The God Of Choice In City

Chapter 224 I want I want I want it!

Island countries currently have two attitudes.

An attitude: The ** currently preached everywhere is about to end, which is not credible.

** After all, it is a superpower. No matter its size or economic and military strength, island nations are far from it.

Moreover, not long ago, it bombed an aircraft carrier that could be called China's invincible, and it bombed the islands in the capital of India at a super long distance.

In a word, it's hard to provoke.

In addition, there is an attitude.

That is, I think *-* is no longer possible.

**The empress is suffering from a strange disease and will die soon.

**The dragons have no leader, and they are being dealt with by many countries and forces at the same time.Even the other two superpowers, the United States and the Xiong Kingdom, have joined forces for an unprecedented level.** is about to be destroyed, and the gods are coming, and they can't be saved!

It was this group of people who, under the instigation of the two superpowers of the United States and the Bear, repeatedly provoked the military fleet.

At this moment, they are in the capital of the island country, and they are holding a video conference with the United States, the bear country, and other 30 or so forces and countries.

"I tell you, you let us provoke, we have done it, if there is any loss, you all need to double to us, this is what you promised!"

"In addition, if you still don't ask, what should you do? Your warships haven't come yet, so you can't let us and the Bangzi country, just start to deal with the two hundred search warships of the **?"

Bangziguo also echoed: "It makes sense. We are the nearest. We come first. This is fine, but we haven't come to help you yet, so we will scare them at best.

A Sanguo smiled and said: "Don't worry, ** now, you are almost scared to death, where would you dare to shoot at you? Didn't you fail to see, your shells are about to hit them, they dare not Backhand."

The bear country of the United States laughed and said: "Don't worry, we are behind, and you don't dare to do it."

Other countries and forces have echoed: "*If you dare to do something to you, we will give you ten times the compensation! Don't worry, they dare not say anything if they lend them a hundred courage?"

A video conference finally ended.

The big brothers of the island country, one by one couldn't help but laugh.

They are very happy that they have shown their faces internationally and can get many benefits.

At this moment, they suddenly discovered that there was an extra person in the secret room.

"Baga, who are you?"

"Bageya Road!"

"Sixi, where do you work?"

The person who teleported over is naturally Chu Feng.

With the system helping to locate, Chu Feng teleported over, heard these people's questions, and said immediately:

"I blasted your work to death!"

For these islanders, Chu Feng has no good impression.

In the past three days, they have engaged in a lot of provocative behaviors.

All the gangsters will be expelled using this and other excuses.

At this time, Chu Feng took out a nuclear bomb, anyway, there is no need to worry, it will blow up the gangsters.

The people present were the top bosses of the island country, and even the prime minister of the island country was there.

Many bigwigs don't know the ultimate weapon, nuclear bombs.

But there are still big bosses who know the goods.

The prime minister of an island country knows this thing.

He was in a cold sweat instantly: "No! No! Be careful, don't detonate!"

Some bosses asked: "What is this, is it a bomb?"

"Are you trying to blackmail us with this bomb? By the way, how did you get in?"

This is an island country where top secret meetings are held in the basement chamber.

Before entering, you need to pass through six security doors!

Moreover, after entering, they directly locked the steel door, and it was impossible to open it outside!

Chu Feng glanced at the prime minister of the island country and said to him:

"You know this thing?"

The prime minister, covered in cold sweat, nodded: "This is... a nuclear bomb!"

The Prime Minister's words made the surrounding top bosses instantly exclaim.

"What, this is a ** nuclear bomb!

"Oh my God! How did the ** people bring the nuclear bomb over so quickly?"

"Damn it, Yamamura! You are the one who advocates provocation!!"

"Little brother, if you have something to say, you have something to say, you must not detonate it!

"If you have any request, you can mention it, and we will promise you everything.

"All of this is forcing us to do by the superpowers of the United States and the Xiong Country. We are forced to do it!"

The bosses of these island countries, while crying and begging, winked secretly, preparing to cooperate and control Chu Feng.

Seeing this scene, Chu Feng couldn't help but laugh.

-0 for flowers.0

"Now, if you kneel down or I will throw the nuclear bomb on the ground, I am not afraid to tell you that this is a top-level nuclear bomb. The aircraft carrier of the United States, as well as the island of the capital of India, were all smashed by this nuclear bomb. If you don't believe it, You can try it."

Seeing that Chu Feng was about to drop the nuclear bomb, he immediately threw it all down and knelt down.

"Don't! Don't throw it!"

"Don't! Don't detonate!

"We can negotiate, everything can be negotiated!

"What do you want? What do you want? We can give you anything you want!"

"Money, power, women...whatever you want, we'll give it to you, all of it!"

Many of the top bigwigs in the island country are begging one after another.

Chu Feng smiled and said, "I want you to slap yourselves."

Chu Feng warned them that if they did not follow suit, the nuclear bomb would be detonated immediately.



Clear and loud voices, one after another.

"I want you to learn how to bark while you slap yourself." Chu Feng ordered again.

Anyway, these islanders have a deep hatred with **.

Otherwise, they would not be willing to accept the instigation of the United States and Xiong.

In the secret room, the sounds of pop-pop and barking complement each other, which is so interesting.

After playing for a while, Chu Feng was no longer interested.

With this time, he might as well accompany his beautiful woman.

"Okay, now I make one last request."

Seeing Chu Feng say the last request, the island country bosses who were pumped with swollen faces were pleasantly surprised.

One by one, they listened intently, for fear of hearing it wrong and failing to do it, which would make the mysterious man in front of him unhappy and lead to the explosion of the nuclear bomb.

"Listen to me, my last move is, I want you all to die!"

Chu Feng sneered and threw the nuclear bomb out.

At the same time, he used teleportation to return to the empress' palace.

His chain tasks, as well as chain tasks, were all completed at the same time.

Immediately received the reward: three top watches, the empress's favor increased.

Ding Dong!

Host, you have completed the chain selection and received additional rewards.

This extra reward, turned out to be...),

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