The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 964: Transaction complete

The six-eared macaque got the news he wanted, and the six-eared macaque also completed the mission Pan Chen gave him. At this time, the six-eared macaque, the white elephant, the king of the wolf, the black bear, the white bear, and the king of Yu Taran all understood The general situation deep in Luju, Beiju.

The five demon, demon, demon dragon, demon wolf, and demon mouse also got the news they wanted, and the five demon, demon, demon dragon, demon wolf, and demon mouse were also able to guard the periphery of Beiju Luzhou. Resolve this crisis.

"Six-eared macaque, do you have anything else to ask?" Tian Mo slowly looked at the six-eared macaque.

The six-eared macaque shook his head after hearing the words of the demon. In fact, the six-eared macaque had many questions, but the six-eared macaque knew that these questions would not answer itself. Therefore, the six-eared macaque was not preparing to ask the demon.

"Tianmo, I have got the news I want, and I think you have got the news you want, so we can conclude this transaction." The six-eared macaque looked at Tianmo slowly and said slowly.

Tianmo smiled when he heard the six-eared macaque, then stopped the six-eared macaque that wanted to leave, and finally said to the six-eared macaque: "Six-eared macaque, our transaction can be ended, but I want to talk to you Ziyang The mountains demon country, the wolves family, accumulate mountain demon country, lion camel demon country cooperation. "

The six-eared macaque looked at the white elephant, the king of the wolf, the black bear, the white bear, and the king of marry Yu after hearing the words of the demon, and then said to the demon: "Tianmo, we are the demon kingdom of the mountains of Ziyang, the family of the wolves, the accumulation of demon Kingdom, Shituoling Demon Kingdom is not ready to cooperate with you.

We Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom, You Wolf Clan, accumulation Mountain Demon Kingdom, Shituoling Demon Kingdom are demon forces, so we will not help you against the Tiens League and the South Union Alliance. "

Tianmo smiled when he heard the six-eared macaque, and then the six-eared macaque said, "Six-eared macaque, I am not going to let you fight against the Tiens Alliance and the South African Union.

I just want to cooperate with you, the Ziyang Qunshan Demon Kingdom, the You Wolf family, the accumulation of Mountain Demon Kingdom, and the Shituoling Demon Kingdom. I believe we have many places to cooperate with. "

The six-eared macaque didn't speak after hearing the words of the demon, and looked at the white elephant, the king of the wolf, the black bear, the white bear, the five kings of Yu Ta, and the king of the wolf saw the six-eared macaque looked at himself, so he faced the six-eared macaque Shook his head.

The action of the Wolves King also saw the Demon King. After seeing the actions of the Wolves King, the Devil said to the Wolves King: "The World Tribulation is about to come, and the World Tribulation will come to Beiju Luzhou, so I think we can Cooperate with some things, You Wolf King, what do you think? "

After hearing the words of Heavenly Demon, the King of the Wolf was surprised for a while. The King of the Wolf did not expect that the Heavenly Demon would ask himself. After the Heavenly Demon finished speaking, the King of the Wolf said to the Heavenly Demon: "Heaven, we are too dangerous to cooperate with you. After all, we are now demon The clan and your mutant monster clan are at war. "

After hearing Demon Wolf King ’s words, Heavenly Devil was going to say something, and just as Heavenly Demon was going to speak, the six-eared macaque said to Heavenly Demon: "Heavenly, we will not cooperate with you, and we ca n’t do this thing. Lord, we need to report to our king! "

After hearing the six-eared macaque, Tianmo thought about it, and then said to the six-eared macaque: "Six-eared macaque, the reason why you are unwilling to cooperate with us, are you afraid of the news?"

The six-eared macaque nodded after hearing the words of the demon, and then said to the demon: "Tianmo, you guessed it right. If the news of our cooperation with you is known by the forces of the demon clan, then we can't bear the consequences."

Tianmo smiled when he heard the six-eared macaque, and then said the six-eared macaque: "Six-eared macaque, if you and our exchange of information are known by the forces of the demon clan, can you bear the consequences?"

The six-eared macaque smiled after hearing the words of the demon, and then said to the demon: "Tianmo, do you think the major forces of the demon clan will believe this?

If this matter is really known by the major forces of the demon clan, then in order to prove our innocence, our Ziyang mountains demon country, the ghost wolf family, the accumulation of mountain demon country, and the lion camel demon country will definitely attack Beijulu Continent. "

After hearing the six-eared macaque, Tianmo's face changed, and then said to the six-eared macaque: "Six-eared macaque, if the snow wolf king knows this matter, what will happen?"

The six-eared macaque laughed a few words after hearing the words of the demon, and then said to the devil: "Tianmo, do you think my king doesn't know about this matter? Without my king's order, would we dare to exchange messages with you?"

After hearing the six-eared macaque, Tianmo's face changed again, and then said to the six-eared macaque: "Six-eared macaque, it seems that you have already been prepared, isn't it?"

The six-eared macaque nodded after hearing the words of the demon, and then said to the devil: "Tianmo, can we meet you to prepare something?

Heavenly Devil, you said that if we exchange messages with your Demon Lord and the mutant monster clan in the depths of Beiju Luzhou, what consequences will you have? "

After hearing the six-eared macaque, Tianmo sneered a few times, and then said to the six-eared macaque: "Six-eared macaque, do you think our devil does not know about this?"

The six-eared macaque didn't say anything after hearing the words of the demon, but didn't know what to think about. The six-eared macaque thought that this was the demon's own action, and the demon of the mutant demon did not know.

But now it is obvious that the demon of the mutant demon clan knows, and since the demon of the demon mutant clan knows this, why would the demon of the mutant demon clan agree?

Why should the demon lord of the mutant demon cite the news from the depths of Beiju Luzhou to himself and others? What is the meaning of cooperation? Is it the meaning of the devil itself, or is it the meaning of the mutant demon devil?

All the six-eared macaques don't know about it. The six-eared macaques feel that this news must be told to Pan Chen, Hu Huo, Mrs. White Bone, etc. In fact, more than six-eared macaques think of these things. Five people, Bai Xiong and Yu Tao, also thought of these things.

The demon, demon, demon dragon, demon wolf, and demon mouse also understood some things from the six-eared macaque, and the people who were present for a while did not speak.

After a quarter of an hour, the six-eared macaque, the white elephant, the king of the wolf, the black bear, the white bear, and the king of the king of marry slowly left the forest. The six-eared macaque did not stop them from leaving.

After the six-eared macaque, white elephant, king of the wolf, black bear, white bear, and king of the king of martial arts left the forest completely, the five demon, demon, dragon, demon wolf, and demon rat also left the forest. . ..

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