The God Of Choice In City

Chapter 252 Super armed helicopter! 【Please customize full order】

Four choices correspond to four rewards.

Chu Feng took a look and found these, two new cards appeared.

There are two firepower upgrade cards and one black technology upgrade card.

Chu Feng immediately asked the system, the role of the two cards.

The system told Chu Feng, among them, the firepower upgrade card can double the weapons produced by the system: sniper rifles, rocket launchers, armored tanks, fighter jets, gunships, etc., with more firepower and power!

Except for the ultimate weapon nuclear bomb, the ruthless firepower produced by the rest of the system can be doubled.

The black technology upgrade card is used to upgrade rocket launchers to powerful rocket launchers, sniper rifles to ultra-long-range sniper rifles, armored tanks to giant armored tanks, fighters to stealth fighters, and gunships to super-armed helicopters. airplane.

According to the introduction of the system, Chu Feng immediately had a choice.

He chose option four and moved on, ignoring the reconnaissance fighters of the Bangzi country.

Immediately get rewards on June 6, 10 million soft sister coins, a black technology upgrade card!

"System, apply the black technology upgrade card to upgrade the armed helicopter."

Ding dong!

"Host, the God-level gunship is a super gunship success."

Because of the role of the system, except for Chu Feng, the host, no one such as Empress Tong Yao and others could feel 833.

Chu Feng could see Ou, the gunship, becoming bigger and more sci-fi.

In the past, it was the world's top scientific level, and it was even much higher than other world's top scientific levels.

Now, after upgrading to a super gunship, all kinds of xing can be greatly improved.

The radar system, defense system, and firepower system are almost all doubled.

The effect is much more effective than simply increasing the firepower of the firepower upgrade card!

After learning about the changes in the armed helicopters, Chu Feng immediately understood that he had definitely earned it by choosing the Black Technology Upgrade Card.

"Alert, alert, 10,000 meters ahead, find the flying target!"

"Alert, alert, 10,000 meters ahead, find the flying target!"

"Alert, alert, 10,000 meters ahead, find the flying target!"

Three sirens were detected from the Super Gunship early warning radar.

Ordinary armed helicopters have a reconnaissance range of more than 1,000 or 2,000 kilometers at most.

Chu Feng, a super gunship, can detect it at a distance of 10,000 meters.

Hearing the siren, the nursery rhyme was a little worried:

"Chu Feng, what should we do, have we encountered a plane from Bangzi Country?"

It should be "a reconnaissance plane of the Bangzi Kingdom." The queen looked calmer, after all, she was the No. 1 ** of the big country, and her vision was naturally extraordinary. "

At the end of the plane, Scar's face looked a little restrained.

After he learned the identities of the two women who followed Cong Feng, he was very cautious!

One is the national goddess nursery rhyme of *, and the other is the No. 1 female emperor of *!

And these two women are actually Chu Feng's women, it's incredible!

After thinking about it, Scarface asked, "Chu Feng, do we need to land?"

The empress shook her head immediately, as the empress of the ****, how could she land casually and let the ordinary soldiers of Bangzi Kingdom check?

"I'll make a phone call now and have Yourong come forward to find the number one of Bangziguo.

Seeing that the Empress was about to call Liu Yourong, Chu Feng smiled lightly:

"Don't worry, those reconnaissance planes can't spot us.

"How could it not be found? I heard the siren just now!" Nursery Rhymes wondered.

Scarface nodded.

The queen looked carefully at the various equipment of the super gunship.

"Chu Feng, are you sure this plane can avoid being detected by the reconnaissance plane of Bangzi Country?"

"Of course." Chu Feng was full of confidence. "Look at it carefully, I'm sure which reconnaissance planes and ground radar equipment of the Bangzi country can't detect us."

After Chu Feng answered, he said to the plane in direct language: "Enable autopilot, and simultaneously enable anti-radar and stealth systems.

Super gunship, fully intelligent operation.

Chu Feng stood up and ignored it.

Select the target location and let the aircraft fly automatically.

At the same time, the entire aircraft activated stealth and anti-radar functions.

Now, after the aircraft god-level is a super gunship, the internal space has expanded a lot.

A variety of corresponding facilities, more complete, (baca) more luxurious.

"Nursery Rhymes, Empress, you two can experience this 360-degree omnidirectional massage chair. This thing is only available here, and you can't find it anywhere else."

"Chu Feng, do we really not need to worry about it? Is it really possible?" Tong Yao looked at the driverless cab.

She is not worried about herself, but this time, there is a female emperor by her side, and the female emperor has an inexplicable relationship with the female owner of the Angel Yan Hotel, who has been very kind to her.

If the dignified female emperor, the majesty of the Bangzi country is damaged, even if it blows up the capital of the Bangzi country, it is not worthwhile.

The Empress touched the waist-length hair of the nursery rhyme enviously, and said with a smile:

"Don't worry, Chu Feng can save the dead, and naturally he can avoid the reconnaissance plane of Bangzi Kingdom.

According to Chu Feng's description, the queen learned how to use the 360-degree omnidirectional massage chair.

"Okay, nursery rhyme, let's do a massage first, don't worry.

at this time.

The plane issued a reminder: The plane has now reached a position of 2,300 meters above the two reconnaissance planes, and has not been found by the other side. Is the brake surface quasi-firing activated to shoot down the two reconnaissance planes?

Chu Feng's purpose is not to fight - plane.

But for the so-called underground palace.

Naturally, they did not intend to shoot down the reconnaissance plane of the Bangzi country.

The speed of the super gunship was very fast, and it didn't take long for it to prompt that the distance between the two reconnaissance planes had exceeded 10,000 meters.

Scarface looked at the various poor modern technological equipment of the plane, and clicked his tongue secretly.

Even the Empress could not help but sigh to herself, Chu Feng's plane is more advanced and luxurious than her special plane!

A few hours later, the aircraft indicated that it had reached the target area.

Only then did Chu Feng return to the driver's seat.

He said to Scarface: "Look at the underground palace, where exactly is it?"

On the super-tech display screen of the aircraft, the surrounding environment and landforms are clearly displayed.

Chu Feng controls the plane and starts to fly low, so that you can hear the ground situation more clearly.

When approaching the ground a thousand meters.

The aircraft issued a reminder:

"Alert, the detection system found that there are many creatures on the ground, do you analyze the species of creatures?"


Through "analysis and comparison, it was found that there are 763 creatures, all of which are human or humanoid."

Why are there so many people here?

Is the underground palace exposed?

Ding Dong!

"Host, you are currently faced with a choice. Choose one, bombard the soldiers of the Bangzi Kingdom below and send them all to the West."

"You will get rewards, 10 million soft sister coins, and two strong cards.

"Choose two, land and communicate with the soldiers of the Bangzi country below and let them leave."

"You will get rewards, five million soft sister coins, and a fast-paced card.

"Choose three, put it back the same way, and ignore the underground palace."

"There will be rewards, a box of jewels, and two darling cards."

"Choose four, control the younger brother of No. 1 Bangziguo below, and let Scarface take revenge with his own hands."

"Will be rewarded, unknown reward!

Another unknown reward?!

Chu Feng was a little surprised just now, and immediately heard the familiar Loli sound again.

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