

"Beast, let go of my goddess!"

"Beast, let go of my male god!"

"Look at it, I'll say that these two are adulterers and adulteresses, and you still don't believe it, how can men and women have any ghost friendship."

"Yes, yes, I also think that this dog is not normal for men and women, maybe he will go to open a house after the game."

"Don't talk nonsense, Han Zhe and Kolo don't feel normal, don't forget that a reporter photographed Kolo staying overnight at Han Zhe's house."

"Okay, you guys, it's your business to have an adulterous affair with someone, don't be sour here."

"Men are not married to women, even if there is anything, it is normal, don't say it so 433 ugly."

"I don't care, I don't care, Han Zhe is mine!"

"Cut! I still think Yoo-yeon is mine. "

"Liu Yan just came out with a song called Male God, shouldn't it be Han Zhe."

"Don't say it, it's really possible!"

The Celestial Empire is a lot of dicks, and as soon as this topic of men and women came out, it was immediately discussed, and it was much more active than discussing the ball game.

Then there was a very funny scene, the Mi national team stood together to take a group photo, but Han Zhe suddenly slipped to the middle of them and said "V", leaving a wonderful moment.

Owen smiled and kicked Han Zhe's ass, but Han Zhe counterattacked, pulling half of Owen's pants down, revealing the red Nen.


The audience burst into laughter, and the players of the United States also laughed, but I didn't expect Owen to like this tune.

Su Qun couldn't laugh, "Han Zhe is really skinny, and he is not afraid of being sent out before the game is played." "

Zhang Weiping also smiled, "It's okay if Owen doesn't complain, the relationship between the two of them seems to have been very good, and the two of them played each other a lot during the All-Star season." "

I don't know if they have a good relationship, anyway, Owen chased Han Zhe twice in anger until he kicked him in the ass.

As a result, the audience was hilarious again, because they were all called by the referee to warn them, telling them to pay attention to the image and impact...

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