The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 823: I'm just a little demon king

"This pub was opened by the Ziyang Qunshan demon country?" The fox demon was stunned when he heard the tiger demon's words, and then asked the tiger demon.

After hearing the words of the fox demon, the tiger demon slowly said: "Brother Fox, thousands of taverns in the Beihai sea area are opened by the demon country of the Ziyang Mountains, not only taverns. The demon country of the Ziyang mountains has also opened a demon city in the North Sea . "

The fox demon slowly said after hearing the tiger demon: "Brother Tiger, why did the Ziyang Qunshan demon country open a tavern, isn't Ziyang Qunshan demon country the first power of the demon clan?"

The tiger demon froze when he heard the fox demon, then said to the fox demon: "Is there anything to do with the tavern and the first power of the demon clan?"

"Well, it doesn't matter at all, it's just that I can't figure it out." The demon said slowly after hearing the demon's words.

The tiger demon smiled when he heard the fox demon, and then said to the fox demon: "The current demon clan is different from the previous demon clan. You should not have been to Dongsheng Shenzhou, if you went to Dongsheng God Zhou, you will know what the current demon clan looks like.

Dongsheng Shenzhou is the territory of the demon kingdom of the Ziyang Mountains, where the demon clan forces are more like human countries, there are demon clan forces where there are human kingdoms, and demon clan forces where there are no human kingdoms.

Did the demon race have a demon city hundreds of years ago? No, everything we want is exchanged with other little demon, and we dare not go anywhere at any time, because we are afraid of being killed by other demon forces, or fairy, Buddha, and human monks.

But now it's different. Now the Immortal Realm is our demon clan's territory. We go where we want, we won't be killed for no reason, and we can go to the demon market in exchange for other things.

We also do n’t need to stay in our cave house every day. We can come to the tavern to chat with other little demon and talk about what happened recently.

If we want something from the human kingdom, we do n’t have to go to the human kingdom, because there is something from the human kingdom in the demon city, but we ca n’t eat people now.

Especially in Dongsheng Shenzhou, the human kingdom of Dongsheng Shenzhou does not allow us to enter the demon clan, of course, humans are not allowed to enter our demon clan city, unless you are a human monk, you can enter our demon clan demon city.

If a demon clan eats people in Dongsheng Shenzhou, then Ziyang Qunshan Demon Kingdom will kill you. Do n’t think about escaping, because you ca n’t escape at all. You must obey the rules, or you will die miserably.

All human kingdoms in Dongsheng Shenzhou must also obey the orders of the Ziyang Qunshan Demon Kingdom, and they must also abide by the rules of the Ziyang Qunshan Demon Kingdom, and I heard that there are human monks under the Ziyang Qunshan Demon Kingdom. These human monks are the management Dongsheng Shenzhou all of the human kingdom. "

The fox demon was completely stunned after hearing the tiger demon's words. After a while, the fox demon said to the tiger demon: "Brother Hu, according to what you said, the power of the demon clan in Dongsheng Shenzhou is no different from that of the human kingdom. "

After hearing the words from the fox demon, the tiger demon slowly said: "There was no difference. You must know that the Ziyang Mountains can establish the demon kingdom. Why do you think the demon forces want to establish the demon kingdom now? After the forces established the demon clan kingdom, the demon clan power is the same as the human kingdom.

And after the establishment of the demon clan power, you can manage everything in the demon clan territory, and the demon clan alliance will support you, which means you do n’t need to be afraid of the heaven and the spirit mountain to condemn you. "

The fox demon was stunned after hearing the tiger demon's words, and then said to the tiger demon: "Brother Tiger, I don't understand what you mean. I want to know what is the essential difference between establishing the demon kingdom and not establishing the demon kingdom."

After hearing the words of the fox demon, the tiger demon thought about it, and then said to the fox demon: "The demon clan power has not established the demon clan kingdom, then it is also a demon clan force. You should not open the demon city, nor can you manage the land on your territory. In the kingdom of mankind, you can only manage the demon clan in your territory.

After the demon forces have established the demon kingdom, you can open the demon city and manage everything in your territory, and other demon forces cannot attack you. If other demon forces want to attack you, then You must get the consent of the Demon League. "

After hearing the words of the tiger demon, the fox demon thought for a while, and then said to the tiger demon: "Brother Tiger, can you speak in more detail? I still don't quite understand it."

The tiger demon smiled bitterly when he heard the fox demon, and then said to the fox demon: "Brother Fox, I'm just a little demon king. I don't know much. I don't know any specific things, but I know the establishment of demon State-owned has many advantages.

At present, there are only four demon clan kingdoms, that is, the Ziyang Qunshan demon kingdom, the accumulation mountain demon kingdom, the lion camel demon kingdom, and the Nanyuebeizhou Union also established their own demon kingdom more than a month ago. "

The fox demon nodded after hearing the tiger demon's words, and then said to the tiger demon: "Why hasn't the Tiens Alliance established a demon country? I heard that the Tiens Alliance is the top power of the demon clan, and now the top power of the demon clan is only the Ziyang group. Mountain Demon Kingdom, South Asian Continent Union, Tiens Union three forces.

The Ziyang Qunshan Demon Kingdom and the Nanxunbei Union have all established their own demon states. Even the accumulation of the mountain demon country and the lion camel demon country has established their own demon country. Why has n’t the Tiens Alliance established its own demon country? "

The tiger demon smiled bitterly when he heard the fox demon: "Brother Fox, I'm just a little demon king. I want to know the questions you asked!"

The fox demon smiled when he heard the tiger demon, and then said to the tiger demon: "Brother Tiger, I'm just curious. After all, I didn't know much about Beihai waters. Unlike you, I think you know many things."

The tiger demon smiled bitterly when he heard the fox demon: "Brother Fox, I'm just a little demon king. Everything I know is just what everyone knows."

The fox demon smiled when he heard the tiger demon, and then asked the tiger demon for other things. The fox demon seemed to be curious about everything. The tiger demon and the fox demon did n’t know each other for a long time. The demon only met the demon today.

The tiger demon felt that he and the fox demon had known each other for many years, so he didn't hide anything from the fox demon. As long as the tiger demon who the tiger demon knew told the fox demon, the two asked one question and a few hours passed.

The tiger demon was drunk, and when the tiger demon woke up, the fox demon disappeared, and the tiger demon seemed to have forgotten the fox demon. The tiger demon shook, and then left the tavern slowly to the cave of his own as usual. Too.

And when the tiger demon woke up, the fox demon flew towards the periphery of Beiju Luzhou, and the appearance of the fox demon has changed at this time. ..

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