The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1484: Intervening in the internal affairs of the Dragon Palace continued

Taibai Venus and Avalokitesvara want the four brothers of the East Sea Dragon King, South Sea Dragon King, West Sea Dragon King, and North Sea Dragon King to know the secret alliance between the Four Sea Dragon Palace and the Beiju Luzhou Mutant Demon Race.

The reason why Taibai Venus and Avalokitesvara thought about the East Sea Dragon King, South Sea Dragon King, West Sea Dragon King, and North Sea Dragon King four brothers knew about the secret alliance between the Four Sea Dragon Palace and the Beiju Luzhou Mutated Demon Race.

That's because Taibai Venus and Avalokitesvara want the mutant monsters of the Four Seas Dragon Palace and Beiju Luzhou to drag the footsteps of the three forces of the Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom, Tiens Alliance, and Nanyuezhou Alliance.

If the old dragons of the Four Seas Dragon Palace concealed the secret alliance between the Four Seas Dragon Palace and the Beiju Luzhou Mutated Demon Race from the four brothers of the East Sea Dragon King, South Sea Dragon King, West Sea Dragon King, and North Sea Dragon King.

So it means that it is not the Sihai Dragon Palace that secretly aligns with the Beiju Luzhou mutant demon clan, and the old dragons of the Sihai Dragon Palace, this is what Taibaijinxing and Guan Shiyin do not want to see.

Although the secret alliance between the old dragons of the Four Seas Dragon Palace and the mutant monster clan of Beiju Luzhou can also drag the footsteps of the three forces of the Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom, Tiens Alliance, and Nanyuezhou Alliance.

But this is not what Taibai Venus and Avalokitesvara want, what Taibai Venus and Avalokitesvara want is the mutated demon clan of the Four Seas Dragon Palace and Beiju Luzhou that drags on the Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom, the Tiens Alliance, and the Nanyubuzhou Alliance. pace.

Rather than the old dragons of the Four Seas Dragon Palace and the mutant monsters of Beiju Luzhou, they dragged the footsteps of the three forces of the Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom, Tiens Alliance, and Nanyuezhou Alliance.

Although the old dragons of the Four Seas Dragon Palace can represent the Four Seas Dragon Palace, the influence of the four brothers of the East Sea Dragon King, South Sea Dragon King, West Sea Dragon King, and North Sea Dragon King in the Four Sea Dragon Palace is also great.

It is said that the four brothers of East Sea Dragon King, South Sea Dragon King, West Sea Dragon King, and North Sea Dragon King also have certain influence in the demon clan and the North Sea area.

If the four brothers of the East Sea Dragon King, South Sea Dragon King, West Sea Dragon King, and North Sea Dragon King can be involved, then the mutant monsters of the Four Seas Dragon Palace and Beiju Luzhou will drag the footsteps of the three forces of the Ziyang Mountains, the Tiens League, and the South Union Ministry. Things, Taibai Jinxing and Avalokitesvara will not worry about it.

Of course, there is another point that Taibaijinxing and Avalokitesvara don't trust the old dragons of the Four Seas Dragon Palace. After all, what is the character and behavior style of the old dragons of the Four Seas Dragon Palace, Taibaijinxing and Avalokitesvara are very clear.

Compared with the old dragons of the Four Seas Dragon Palace and the East Sea Dragon King, the South Sea Dragon King, the West Sea Dragon King, the North Sea Dragon King four brothers, Taibai Jinxing and Guan Shiyin trust the East Sea Dragon King, South Sea Dragon King, West Sea Dragon King, North Sea Dragon King four brothers more.

This is not to say that the four brothers of East Sea Dragon King, South Sea Dragon King, West Sea Dragon King, and North Sea Dragon King are trustworthy, but that the East Sea Dragon King, South Sea Dragon King, West Sea Dragon King, North Sea Dragon King four brothers have no guts to play and calculate Taibaijinxing, Guan Shiyin.

Of course, the thoughts and considerations of Taibai Jinxing and Avalokitesvara, Aojin didn't know about the secret alliance between the Sihai Dragon Palace and the Beiju Luzhou Mutant Demon Race.

Ao Jin, Ao Ling, Ao Jiao, and Ao Qinglong did not intend to conceal the four brothers of East Sea Dragon King, South Sea Dragon King, West Sea Dragon King, and North Sea Dragon King.

Although Aojin, Ao Ling, Ao Jiao and Ao Qinglong did not intend to conceal the four brothers of East Sea Dragon King, South Sea Dragon King, West Sea Dragon King and North Sea Dragon King.

But Ao Jin, Ao Ling, Ao Jiao, and Ao Qinglong did not want the four brothers of East Sea Dragon King, South Sea Dragon King, West Sea Dragon King, and North Sea Dragon King to know too much.

Aojin is now angry that Taibaijinxing and Guan Shiyin are involved in the internal affairs of the Four Seas Dragon Palace, and the secret alliance between the Four Seas Dragon Palace and the Beiju Luzhou Mutant Demon Clan is inside the Four Seas Dragon Palace.

The secret alliance between the Sihai Dragon Palace and the Beiju Luzhou Mutant Demon Clan tells whether to tell the East Sea Dragon King, the South Sea Dragon King, the West Sea Dragon King, and the North Sea Dragon King four brothers are also things inside the Four Sea Dragon Palace.

These things Taibai Jinxing and Avalokitesvara should not intervene or ask, but Taibai Jinxing and Avalokitesvara asked, and Aojin answered after thinking for a while.

But Taibai Jinxing and Guan Shiyin still persuaded Aojin, which made Aojin a little angry, and also made Aojin feel that Taibai Jinxing and Guan Shiyin were involved in the internal affairs of the Dragon Palace.

"Taibai Venus, Avalokitesvara, the secret alliance between our Four Seas Dragon Palace and the Beiju Luzhou Mutant Demon Race, is something inside our Four Seas Dragon Palace, you don't need to know, and you can't intervene.

As for the secret alliance between our Four Seas Dragon Palace and the Beiju Luzhou Mutant Demon Clan, do we need to tell the East Sea Dragon King, South Sea Dragon King, West Sea Dragon King, North Sea Dragon King four brothers, I will discuss with Ao Ling, Ao Jiao, Ao Qinglong.

You don't need to intervene, everything will wait for me and Ao Ling, Ao Jiao and Ao Qinglong to discuss, and I will talk to Ao Ling, Ao Jiao and Ao Qinglong. "Aojin looked at Taibaijinxing and Avalokitesvara, then said to Taibaijinxing and Avalokitesvara.

Taibai Jinxing and Guan Shiyin frowned after hearing Aojin's words, then Taibai Jinxing and Guan Shiyin looked at each other, and finally Taibai Jinxing said to Aojin.

"Ao Jin, the secret alliance between your Sihai Dragon Palace and Beiju Luzhou Mutant Demon Clan is not a trivial matter, although the secret alliance between your Sihai Dragon Palace and Beiju Luzhou Mutant Demon Clan needs to be kept secret.

But the secret alliance between your Sihai Dragon Palace and Beiju Luzhou Mutant Demon Clan can hide the four brothers of East Sea Dragon King, South Sea Dragon King, West Sea Dragon King, and North Sea Dragon King.

Although the four brothers of East Sea Dragon King, South Sea Dragon King, West Sea Dragon King, and North Sea Dragon King are no longer managing the Four Sea Dragon Palace, do you know the influence of the four East Sea Dragon King, South Sea Dragon King, West Sea Dragon King, and North Sea Dragon King brothers on the Four Sea Dragon Palace?

Beiju Luzhou's mutant demon tribe wants to form an alliance with your four-sea dragon palace, not to say that Beiju Luzhou's mutant demon tribe wants to form an alliance with you, as well as Ao Ling, Ao Jiao and Ao Qinglong. "

"Ao Jin, Tai Bai Jin Xing and I are not prepared to intervene in the internal affairs of your Four Seas Dragon Palace. Tai Bai Jin Xing and I are just your suggestions." Guan Shiyin thought after hearing Tai Bai Jin Xing, and then said to Ao Jin.

Aojin sneered after hearing the words of Taibai Jinxing and Avalokitesvara, and then looked at Taibai Jinxing and Avalokitesvara. Finally, Aujin said to Taibai Jinxing and Avalokitesvara.

"Taibai Venus, Avalokitesvara, Ao Ling, Ao Jiao, and Ao Qinglong can represent the Four Seas Dragon Palace, Beiju Luzhou's mutant demon and I, as well as Ao Ling, Ao Jiao, and Ao Qinglong are all in alliance. Allied with the Four Seas Dragon Palace.

I believe you should be clear about this, and the mutant demon clan in Beiju Luzhou should also be clear. If the mutant demon clan in Beijuluzhou is unclear, then you can tell the mutant demon clan in Beijuluzhou. "..

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