The God of Basketball

Four hundred and seventy-eight: [Is a person worthy of being my boss?]

Kobe Bryant's chat skills were so good that Li Zhen couldn't make it to Scarlett's hotel in the end.

On the one hand, Li Zhen really doesn’t have any special love for Victoria’s Secret, and on the other hand, this is New Orleans after all, and this is the base of St. Paul, so if he takes a taxi and meets a black brother who likes Paul….

This made Scarlett return to the crew with regret.

She returned empty-handed again.

The All-Star Weekend also came to the last day.

The Eastern All-Stars took makeup photos in the morning. This was originally a very simple link, but when taking a group photo, Zach Randolph had a dispute with LeBron James.

Fatty Lan questioned him and his team confidently: "Why are you standing in the middle? Why are you holding the bouquet?"

This matter has become an NBA convention since last season. LeBron James seems to be the face of the Eastern Conference.

However, Randolph was not stingy, he openly questioned.

"In terms of record, we are number one in the league!"

"In terms of popularity, Bruce voted for the Champions League, more than 1.7 million votes more than you!"

"In terms of commercial value, Bruce's sneakers are all made by himself."

"Why are you standing in the center, why are you holding the bouquet?"

Randolph had good reasons, and the more he talked, the more vigorous he was.

The atmosphere at the scene was immediately disrupted.

Film crews had to stop working. LeBron's agent Goodwin ran over aggressively and angrily accused Zach Randolph of messing around and deliberately making things difficult for the staff.

"No, I'm not making things difficult for anyone, I'm being reasonable!" Randolph stared at Goodwin with burning eyes: "Don't change the subject."

Goodwin was very angry, but he couldn't come up with a strong reason for a while. It can't be said that LeBron James is the chosen one, and show off the tattoo on his back!

And now... the situation is indeed not very favorable for James, the coaching team standing next to him is the Knicks team, and Zach Randolph is an unreasonable person.

The Celtics' group of players and other All-Stars are all in an attitude of eating melons that have nothing to do with themselves. Anyway, it has nothing to do with them.

Only Dwyane Wade was there and muddled.

After about 5 minutes of fuss, the alliance's public relations staff quickly came forward. They made a compromise. Li Zhen and LeBron James stood on both sides, equally prominent, and each held a bouquet. It symbolizes double C positions, double cards!

After hearing this plan, Randolph nodded reluctantly.

So filming continued.

However, James felt as uncomfortable as eating eight hundred flies.

Originally, it was a customary thing for him to stand in the C position, but now Randolph made such a toss, and he was instantly tied with Li Zhen.

What can he do? Why would a second-year rookie stand side by side with my Chosen One?

James was very, very upset.

However, after Randolph such a toss.

Other All-Star players, including NBA officials, have established a new concept invisibly: the future of the Eastern Conference is not only LeBron James, Bruce Lee has also grown enough to threaten LeBron's position.

Just like those reasons that Randolph confidently said.

In terms of record, Li Zhen led the Knicks to the first place in the league.

In terms of popularity, he leads the league in votes.

In terms of commercial value, the quantity and quality of his endorsements are outstanding.

In terms of personal strength, he doesn't seem to be far behind, averaging 20.1 points and 11.6 assists per game this season, a complete superstar level.

The incident of Randolph making a fuss at the filming scene was quickly released to the world by the media.

The basketball media headed by ESPN naturally criticized Li Zhen for not knowing the heights of the sky and the earth. When James became famous, you didn’t know where to play community games. He is the real son of heaven.

The New York media praised Randolph more, thinking that he had safeguarded Bruce's legitimate interests. From all angles, why can't Bruce be at the center?

There is also a lot of discussion in major fan forums, although most people still think that Li Zhen is not enough to become the Eastern Conference card alongside LeBron James.

But when the second graders can enter this discussion sequence, it is already very, very remarkable.

You know, LeBron James is the appointed first person in the future. Even now some people can't wait to claim that LeBron James has surpassed Kobe Bryant.

"If it is from the perspective of the All-Stars, I think of course the person with the highest number of votes should stand in the middle." When Kobe Bryant mentioned this issue in an interview in the afternoon, he undoubtedly stood on Li Zhen's side.

He has a very deep friendship with Li Zhen.

Just like when Zach Randolph explained why he did this, he said confidently: "I'm hanging out with Bruce, and of course I want to protect the interests of the boss. This is the street rule!"

At this time, the ESPN reporter asked a sharp question: "If one day you were traded to Cleveland, would you defend LeBron like this?"

"First of all, New York will never trade me to Cleveland. Second, why should I hang out with LeBron? Do you think everyone is Bruce Lee? Does anyone deserve to be my boss?"

Randolph said sonorously.

His "sarcasm face" almost didn't say "I am a good boy Randolph, how can I be James' younger brother".

This confuses the reporters on the spot again: Bruce Lee is even more noble than LeBron James in the eyes of Knicks players. What's going on? Bruce really knows Chinese witchcraft? ?

LeBron James was finally surrounded by reporters afterwards and asked this question.

The Chosen One showed his resilience.

He smiled all over his face and said very calmly: "Actually, I don't care about this. I don't have any disputes with Bruce. It's just that Zach thinks there is an objection to this matter, and then I said that the two sides can stand together."

"You know, I don't pay much attention to that. My job is to play well."

Later, the reporter asked how he thought Randolph said, "I won't hang out with LeBron, LeBron doesn't deserve to be his boss."

His response was still very calm.

"I'm not quite sure what Zach means. There is no such street culture in the Cleveland locker room. We are all gentlemen and equals. There will be no bosses."

James' response is undoubtedly full marks.

But when he stepped away from the spotlight, he still showed a bad mood.

He vowed to give the Knicks a painful blow in the next game, and he could no longer let the Knicks show off their power in the first place in the regular season.

He could no longer bear Li Zhen approaching his throne step by step.

For the first time, Li Zhen made him feel threatened.

The Chosen One wants to cut off this threat!


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