The God of Destruction

Vol 7 Chapter 64: Supporting role

Qingfeng's ball skills can be described as fascinating, and the power of the dribble when moving crazy, either virtual or real, strong or weak, different in weight, or turning or straight, a variety of distinct strengths can be exerted as desired, if the average person comes at all Unable to cope.

Each dribble hides several changes and follow-ups.

But he also has weaknesses

When keenly discerning Qingfeng's weakness, Pan Chen's body instantly stopped at the place where Qingfeng was about to arrive, and the two suddenly collided.

At Qingfeng blocked by Pan Chen, all the previous plans were empty, and they could only hit them head-on. The two had no ingenuity and faced a hard regret.

Boom! ! !

The blue breath and the black breath collided wildly, and the ground where the two were located was slightly split, and a distinct ring of shock spread around the two as the center.

The moment basketball hit the ground, Pan Chen jumped up, took the basketball and galloped toward the distance, then gently provoked it and shot again.

This time there was no obstruction from anyone. The basketball thrown by Pan Chen once again fell into the basket. The arc of the basketball flight was still very flat, but it still hit!

86:92, hit again. The score differs by only 6 points!

And who can resist the next three points of Pan Chen?

"This, how is it possible that he blocked Qingfeng's attack."

Jin Jixiang, who was standing not far away, saw Pan Chen and Qingfeng fighting at the moment, stealing Qingfeng's basketball and pulling up a three-pointer again, his face showed a terrified expression again, especially him Seeing Pan Chen's **** raised high in his right hand made him a little confused.

At this time, Pan Chen had retreated to the defense line and looked at Qingfeng calmly. His forehead did not even see a drop of sweat. In the runaway mode, he even had a terrible improvement in his physical strength, but Qingfeng was pale. The breath is also much weaker.

Pan Chen looked at Qing Feng and suddenly said, "Sorry, it seems that my strength is stronger."

"Really?" Qing Feng gasped. Indeed, his ball-handling skills were complex and varied and his hit rate was extremely high, but his physical quality was still a bit short of the opponent. Although the gap was not big, he still made him feel incredible. The strength is obviously weaker than the opponent, so he lost the basketball in the confrontation just now.

And the most terrible thing is that he feels that he can't maintain this state for long.

"The second goal is really the second goal. Will this guy really beat Qingfeng and defeat Emperor Hao?"

Seeing 3 minutes and 10 seconds left on the sidelines and a score of 86:92, Mentaru Oma was a little uncertain.

"Creat a miracle, maybe." Ryo Huangse also felt a little bit of this feeling at this time, because he could feel that the Emperor's players had already started to be nervous at this time.

"I think we have to defend Pan Chen with all our strength. We can no longer let the kid shoot easily. Next time the three of us quickly wrap him up. Now we can't let Cheng Rin get another three points." Tensed, and the head coach Qiu on the side of the court frowned, but this time it was not a good opportunity to call a timeout, because although he did not know what the situation was, he clearly felt Qingfeng ’s state at the moment was the best. , And now the game does not seem to have reached the last moment.

Then came Seongin's attack.

This time everyone knows what they are going to do, give Pan Chen a chance to make a three-pointer, or give Pan Chen a chance. Now the rest of the team must give Pan Chen a supporting role, and this is what they need to do.

Does Pan Chen really need them to play supporting roles?

Obviously, when Pan Chen just got the ball, they knew that there was no chance to play a supporting role. Pan Chen rushed towards the basket like a gust, and basketball was like a puppet in his hands. Sometimes Basketball obviously seems to have been transported, but Pan Chen was able to quickly catch up and catch the basketball.

When Pan Chen ran on the basketball court, Cheng Rin and a white figure also ran towards the front, but everyone's eyes were focused on Pan Chen, and he forgot the other people.

Although Vulcan knows that basketball falls into Pan Chen's hands, and with the touch and hit rate Pan Pan now shows, he will certainly shoot himself, but he still hasn't slowed down his speed, he is trying to catch Pan Chen In the footsteps, or trying to catch up with basketball and Pan Chen, one left and one right towards the Emperor Hao.

But Vulcan is very clear in his heart. This time, it is difficult for him to keep up with Pan Chen.

Watching Pan Chen carrying a basketball offensive, Qing Feng rushed head-on, he did not give up the game because of the gap in strength, but started a series of chases with Pan Chen again in the half of the emperor, but This time it was a few extra burdens. The other people in the emperor had no speed at all in front of Pan Chen.

It was completely a confrontation between the two, and obstacles became Pan Chen's chance.

He winded into the half of the emperor's half like a wind. When Qingfeng chased with himself, he once again regarded the emperor's player as a wall blocking Qingfeng, and then quickly shot a three-pointer!

The basketball just flew in front of everyone, and then jumped into the hoop without suspense.

"This kind of speed, this kind of hit rate" The emperor's head coach looks pale, and the strong people that the emperor trusts look so pale in front of Pan Chen's unreasonable speed, only Qingfeng can keep up Pan Chen's speed, but he has so much burden in front of him.

Qingfeng also realized this trick, he started to fight back

Two hits! ! He sprinted the ball directly at a high speed, deliberately entered the three-point line of Cheng Rin, used other people as obstacles, and then arbitrarily shuttled between them. The basketball was already in the basket after a throw.

Except for Pan Chen and Qing Feng at this moment, everyone else has become an obstacle, even supporting characters are not ..

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