The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 744: Reaching the North Sea

The blue sky is spotless and crystal clear in the clear autumn season. The blossoming clouds are reflected in the clear sea. The microwaves like fish scales and the turquoise sea water add the color of floating clouds.

The clear sky, like the endless calm blue sea, the intense white light beating in the air, like the microwave-red Jiaoyang rising from the sea surface adds a touch of color to the sunny day.

"It's beautiful!" Zhu Yeqing said, looking at the sea and sky ahead.

After hearing the words of Zhu Yeqing, the black bear and the lich giant looked at Zhu Yeqing, and then looked at the sea in front. The black bear and the lich giant felt that there is no good scenery here, all are the sea!

"Come on, we have to rush to Shenghai City after an hour." The six-eared macaque said to the black bear and the lich giant.

"Six ears, are you sure that the king will arrive at Shenghai City today?" Sheng Haiwang looked at the six-eared macaque slowly.

The six-eared macaque heard the words of the Holy Sea King slowly and said, "I am sure that the King will arrive at the Holy Sea King today, but I don't know when the King will arrive at the Holy Sea City today."

After hearing the six-eared macaque, Shenghaiwang said loudly: "No matter when the king will arrive at Shenghaiwang today, we must hurry up."

"Patriarch, why don't you and the Six-Ear Guardian, the Black Bear General, the Bamboo Leaf Green General, and the Lich General first rush back to the Holy Sea City, and I will take the others." The elders of the Sea Monster family slowly heard the words of the Six-Eared Macaque and the Holy Sea King. Said.

After hearing the words of the elders of the Kraken family, the Holy Sea King thought about it, and then said to the six-eared macaque: "Six ears, how do you think?"

The six-eared macaque said slowly after hearing the words of King Shenghai: "I agree with the proposal of the elders, but Zhu Yeqing and the black bear do not need to leave with us. After all, Zhu Yeqing still has injuries."

After hearing the six-eared macaque, Zhu Yeqing quickly said, "Six ears, the injuries on my body have been cured, and I must go back with you."

After hearing Zhu Yeqing's words, the six-eared macaque thought about it and then said to Zhu Yeqing: "Well, let's leave now." After the six-eared macaque said, he urged the mana to leave quickly.

Following the action of the six-eared macaque, the Lich Giant, Zhu Yeqing, and the Black Bear all quickly urged Mana to leave quickly. The Holy Sea King looked at Zhu Yeqing's back, and then said to the elders of the Kraken.

"Great elder, you take good care of the three brothers of Huli and Hu Liu, and I'm leaving." The elders of the Kraken heard the nod of the Holy Sea King, and then saw the Holy Sea King urge the mana to leave quickly.

Half an hour later, the five-eared macaque, the holy sea king, the lich giant, the bamboo leaf green, and the black bear appeared at the gate of the holy sea city. At this time, the seven elders of the sea monster family also happened to be at the gate of the holy sea city.

"Seven elders!" The holy king looked at the seven elders of the Kraken clan quickly.

"Patriarch!" The seven elders of the Kraken cried out as they watched the Queen of the Holy Sea.

"The Seven Elders, the King, Hu Huo, and the White Bone Immortals. Have they arrived?" The Holy Sea King walked to the Seven Elders of the Kraken, and said aloud.

"Here, the king has arrived." The seven elders of the Kraken said quickly after hearing the words of the Holy Sea King.

"What, the king has arrived, when did the king come, didn't it mean that the king brought a lot of demon soldiers and demon generals?" Shenghaiwang asked quickly after hearing the words of the seven elders of the sea monster family. The seven elders of the sea monster family heard the words of the Holy Sea King slowly and said: "The king they arrived one hour ago, and I do n’t know the others."

"Where is the king now?" The six-eared macaque asked quickly after hearing the words of the seven elders of the Kraken.

The seven elders of the sea monster family saw the six-eared macaque, the lich giant, the bamboo leaf green, and the black bear, and then saluted quickly. Then they said to the six-eared macaque: "The king, the Hu Hu general manager, the bones division, and a few general managers are discussing The main hall. "

The six-eared macaque heard the words of the seven elders of the sea monster family, and quickly said to the holy sea king, the lich giant, the bamboo leaf green, and the black bear: "Go, we will go to the meeting hall now!"

After the six-eared macaque finished speaking, it strode toward the meeting hall. Following the action of the six-eared macaque, the holy sea king, the lich giant, the bamboo leaf green, the black bear, and the seven elders and five members of the sea monster family also walked toward the meeting hall.

And when the six-eared macaque and others went to the meeting hall, Princess Bailian, Princess Halloween, the Seven Sisters of Spider, and Fourth Princess Ao Xinxin, they had also reached the North Sea, and it was only half an hour away from Shenghai City.

"Great elder, how long can we reach the Shenghai City?" Hu Liu asked the great elder of the Kraken.

After hearing the words of Hu Liu, the elders of the Kraken family thought about it and then said to Hu Liu: "We arrived at Shenghai City in about half an hour."

Hu Liu nodded after hearing the words of the elders of the Kraken family, and while Hu Liu was about to ask questions of the elders of the Kraken family, Huli quickly pushed Hu Liu and said loudly to Hu Liu.

"Hu Liu, look, see if it is Princess Bailian, Princess Halloween, Seven Spiders, and Fourth Princess Ao listen to them?"

Hu Liu froze when he heard Hu Li's words, and then looked in the direction of Hu Li's finger, and finally Hu Liu shouted, "Princess Bailian! Princess Bailian! Princess Bailian!"

Following Hu Liu's words, the three brothers of Huli and the fifth prince Ao Shuang also shouted.

"Princess Halloween! Princess Halloween! Princess Halloween ...!"

"Princess Bailian! Princess Bailian! Princess Bailian ...!"

"Four sisters! Four sisters! Four sisters ...!"

"Wait! Wait!" Ao Sisi said, looking at Princess Bailian, Princess Halloween, and the Seven Spiders.

"Ao listen to the heart, what's wrong, we're almost approaching Shenghai City." Princess Halloween said to the fourth princess Ao Xinxin.

The fourth princess Ao listened to the princess halloween, but said to the princess Bailian: "Listen to Bailian, did someone call us?"

Princess Bai Lian was surprised when she heard the fourth Princess Ao's words, and then she was ready to say something to the fourth Princess Ao, and just as Princess Bai Lian was going to speak, Princess Halloween suddenly said, "You hear, Bai Lian, there are people Calling us, this voice, this voice seems to be the voice of Hu Li command. "

"You listen, you listen, my five younger brothers are calling me!" The fourth princess Ao listened loudly to the princess Halloween.

Princess Bailian was surprised when she heard the words of Fourth Princess Ao Xinxin and Princess Halloween, because Princess Bailian didn't hear any sound at all, and when Princess Bailian was about to speak, several figures suddenly appeared in Princess Bailian's vision.

Princess Bai Lian looked at these figures and murmured, "Hu Liu, Hu Li, Lu Li, Yang Li, and Ao Twin!" ..

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