In the second quarter, the Magic made some personnel adjustments, with Ibaka and Leonard both resting and Han Chul leading the team to continue the game.

Magic kicked off Han Zhe chose to go fast, burst to the basket and scored two points with a wonderful air exchange layup.

The Magic overtook the home fans, and the fans naturally cheered, and the live camera also gave a close-up of Liu Yan, who was sitting on the sidelines and clapping vigorously.

Seeing this, Su Qun teased, "The live camera was given to Liu Yan, we can see that Liu Yan looked very happy after Han Zhe scored the goal, it is said that she has been living in Han Zhe's villa for the past few days, and the relationship between the two has caused a lot of media speculation, but the two parties don't seem to take it too seriously and have not made any positive response..."


Su Qunkou wanted to continue, but at this time, Zhang Weiping coughed twice and diverted the topic and said: "This ball Han Zhe played decisively and scored beautifully, he alone completely tore apart the entire defense line of the thunder, as long as Han Zhe rushed, no one could stop him!"

Su Qun also reacted, they are not roadside tabloids, it doesn't matter if they talk about the lace anecdotes of football stars, but it is not appropriate to talk about this kind of scandal between men and women.

Su Qun immediately followed: "Yes, every breakthrough of Han Zhe can be regarded as art, not only practical but also good-looking, which reminds me of Iverson at his peak, some people said that Iverson is Han Zhe's template at the beginning, but now it seems that this is not the case, some time ago Iverson himself stood up and said that Han Zhe is his upgraded version, because Han Zhe is not inferior to him in all aspects, even stronger and more comprehensive, now no one dares to say that he is Han Zhe's template, even Jordan!"

As soon as the Magic side scored, Wei Shao took advantage of Han Zhe's slow defense and launched a quick counterattack, but he shook off the gap and shot iron.

This has made many commentators ridicule again, Wei Shao is currently quite good just looking at the average points per game, and it is among the best in the entire league.

But if you look at his specific data, it will be very bleak, his scoring is basically piled up by exaggerated shots, especially when Durant was injured some time ago, and he, the temporary boss, really wants to shoot as much as he wants.

To put it simply, his scoring efficiency is actually very low.

There is a reason why the commentators scolded him today, because Han Zhe, who he is now opposing, is the player with the highest scoring efficiency in the league, and when the data of the two is compared, the damage value is naturally infinite.

Wei Shao is also criticized for his love of brushing data, the more doubles and triple-doubles, the better, and when he has the opportunity to score, he will inexplicably choose to divide the ball, and his teammates often can't react and will make mistakes, which hurts a lot.


The Thunder's rebounding control is really not good, after Vucevic was stuck, Olapodi successfully grabbed the board and launched a counterattack, Han Zhe received the ball in the front court and hit a three-point shot, and the opening game was 5-0.

This is also one of Olapodi's strengths, good physical fitness, not bad height, strong athleticism, and some rebounding ability.

In the next round, Olapoti was excellent again, when Durant broke through Harles, Olapoti actively assisted in the defense and completed a beautiful steal, and the magic counterattacked, and Nurki, who had just come on the court, scored two points, 7-0.

Zhang Weiping was full of praise and said: "Olapodi looked very active today, with a rebound and a steal, which made a very big contribution to the team. "

Su Qun: "It's rare to have this kind of starting opportunity, and it's still a home game, Olapodi definitely wants to perform well in front of the fans, not to mention that he has been suffocated for so long before." "

Zhang Weiping: "Olapodi is a very potential player, the offense and defense are very balanced, the only drawback now is that the hit rate is not guaranteed, but with a core like Han Zhe, his hit rate is actually not so important, anyway, someone gets points!"

Zhang Weiping's words made everyone laugh, and they didn't know whether to be happy or unfortunate for Olapodi.

The Thunder counterattacked, Adams shot and Vucevic fouled, and he got two free throws, which made the Thunder breathe a sigh of relief, and they didn't score a point in several rounds, which had a big impact on morale, and now they can finally break the scoring drought.

However, who would have thought that Adams would have two free throws and the rebound would be picked up by the Magic.

Thunder coach Brooks scratched a few handfuls of hair a little frantically, this is especially cursed, he can't score points on free throws!

However, it is impossible for the Magic to guarantee a 100% success rate, and Harklessness also missed the shot, which made the Thunder slow down.

The Magic clearly want to continue the clean sheet against the Thunder and are very aggressive defensively.

Wei Shao failed to get rid of Han Zhe after many attempts with the ball, and could only distribute the ball to Durant, who stretched out his hand.

Durant didn't make too many fancy moves after receiving the ball, and he stepped back to shoot after a sudden stop.

The ball was very close, did not lose position, and jumped to block at the first time.

However, even if Harks stretches his arm, he is still far from the basketball, because Durant's reclining amplitude is so large that he can't cover it at all.


Basketball hollow into the basket.

That's where the superstar comes in, when the team needs him, he can step up and take points.

The Thunder celebrated with some excitement to break the scoring drought, but when they turned around, Han Zhe also showed a step-back shot in front of Wei Shao, and it was a three-point shot.

Listening to the crisp sound of the basketball entering the basket, it made Thunder's heart cool again.

This wave played a 10-2, and the Magic not only overtook but also widened the difference.

Then the Thunder accelerated the pace and fought actively, but the Magic was stable and did not give them a chance, and the score was 57-48 at halftime, and the Thunder trailed by 9 points.

Han Chul was temporarily rested in the second half, and Ibaka and Leonard came on again.

The Thunder fought back frantically at the beginning and achieved certain results, and the difference was narrowed to three points at one point.

But Ibaka they are not vegetarians, and they began to explode the Thunder inside, although Adams is not weak, but it is quite a bit of a lonely feeling, Vucevic, Ibaka and Leonard keep hitting the basket is simply unguardable.

The score was 78-74 at the end of the third quarter, and the Magic had a four-point advantage.

They all thought that the two sides must have fallen into a bitter battle in the last quarter today, but the Thunder replaced the main force and raised the white flag after only half of the final quarter.

It's not that they release water, but they can't play, Han Zhe, who played again, directly entered the Zone mode, hitting four three-pointers, three two-pointers in the half-quarter, and two free throws.

In other words, the magic alone Han Zhe personally cut 20 points in half a quarter, and suddenly pulled the difference to 17 points, to add insult to injury, Durant fought too hard, and the old injury recurred and went to rest.

How can the Thunder fight, they decisively gave up this game that already had no chance of winning. _

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