The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 785: Spread among the demon

The blue sky is spotless and crystal clear in the clear autumn season. The blossoming clouds are reflected in the clear sea. The microwaves like fish scales and the turquoise sea water add the color of floating clouds.

The clear sky, like the endless calm blue sea, the intense white light beating in the air, like the microwave-red Jiaoyang rising from the sea surface adds a touch of color to the sunny day.

Hundreds of Changhongs crossed the sky like a meteor, flowing fast. After a few moments, these hundreds of Changhongs flickered one by one, so they could not enter a giant island.

This giant island is the territory of the demon kingdom of the Ziyang Mountains in the North Sea. It is also the place where Pan Chen and the demon king under his command lived. Pan Chen didn't like to stay in the sea, so Hu Huo found a giant island for Pan Chen.

Now it has been three days since the founding banquet of the Nanxun Union Alliance. During these three days, all major forces of the demon race are preparing to attack the outskirts of Beiju Luzhou, because tomorrow the demon clan demon will attack. The outskirts of Luju, Beiju.

And just today, the brothers of the Bull Demon King, the three brothers of the Blue Lion, the ancestors of the Huangmei, the King of the Wolf, etc. received the invitation of Pan Chen. The King of the Devil, the Lion, the King of the Wolf, etc. did not know that Pan Chen invited them to do What, but they all came to the giant island after receiving Pan Chen's invitation.

In the largest palace on the island, the brothers of the Devil King, the three brothers of the Blue Lion, the ancestor of the Yellow Eyebrow, the King of the Wolf, Hu Huo, the Madam Bone, the six-eared macaque, and the King of the Holy Sea gathered together.

"Xiandi, I don't know what happened when you asked us to come?" Niu Mowang saw that the demon had not spoken, so he looked at Pan Chen sitting above, and then asked slowly to Pan Chen.

Pan Chen looked at the monsters after hearing the words of the Demon King, and then said to the monsters, "You guys, you should all know about the catastrophe of heaven and earth!"

After hearing Pan Chen ’s words, the Bull Demon King, the Blue Lion, the You Wolf King and others were all stunned, and then the Blue Lion said to Pan Chen: "Snow Wolf King, you should know this thing on the scene, after all, the Purple Tiger Demon Saint has already Spread this thing out. "

Pan Chen was stunned after hearing the words of the green lion, and then quickly said to the green lion: "Blue lion, you mean that the purple tiger demon saint spread the world's disaster."

After hearing Pan Chen's words, the Green Lion nodded and said to Pan Chen: "After the founding banquet of the Union of South African Territories and the Union, the events concerning the coming of the world and the world are spread among the major forces in the North Sea."

Pan Chen said slowly after hearing the blue lion's words: "Blue lion, why are you sure this thing was spread by the Purple Tiger Demon Saint?"

After hearing Pan Chen's words, the Green Lion froze for a moment, and then said to Pan Chen: "It's not that I am sure that this thing was spread by the Purple Tiger Demon Saint, and the demon clan all said so."

Pan Chen was shocked after hearing the words of the green lion. You Niu Demon looked at Pan Chen, and then said to Pan Chen: "Xiandi, do you doubt that this thing was not spread by the Purple Tiger Demon Saint?"

Pan Chen nodded after hearing the words of Niu Demon, and then said to Niu Demon, Qingshi, Youlang Wang and others: "I think this thing was not spread by Purple Tiger Demon Saint, because this thing spread out to Purple Neither the Tiger Demon Saint nor the South African Continent Union has any benefits. " Niu Mowang, Qingshi, Youlang Wang and others all froze after hearing Pan Chen ’s words, and then Niu Mowang quickly said to Pan Chen, "Xian Di, then you think this is Who spread it, and what purpose do they have? "

Pan Chen shook his head after hearing the words of Niu Demon, and then said to Niu Demon: "I ’m not sure who spread this thing, but now I want to know how the demon clan spread about the coming of the world. thing?"

After hearing Pan Chen ’s words, You Wolf King quickly said: “Snow Wolf King, the demon clan is now in the legend, the earth fairy world is coming to the world and the tribulation, as to when it will come, and where the demon clan demon does not know.”

Pan Chen thought about it after hearing the words of the king of the wolf, and then said to the demon king, the blue lion, the king of the wolf and others: "This thing must not be spread by the Purple Tiger Demon Saint. I think this thing is too white. Venus and Avalokitesvara spread out. "

After hearing Pan Chen's words, Qingshi thought about it and then said slowly to Pan Chen: "Snow Wolf King, why do you say Taibaijinxing and Guan Shiyin spread this thing?"

Pan Chen said slowly after hearing the words of the Green Lion: "Taibai Venus and Avalokitesvara have always wanted to provoke conflicts within the demon clan, and because the major forces of the demon clan have no supplies, they attacked the post-demon clan in the north of Luzhou The demon will conflict because of the materials.

But even if the demon clan monsters really conflict, this conflict will not be too big. After all, the major forces of the demon clan know that this is the calculation of Taibaijinxing and Avalokitesvara.

However, if the demon clan demon knows that the world disaster is coming, then you think that the major forces of the demon clan will make a big shot for the material. "

Niu Mowang heard Pan Chen's words and said aloud: "Taibai Venus and Avalokitesvara are really good calculations, but I don't understand what Taibai Jinxing and Avalokitesvara want to do?

Do you really just want to provoke inner conflict among the demon races? I don't think it's that simple. I think that Taibaijinxing and Avalokitesvara must have other purposes. "

Pan Chen nodded after hearing the words of Niu Demon King, and then said to Niu Demon King, Blue Lion, You Wolf King and others: "Of course, Taibai Venus and Avalokitesvara have other purposes, but I haven't thought of the specific purpose yet."

After hearing Pan Chen ’s words, the green lion nodded and said slowly to Pan Chen: “Snow Wolf King, since we do n’t know the purpose of Taibaijinxing and Avalokitesvara, then we have to be careful, I always feel like something big It's going to happen. "

After hearing the words of the Green Lion, the Devil King quickly said: "In fact, I have the same feeling, not only me, but also my several brothers have this feeling."

After hearing the words of the blue lion and the bull demon king, the ghost wolf quickly said, "I also have this feeling, and as far as I know the demon clan demon have such a feeling, because yesterday I talked to a few demon clan demon about this Thing. "

Pan Chen froze after hearing the words of the Blue Lion, Cow Demon King, and You Wolf King, and then said to the Cow Demon King, Blue Lion, You Wolf King, and others: "Do you know why I invited you over?"

After hearing Pan Chen ’s words, the Demon King, the Blue Lion, the Wolves King, and others froze, and then looked straight at Pan Chen. When Pan Chen saw all the demon looking at himself, he spoke to the demon again: "Brother, blue lion, ghost wolf king, I got a message, I guess it is because of this news that you will feel this uneasy feeling."

After hearing Pan Chen's words, Niu Mowang quickly said, "Brother Xian, what news did you get?" ..

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