"The players from both sides are now lined up and out of the tunnel, James is walking in the final finale of the Cavaliers, and oh, James has just appeared in the audience and there is a huge boo, which is relatively rare in a Christmas game. "

Not only that, but we can see that someone in the audience has typed the word traitor, etc., and it seems that some radical Heat fans have not chosen to understand or forgive James. "

In fact, there is really no one right or wrong about James choosing to leave the Heat, it's just that everyone stands on different positions, James hopes to build a dynasty before retiring, and the Cavaliers are a good platform, and the mood of Heat fans is understandable, his departure does hurt the hearts of many fans. "

However, Wade and James didn't seem to be disturbed by these off-court factors, and the two hugged when they met, and it seemed that the relationship was still very good. "

Su Qun and Zhang Weiping have begun to talk endlessly, and the most topical topic on the field is undoubtedly the story of James and his old club.

Han Zhe was also chatting here, and Chloe asked Han Zhe: "I know that you, like James, want to build a dynasty of your own, if the magic can't help you realize your wishes, will you choose to leave the team like James?" "

Not only did Guo Allen prick up his ears at this question, but Da Yao, who came back, also leaned his head over a little, obviously caring about Han Zhe's answer.

Han Zhe did not hesitate and said: "No, no, no, I am different from James, although I dare not guarantee that I will always stay in the Magic, but I can definitely guarantee that if I really want to leave, it will not be that the Magic cannot bring me victory and honor, but other reasons, because I believe that the team with me is a strong team!"

Chloe smiled: "You are really still so stinky and shameless, if James fans hear you say that he went to the Cavaliers to rub honor, it is estimated that he will scold you to death." "

Han Zhe said with an indifferent face: "Do you think I'm a person who is afraid of being scolded?" And I didn't say that James went to the knight to gain honor, because as long as I'm still playing, he can't think about building a dynasty anywhere, of course, if he comes to magic, I have nothing to say!"

Guo Allen gave a thumbs up when he heard it, Han Zhe not only played domineeringly, but also spoke domineeringly, and he was the only one in the whole league who could justifiably make James worthless!

Da Yao next to him wanted to speak several times and stopped, his character thought that it was better for young people to rein in their edge, and it was not a good thing to make a big move.

But Han Zhe's tree is already big enough, and it is already popular, not to mention that Han Zhe is this kind of character, the key is that he has the ability to spoil people, you say that people are not angry.

While the game was already underway while the group was chatting, Irving hit a mid-range shot to score the first goal for the Cavaliers.

Switching offense and defense, the Heat were very skillful in cooperating, and Wade successfully scored a layup after being blocked by his teammates.

In the next ball, James held the ball and prepared to break through the inside, but the Heat defended him very tightly, James could only share the ball, the latter turned and missed the jumper, Lore Deng got the rebound and launched a counterattack, and Chammos hit a three-point shot, and the Heat took the lead.

The Cavaliers attacked, James played very actively, ran out of the open catch jumper and finally scored, boos and cheers coexisted!

The Heat passed the ball to the basket this time, Sean singled the music, and Williams chose to throw it sideways, but Love judged it very accurately, and a big hat fanned the ball away.

The Heat kicked the ball from the sideline, and the offensive time had been completed.

In the next shot, Wade was flipped to the ground by Mike when he made a layup, got a free throw opportunity, and hit both free throws, and the Heat reversed the score again.

"Both teams have a fast pace of offense and defense today, and it can be seen that the Heat have done a very good job of defending James, so far James has not had many scoring opportunities, what do you think about this, Coach Zhang?"

"James and the Heat are old teammates, everyone naturally knows him very well, and it is easy to make some targeted arrangements, of course, at present, James may not score up and may have the idea of conserving physical fitness, after all, a player like James You want to completely restrict him can't do it at all, in fact, his style of play is very smart and reasonable, the game is still long, and there is no need to fight too fiercely now!"

"Director Zhang's analysis is very reasonable, James may have left his strength to prepare for a protracted battle, he was booed as soon as he entered the field, and now he is estimated to be holding his breath, if you don't miss the old feelings, don't blame me for Lao Zhan's black hands!"


In the first quarter, the two teams played very closely, and the score was very tight, and it kept rising alternately, 24-23, and the Cavaliers temporarily led by one point.

After the start of the second quarter, James really began to exert his strength, and his shooting rate increased significantly, and he can often be seen reaching for the ball.

James didn't blow it out, he really couldn't bear it when he broke out, even if he often wrapped the clamp, the effect was not ideal, and he was easy to be beaten 2+1.

At halftime, the Cavaliers extended their lead to 52-42 thanks to James' excellent play, and the margin was just double digits.

Just when everyone thought that James would succeed in killing the old master, the situation changed somewhat.

Today, the Heat didn't play much on the inside, but they played very well on the outside, especially at the beginning of the third quarter, the backcourt two-gun state composed of Wade and Chanmos was completely out, and the mid-to-long shooting percentage was very high.

There is also Danny Granger, who came off the bench, was very brave, and after he got on the court, he chased James and slapped a big hat, and turned around and shot a three-pointer.

By the time Granger completed another steal and assisted Wade to score, the Heat had tied the gap.

The Cavaliers chose a timeout, but this timeout still had a certain effect, at least allowing the Cavaliers to stabilize their minds and gain a three-point lead at the end of the third quarter.

In the final quarter, the physical consumption of both teams was relatively large, the tempo was naturally slower, and the number of fouls on both sides began to increase.

James didn't know if it was too fierce in the first two quarters, and he looked very tired in the last quarter, rarely ran to respond, and often stood on the pile and waited for the ball.

Fortunately, the Cavaliers not only James can score points, but Irving stepped up in this quarter and began to shoot frequently.

The first half of the quarter was okay, and with Owen Love, the Cavaliers still took the initiative.

However, in the second half of the quarter, Love was obviously a little unable to run, and his blocking and rebounding rates began to decline, and on the contrary, the Heat's rebounding volume increased.

"It's cold, the Cavaliers are already weak, did they collectively look for the girl yesterday, and they couldn't even run away from the old guys like the Heat. Han Zhe shook his head and sighed.

"Not necessarily, the two teams are about the same score now!" Guo Allen was skeptical.

At this time, Da Yao spoke, "Han Zhe is right, most of the Cavaliers lost this game, James is sleepwalking now, but this is not the key, if the main Lefu point is not good, it will have a great impact on the Cavaliers, and now Owen is playing okay, it is difficult to win!"

In terms of vision, Guo Allen is indeed still close, and the next game trend is gradually becoming clear, the Heat began to take the lead and slowly widen the score, and the Cavaliers finally used foul tactics to recover the decline.

93-101, the Heat won the Christmas War!_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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