The God of Basketball

Three hundred and seventy nine: [domestic boiling]

Gao Tianzuo is the producer of the "Basketball Park" column of CCTV Sports Channel.

He is a person with experience in the United States, so he deeply knows how amazing Li Chen's current achievements as a guard in the NBA are.

But... Obviously, a large group of people in the domestic sports circle made a misjudgment.

What's more, Li Zhen succeeded in making many basketball players and officials of the Basketball Association have unrealistic fantasies. They felt that since Li Zhen could secure a position in the United States, so could rookie guards like Chen Jianghua. As for Yi Jianlian As a supernova with high hopes, they even felt that they could achieve achievements beyond Yao Huang.

They look down on the NBA too much.

Therefore, most of the current domestic basketball reports are reporting on newcomers from various clubs and encouraging them to make an impact in the NBA. Some Basketball Association leaders even claimed in private: Before the 2008 Olympic Games, we can have five to eight Chinese players go to the NBA for training.

This kind of words are too light.

This made Li Zhen not to be taken seriously.

Coupled with the conservative cultural atmosphere, a lot of Li Chen's news could not enter the country, which led to his domestic influence never increasing, but his popularity is very high. Therefore, his sneaker sales data is tepid, far lower than previous expectations.

When Gao Tianzuo shook his head at this situation, when he was having a headache about the material for the upcoming May Day special.

The distant US side suddenly sent a 90-minute video material.

Moreover, the reporter named Duan Ping declared very arbitrarily on the phone: "This is a top-secret interview that changed the domestic audience's perception of the NBA. In the whole of China, there is no one who is closer to the NBA than our interview. You may I can't imagine Li Chen's status in the New York team. He let us walk in Madison Garden without any obstacles. Believe me, this will be the most powerful report this summer."

At first, Gao Tianzuo felt that the expatriate reporter was promoting himself, hoping to get attention.

However, when he opens the video.

After watching for less than 2 minutes, he was stunned.

When he saw Li Zhen appearing on the screen with a smile on his face, he called Isaiah Thomas and Donnie Walsh in front of the camera and told them that they would arrange a personal interview with reporters.

He smelled great news value.

Then... the Knicks players teased Li Zhen and made him feel friendly. It turns out that these big stars on TV can also gossip. Although these contents will be cut out later, this immersive picture has already brought him infinite visual impact.

And then... When the Knicks players came out and the audience shouted Li Zhen's nickname, Gao Tianzuo felt the shock and pride from all over the world.

He has stayed abroad, and he knows the sense of superiority hidden behind the hypocrisy of those foreigners. If they don't really conquer them, it is impossible for them to make such a sound of worship.

To be honest, Gao Tianzuo even had tears in his eyes when Li Zhen ran towards the field.

Later, what surprised him even more was that the camera was aimed at the bench. He heard the Knicks talking about Li Zhen on the bench, and from the conversation, he noticed that the Knicks respect Li Zhen.

Next... is Li Zhen's speech as the best rookie.

Then... Li Zhen left early to train silently when the arena was in a state of boiling.

This is very much in line with the values ​​of the Chinese people. Whether it is Tao Yuanming’s planting beans and seeing Nanshan leisurely at the foot of Nanshan Mountain, or Li Bai’s business and flicking his sleeves to hide his achievements and fame, Chinese people have always had a humble and deep-rooted hermit demeanor.

At the same time, Li Zhen's hard and tenacious training is the ultimate answer to why Li Zhen can gain a foothold in the NBA.

This video was shot so well.

Gao Tianzuo sighed from the bottom of his heart.

In the last scene, when the radio was playing the American VJ's admiration for Li Chen's words, Li Chen was leaning on the passenger seat and quietly looking at the lights of the players outside the window.

"What a beautiful set of film language this is."

Gao Tianzuo hardly hesitated.

He decided on the spot: "Edit! The name of the May Day special program has also been given, and it is called 'The story behind the best rookie and the 4-0 sweep'."

After he decided on this matter, he received a call from North America.

The North American supervisor on the phone was aggressive and asked him to go to the leader to punish Duan Ping, because he didn't cooperate with the work, and he didn't go to Orlando to follow the popular rookie Yi Jianlian, but to follow and shoot Li Zhen. ?

However, Gao Tianzuo told him very gently: "No, we have decided to report on Li Zhen for a long time now. We will arrange new reporters for Yi Jianlian. Besides, what is the rush now? There is still a long period of drafting. It's been a long time, and, didn't Yi Jianlian's American agent say that he will not go to any team for trial training?"

That led the North American executive to take the case to higher-level leadership.

However, Gao Tianzuo, who has been a coward for more than ten years, is finally brave this time: "If there is a mistake, I will bear all the consequences."

The leader stopped talking.

This is often the case in the system. As long as someone has the courage to take the blame, in principle, anything is fine.


As Gao Tianzuo expected, this immersive report soon detonated on the first night of the May Day holiday. Countless basketball fans turned on the TV at 8:30 in the evening to see this special program.

Before, most people just watched the game broadcast on TV. Although the commentator would specifically mention Li Zhen as a Chinese player during the broadcast, there were very few other related follow-up reports. Super guards like McGrady and James are far apart, so everyone knows less about him.

And tonight's episode shows fans a more real NBA and Li Zhen's amazing influence in the United States.

They never thought that before the start of the game, more than 20,000 people would shout the nickname of a Chinese player in unison.

Then, those seemingly rebellious NBA players boasted that Li Zhen was unique during the bench discussion, and their words were all affirmative.

And then... he actually won the Rookie of the Year.

This is a trophy that Yao Huang never got.

Also, his winning words are too cool, right?

Li Zhen actually walked into the training hall when the audience was cheering for victory, and practiced conscientiously for two hours. He is really a character like Li Bai.

Just as Gao Tianzuo felt, the last beautiful movie shot had a profound impact on everyone. It was the first time they met a football star in an intimate scene, and it turned out that Li Zhen was so attractive.

This episode blew up.

Ratings and word of mouth are flying together.

Li Zhen's name has risen rapidly on the still barren Chinese Internet, and more and more people want to know more about Li Zhen's story.

At the same time, the server of a basketball forum called hoop is also experiencing congestion.

This is a very small basketball forum, founded by a foreign student, not for profit.

There are many people who are proficient in various basketball knowledge gathered on it, as well as many international students, who often translate various basketball reports from abroad, as well as analysis articles by basketball experts.

In China, it is not an era when everyone can access the Internet, and a relatively elite basketball culture has formed here.

This kind of elite culture makes some big IDs who have the right to speak naturally a little bit above the top, and even look down on ordinary fans who watch CCTV or the Basketball Pioneer every day.

Moreover, some of them deliberately show rebellion against the authority of the mainstream media. I often translate some foreign articles, and use all kinds of seemingly detailed information to black Yao Huang, saying that he is just tall and occupies a large proportion of the ball. The real level is Kwame Brown and the like.

The most famous of these IDs is 'Chang'an Blossoms'.

It can be said that Hei Yao has been blackened to the extreme.

Although Li Zhen does not have as many blacks as Yao Xuan, he also has a top-notch Li Hei. A guy named "Zhou Gongzi Chunshen Jun" has been doing all kinds of blacks since Li Zhen entered the NBA, either overtly or secretly. Either direct satire, or secretly sarcasm, it shows the profoundness of Chinese characters at a glance.

'Bruce-Tofu-Lee', 'The worst assist player ever in a single season', 'Giving the ball to Li Zhen at a critical moment is like asking a sanitation worker to light an aviation rocket with a lighter' 'Li Zhen exists The biggest meaning is to let those female stars in Hollywood who have no filming have a job to do." The probability of the Knicks entering the second round is exactly the same as the probability of my grandma climbing the 20th floor in one go." "The Knicks trade Li Zhen behaves like After scratching off the coating, I was overjoyed when I saw the word "Zai", but I continued to scrape down and bought another bottle of ''...'.

These are the classic remarks left by Mr. Zhou in hoop. It can be seen that he is deeply influenced by his idol, the famous ESPN commentator Bill Simmons. It actually perfectly brought Bill Simmons's intersex practice with spaces in his name to China.

And as we all know, Bill Simmons is the famous Li Hei.

Therefore, it is not known whether this Mr. Zhou is the real Hei Li, or whether he is looking at the idol Hei Li and wants to follow Hei.

However, with the explosion of the basketball park show.

More and more fans saw that Li Zhen was different from what was described on the forum, and they began to question it.

"Young Master Zhou, didn't you say that the Knicks will never make it to the second round? Why did they sweep the Raptors now?"

"Chun Shenjun, Li Zhen won the best rookie. Your Brandon Roy is empty-handed, and he didn't make the playoffs, and he didn't receive any awards."

"Young Master Zhou, what do you think of the news that Li Zhen practiced for 2 hours after the game. Didn't it say that Li Zhen was dating female stars all day long?"

"Young Master Zhou, what does it mean for the Knicks to sweep into the second round?"

"Chun Shenjun, why didn't Yao Huang win the best rookie back then..."


All of a sudden, the forum was filled with joyful atmosphere.

But Mr. Chun Shen is obviously extremely disgusted by the cynicism of this kind of "pseudo-fans". He has the aloofness of high-level intellectuals, and he thinks that these mediocre people are ignorant and ignorant. Can those basketball experts in the United States be wrong? What I read is English literature, what do you mud-legged people know?

So, he typed the next line eloquently.

"Poor guy, this is a fool's posing. Serious people who practice muscles in front of the camera? About Bruce-Tofu-Lee taking the best rookie, I can only say that the worst 20+10 winner in the history of the NBA He played a crucial role, and he defended Brandon Roy. Without him, Roy won the best rookie. Why did the Knicks advance? Don’t you know that Chris Bosh was reimbursed for the season? Missing The No. 1 power forward of the super-platinum generation, the Knicks can't beat it!"

This post was soon followed by more comments.

"Chris Bosh was not reimbursed for the first two games, and the Knicks still won two home games."

"Didn't you say that TJ Ford could blow Li Zhen into pieces?"

"Salary-to-salary-to-salary, tell me the story of Li Zhen fighting against wealthy wolf girl Paris Hilton."

"Last time you said that Hilary Duff is Erin, Lindsay Lohan is Lan Fenghuang, the Olsen sisters are junior sisters, and Anne Hathaway is a holy aunt... You can tell the story of the big brother fighting the devil again." Say it twice..."

"My son, my son, do you think the Knicks can still win this year? The next round is very likely to be against the Pistons..."


On the other side of the ocean, Wang Shoudao looked at the posts in this forum.

He couldn't help shaking his head again and again, and said in his heart: Bill Duffy did too badly. To let these sunspots run rampant?

No wonder Li Chen's domestic influence has been slow to develop. The official media and the mainstream media only report excerpts, and these professional basketball forums have a group of self-righteous high-level fans who copy the sunspot articles from the United States. Can it become popular?

Yao Huang's side is at least taken seriously by the official media.

We are getting angry at both ends.

Fortunately, Duan Ping's immersive interview this time played an unexpected role. He has already received some new commercial endorsement offers in his mailbox very quickly.

"I'm such a genius."

Wang Shoudao stood up and stretched.

He decided to arrange another in-depth trip back to China in the summer. At least let me see... what Li Zhen is like in real life.

When he walked to the living room, Li Zhen was still doing intense HIT training there. He seemed to be tireless, with sweat all over his body.

"If there are no accidents, the Knicks' opponent in the next round will be the Detroit Pistons." He told Li Zhen: "We are now playing the fifth game. In this series, even Jason Kidd has been picked up by Billups and Hamilton. It was miserable. So, I don’t think you need to put too much psychological pressure on yourself. In fact, Knicks fans can understand you very well.”

However, Li Zhen did not respond to him.

Still doing jumping jacks intensely.

He tried his best to secrete his sweat more quickly.

Because... he strongly felt the loosening of positive energy, and he realized that he was very, very close to irrigating his talent space.

Although the whole world knows that Billups, the Finals MVP, is not an ordinary person, far from being comparable to TJ Ford and Jose Calderon.

But it is not Li Zhen's style to lie down and admit defeat without fighting at all.

His arrogance comes from his reluctance to accept defeat.

No matter how tough the opponent is.



[Four thousand words are here, there are more tonight, but it will be very late in the morning. 】

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