"The Magic not only won the Christmas War, but also increased the winning streak to 20 games, which is not only the highest winning streak in the history of the Magic, but also can be among the best in the entire NBA history, and is currently tied with the Bucks for fourth in history, in front of the Magic is the 22 consecutive wins created by Yao Mai in 08, let's wait and see if the Magic can create another glory!"

"It's not surprising that the Magic can achieve such results this season, the Magic have a group of very good young players, Vucevic and Ibaka can take the lead on the inside, not to mention the outside, in the words of netizens, the Magic backcourt is an invincible combination of kings and bombs, which is perfect. "

Not only that, but the Magic's Leonard and Olapodi have also improved significantly this season, and they have the ability to take charge of their own abilities if they are cultivated more, so the prospects for the Magic are really limitless. "

"Okay, let's give you a live stream of the Lakers vs. Bulls, and we'll be back right after the ad. "

Domestic netizens also chatted during the advertising time.

"The magic is really ridiculously strong now, and they actually cut down twenty consecutive wins!"

"I'm a man of God who is one person and one city, not to mention that the other players of the Magic are also very good, and it is difficult to think of results. "

"Do you think Da Yao's twenty-two winning streak created by the Rockets will be broken by the Magic?"

"It's very possible to follow this trend, but fortunately, they are all their own people, and if they are broken, they will be broken, and the fertilizer water will not flow into the fields of outsiders. "

"I just want to know what kind of mood James is in now, he went to the Cavaliers to win the championship, but now looking at the momentum of the Magic, the Cavaliers have little hope!"

"It's not easy to say, the playoffs are too variable, and the Cavaliers still have a chance. "

"The chance of fart, as long as I am here, the gorilla will not want to come out, and look forward to the magic two consecutive championships. "


The Magic did not leave the game as soon as they finished playing, especially Han Zhe, who is a little busy now, and stars inside and outside the industry have come to congratulate them on winning the Christmas War and achieving a dazzling 22nd consecutive victory.

After the entertainment, Han Zhe and his teammates went back to the locker room to take a shower and change clothes under the farewell of the audience.

Not long after, the Lakers and Bulls officially debuted.

There was also a lot of applause for both teams, especially the Lakers, who are exclusive to the Christmas game, and they have not missed a Christmas game in more than a decade.

There's no way, who calls the Lakers to have a deep background and remain popular, not to mention the glorious history of the past, for now, Kobe Bryant is still the guarantee of popularity, this is a man who once claimed to have 6 billion fans.

As the players warmed up, the TNT trio chatted.

Barkley said: "O'Neal, you know the Lakers best, what do you think is the main problem with the Lakers' poor record this season?"

O'Neal glared at him, can he say that the problem is with Kobe, Lakers fans will probably have to scold him to death.

O'Neal coughed dryly and said: It is caused by many reasons, and it is not clear for a while, and every team has a state problem, and the Lakers may just be in form. "

Smith couldn't help but laugh and said, "Yes, the Lakers are just in bad shape for a few seasons in a row!"

The audience burst into laughter, but O'Neill was speechless, and he couldn't talk anymore that day.

However, this season, the Lakers are indeed on the street again, with a current record of 8 wins and 18 losses, and they are about to become a fish belly.

Interestingly, the Bulls' record against them today is just the opposite of that of the Lakers, and the Bulls are 18-8!

As soon as Han Zhe changed his clothes and came out, he was blocked by a group of reporters.

"Han, can you predict the outcome of this game for the Lakers, or who do you want to win?"

This kind of problem is obviously a trick, and whoever says it will offend a large number of people.

Although Han Zhe is not afraid of things, it does not mean that he will have nothing to do.

After glaring at the question, Han Zhecai said: "There are too many uncertainties in the game, no one can accurately predict the outcome of the game, I will congratulate them on the victory of this game, I just hope they can play a good game." "

After Han Zhe finished speaking, a reporter joked: "But before the game, Barkley accurately predicted that your magic would continue to win in a row." "

Han Zhe smiled: "Is that so? Then what are you doing around me now? You should go and let that bald head continue to predict, he is silent anyway." "

The reporters laughed, and TNT's own reporters laughed, because those three rotten people really often talk nonsense.

Another reporter said: "We all know that Kolo has been living in your private villa for the past two days, and just now you won Kolo was very excited and showed great intimacy with you, does it mean that your relationship has become public?"

The reporters all quieted down and pricked up their ears, they were very interested in this topic, who doesn't have a gossip heart!

Han Zhe said calmly: "Since you know that Kolo lives in my house, you should know that she is not the only one who lives in my house, I have so many friends in my house, and there are men and women, is there a problem with my relationship with them?"

After Han Zhe finished speaking, he said goodbye and left, walked to the sidelines, and prepared to watch the game.

As soon as Han Zhe was about to sit down next to Kolo, someone came to tell him that the boss had an invitation.

When he went to the private room, he found that not only Devos was there, but also Xiao Hua and McMahon were there, and Han Zhe understood a little at a glance.

Sure enough, everyone first praised him for his performance today, and immediately began to talk about WWE.

After chatting for a while, Han Zhe understood, it turned out that McMahon planned to let Han Zhe let go of the water when the final belt battle was held today, so that they could take the belt back to the WWE Alliance, of course, McMahon would give compensation.

McMahon was also forced to do so, and the league belt was taken away by Han Zhe, an NBA player, although the topic was bursting and the advertising effect was very good, there were also a lot of complaints.

Although they made a more real gold belt in circulation, but the fake one can't be real!

The reason why McMahon communicated with Han Zhe is because Han Zhe is a strange person, a layman who plays better than many WWE professional players, and his physical fitness is so strong that he is perverted, and he has no idea whether he can win McMahon back with his ability.

Also, you can't call the WWE players really hard, if Han Zhe is injured, not to mention the reaction of Han Zhe's fans, the two bigwigs present will not be able to spare him.

Han Zhe is now an NBA card, and he is also the main promotion object of the league, Jin is expensive, if he dares to hurt Han Zhe Xiao Hua, he will probably have to go crazy!_

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