After the two came on stage, they didn't need the referee's orders at all, and instantly rushed together to grab each other's palms and start wrestling.

It was a pure battle of power, and after a few moments Dabu began to gain the upper hand.

However, the undertaker was experienced and quick to change his moves, and after letting go of his hand and body to the side of the body, he went around behind Dabu and gave him a kick in the leg.

Dabu suddenly fell to his knees with a painful expression.

The mourner's back flicked on the side rope, and Da Bu just got up and turned his head before he kicked and fell to the ground.

The mourners didn't want to give him a chance to breathe, so they grabbed Da Bu and locked his throat with one hand, and just when he was about to carry Da Bu to make a classic choke and throw, Da Bu kicked him in the stomach and successfully broke free.

Taking advantage of the fact that the undertaker bent over, Da Bu grabbed the undertaker and sent a bomb to smash it, taking advantage of your illness to kill you, Da Bu lifted the fallen undertaker to the ground and hugged him reflexively, and smashed the undertaker in the ring again with a German-style back fall.

Seeing Da Bu get up and pull up the mourner to prepare to continue the back fall, the audience shouted excitedly.


There was a muffled sound, and the mourner fell to the ground, his legs twitched, and he didn't react, and he looked completely stunned.

Dabu immediately suppressed it, but as soon as the referee counted it, the mourners broke free.

The audience breathed a sigh of relief, and everyone would be very disappointed if the undertaker was knocked out like this.

Dabu looked annoyed, and with a roar of rage, he grabbed the undertaker who had just gotten up and put it on his shoulder.

The commentators on TNT's side were excited, "Dabu looks like he's going to use the stunt F5, in the previous game, Dabu used F5 to severely damage the undertaker and cause the other party to be injured, is history going to repeat itself today?"

"Oh!NO!, it was F5, and Dabu lifted the undertaker and began to spin to increase the power, and the undertaker fought back, struggling in the air and punching Dabu in the head.

Da Bu swayed, his steps were already unsteady, the undertaker managed to break free, God! As soon as the undertaker landed, he immediately locked his throat and threw it, it was too fast, Da Bu was knocked down without even having time to react, beautiful counterattack!"

"The atmosphere of the audience was aroused, and they all cheered for the wonderful counterattack of the mourners!"

"Wow! Dabu is really a tough guy, he actually got up quickly and took the initiative to rush towards the other party, wonderful, the undertaker leaned over and carried Dabu and threw him out again with his own momentum. "

"NO! Dabu just got up and was kicked on the head by a death kick from the undertaker, this time the force was not light, we could hear a crisp snap so far away!"

It seems that the rumors that the two are at odds should be true, and the Undertaker's Death Foot has no scruples at all, knowing that this move has now been banned by WWE, because many players have been ruined by it. "

Dabu didn't seem to be able to resist, and this time he didn't get up again, but lay in the middle of the ring like a dead fish.

The undertaker immediately walked over and began to press, and also followed the referee to count the seconds.



When the referee "3" was almost already in his mouth, Dabu kicked his legs and broke free at the last moment!

Cheers and sighs rang out at the same time.


The undertaker got up and pushed the referee hard, and he thought that the referee was too slow to count the seconds and deliberately delayed the time, which made him very unhappy.

The referee immediately warned the undertaker, but the undertaker was even more angry, grabbed the referee by the neck and threw the referee out of the ring amid the excitement of the audience.

The mourner's attention was here, and he didn't notice that the big cloth behind him had gotten up, and when he just turned around and was about to continue to pack the big cloth, he was put up by the big cloth that was ready to go.

One is unprepared, the other is premeditated, this time Dabu did not give the undertaker any chance, and very quickly used the ultimate ultimate move F5, slamming the undertaker to the ground.

Dabu turned the face-down mourner over and immediately suppressed it.

At this time, the referee just climbed into the ring, "popped", and quickly slapped three times in the ring, and immediately announced the end of the game, and Dabu won!


Chloe, who was drinking a soda, squirted out in one gulp.

Guo Allen's eyes widened and he said incredulously: "Can it still be like this?"

The audience burst into laughter and boos.

Zhang Weiping complained: "This is the fastest three seconds I've ever seen, and it passed before I had time to blink!"

Su Qun gasped with laughter, and then said slowly: "This story tells us not to offend the referee on the field..."

Before the matter was over, the referee was pulling the big cloth to announce the victory, when he was blown up by the undertaker, and he rushed out of the ring from behind him.

The referee didn't pay attention at all, there was no protection action at all when he landed, and as soon as he fell to the stage, he covered the shoulder that touched the ground first and snorted, looking very painful.

Think that's the end of it?

Not really!

After beating the referee, the undertaker immediately struck Da Bu's head with a super powerful King Kong arm, and Da Bu fell straight and didn't move.

After Dabu fell to the ground, the mourners did not intend to stop there, but picked him up with his head down.

Those who are familiar with the mourners know what they are going to do!

The audience decibel is higher, and many people are screaming and applauding, they think it's a plot arrangement, it's exciting, and they like it very much.

Not only the audience, but many commentators think so, and they are still talking about it.

However, they don't know that it is McMahan who is already mad and frightened, and is desperately yelling at his assistant "Hurry up and stop this madman"!

The assistant was in a cold sweat and called the security personnel to act on the headset, but the incident happened suddenly, and the nearest security guards to the ring were a certain distance, and it seemed that it was definitely too late!

Seeing a group of security guards rushing to the ring like crazy, the audience was even happier, and the performance was quite similar.

Only some insiders began to frown, the anxious look of the security guard was not a fake, and the mourner's King Kong arm just now also had a problem, and those who often watched WWE knew that this trick was all to greet the chest, not to the head.

In fact, if you look closely, you can see that the situation of the big cloth is not good, this is not pretending, but it is really stunned!

This is not a plot performance, but an unexpected situation!_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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