The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1721: On a gold-like shell [Six million words Wang Wang, please kill]

"Go and see if that person has a problem."

Zhimei sat on the gold-like shell of Tudun, tapped gently, and said.

"The Xuan Yin inside the body should be exactly the same as the person who was blocked by the master last time! And it is stronger than that person."

The cool breeze swept across the horizon, and it was that biting on this cold night.

The witch's thick mane danced wildly in the wind, and his eyes were sharp and sharp. He restrained his enemies and guarded the enemies around him, ready to issue a thunder strike at any time to kill a way to let his partners escape.


In the quiet night, the ear of the man who was stabbed by the slow sound of pulling a knife hurt.

The man who drew the sword stood in front of the witch wolf, and the short knife in his hand swallowed the vicious gas, and the murderous rushed out without concealment. It looked like it was like a murderous creature enduring bloodthirsty. Impulse.

For a time, dozens of other people took out their weapons. At this moment, only the violent murderous Witch Wolf and others could not bear it.


Witch Wolf, Tiekui and Hunting Prison, at the same time, burst out of a wild atmosphere that only belonged to the **** beast. Although the outbreak of the momentum is still slightly immature, not as strong as the witch wolf, but it can also compete with these murderous.

"Woo ~"

A wind swept across, and the Witch Wolf was swept away by a violent whip leg before he could react.

Tie Kui was shocked. They can't even see the speed of the other party, it's too fast!


The wolf wobbled hard from the ground, and an angry, low growl came out of his mouth.

The man was dark, not seeing it as if it had merged with the dark space. Tie Kui and the Hunting Prisoner knew that he was standing in front of them without moving.

This is strong self-confidence and contempt for opponents. He believes that even if they stand in front of Tiekui, they are not his opponents.

Tiekui and the Hunting Prisoner discovered at the moment that they could not be separated dynamically. The air pressure, which weighed as much as ten thousand, actually suppressed yourself unconsciously, and the heavy pressure will appear as soon as you move it.

This is an unbeatable battle

After looking at the witch wolf with a provocative look, the man turned to face Tu Dun and Zhimo. He walked step by step, the knife in his hand seemed to be breathing and excited. His murderous intentions are directed towards Tu Dun and Zhimo without concealment.

"you dare!"

The mane of the witch wolf transformed into a life-long ink armor, and sharp arms were put on his limbs.

"Space storm."

At this time, the wolf wolf seemed to have stood up, and he attacked violently against the void space, and the void space broke a x.

The witch wolf opened the big mouth of the blood basin, and the irresistible attraction violently extracted the energy in the broken space. He didn't swallow that energy, but stopped at a distance of one meter from his body.

This is violent energy, and there has been some disorder since the appearance of this space aura.

The man stopped and watched with interest, without interrupting him.

The energy kept flowing out of the witch wolf was exhausting, and it had to be brought together. The figure standing up from him twitched these energies and caused it to spin into a storm.


The witch wolf is very difficult to complete this trick. The storm can be two meters, and although small, it is enough to tear a cultivator into pieces. The figure on his body came out and melted into the storm, driving the storm to attack the enemy.

The man turned and fled, and instantly returned to the crowd he belonged to. Despite this, he was wiped into some bodies by the storm, and his body was suddenly blushed with blood.

But the man seemed to feel nothing and did not deal with it at all.

"Woo ~"

The storm is under control, consciously attacking, and killing the enemy quickly.

Suddenly dozens of sounds began to dodge through the entire void. The sky is full of silhouettes.

Intuition tells the witch wolf that every step that those people take has a special taste. This time he focused on these figures very deliberately, slowly their movements slowed down in the eyes of the witch wolf.

The witch wolf found that every step they walked was connected with the previous one, and different people walked through each cloth repeatedly.

"They are sealing, stop them."

Fire Phoenix didn't know when he left this battlefield. At the moment, he was in the sky thousands of miles, opened the flame flame, and clearly saw the movement of the figure below. This was not even discovered by the Wolves.


As the enemy focused on doing other things, the prisoner of hunting and Tie Kuimeng shocked, opened the cage, two fierce and shaped energy directed at Xiaohan.

"Tutun defense, fire phoenix observation, wisdom charm find gaps, launch attacks, can't let them complete the seal! Shock!"

The witch wore a deep drink. The hunting prisoner crawled down and Tiekui stomped on the ground. A pit appeared immediately. Tiekui could jump up to 30 meters high.


The witch wolf snarled low, quickly rushed towards the hunting prisoner, and stepped on his back. The prisoner hunted fiercely, bouncing the witch wolf like a trampoline, and was as tall as Tiekui.

Tiekui grabbed the witch wolf, as if standing in the air, spinning violently, turning into a spinning top. He threw the witch wolf out of the rotating energy.


The wolf roared angrily, and his armor changed again. The shape of the witch wolf turned into a peerless magical soldier, transformed into a knife, and split straight into the void.

The energy of the three people superimposed, making the attack of the witch wolf violent and rapid. The violent sound burst out, and the shocking life hurts.


The Divine Soldier made a fierce stab at the void, as if he had chopped it on a weapon of the same level as it could not break through.

Witch Wolf was not willing to slant up again, but the offensive was less than half of the previous one. The energy stacked by the three of them was exhausted as early as the first blow.

"Throw me."

The witch wolf was exhausted, and his body began to fall at a rapid speed. The hunting prisoner sipped and rushed to Tiekui not far away. Tie Kui threw him up.

The energy of upsweeping and falling is against, and the hunting prisoner firmly catches the witch wolf.

"Try again! Let Storm and I attack there just now."

Wu Lang said unwillingly.


Tu Dun said softly, and could not hear the taste.

Dozens of enemies landed and stood again in the form of siege. A light yellow seal knot appeared. Wulang and others are isolated from the storm, the seal Kuang Kuang is like a cube, while Wulang and others are inside the cube.

The man injured by the storm attack came out again.

This time he didn't cover up, the turbulent energy hit and turned into a visible air wave. His speed is extremely fast, hiding in the dark like a teleport.

Tu Dun opened his defense in the first time, but he couldn't even hold his punch, and the defense was broken. The moment he punched in the right hand, the knife in his left hand struck the attack towards Zhimei.

This powerful and outrageous knife broke through the seventy-nine defenses arranged in a hurry.

Tu Dun presumably knew that he was not the opponent of that man, leaving countless defensive barriers in the space to resist and quickly back away.


A soft sound came from above Tu Dun, originated from Zhimei. She was hurt by the man's knife, and there was a wound cut across the forehead with bones deep. "Ah!" Zhimei suddenly screamed in pain.

All of this happened in an instant, and the wolves and others did not react.


The witch wolf turned into a ghost, the white smooth mane turned into a black flame, and the whole body was black.

He appeared behind the man in one step. Since the last time they observed their movements, the witch wolf has barely been able to see the movements of the enemy.

Hunter Prisoner and Tiekui also started the second state of speed, chased up from different directions and judged his next step.


A light whistle came from the sky, and a fireball went straight to the seal. Ferociously hit the place where the witch wolf just attacked. Suddenly, the whole seal Kuang Kuang was surrounded by black flames and blood red flames, and was stuck to burn.

Tu Dun continued to lay defenses to stop the man from attacking. Every time he makes a stop, there will be a fire on the ground to block it. The wolves and others could not catch up, and could only hurry.

Just then, the man stopped suddenly. He seemed tired.

"Wanlong Lock."

Tu Dun does not want to give up this opportunity. This was an attacking move, but he used it as a defense. He even made three knots in the space knot and locked him in it.

Suddenly, the man stood with a horse step, stretched out his hands flat, and the knife in his left slashed to the right. The bright red blood suddenly splashed out.

He made a small seal. The wolf suddenly felt a creepy feeling, and his back was cold.


He shouted, there will be a violent form.

Pan Chen had told Hunting Prisoner and Tie Kui before he left. If there is a Wolverine rage on the road, it must be suppressed immediately, otherwise it will lose its temperament. This is also the "sequelae" of Yin Shen's first gift of blood.

"Baba Baba"

Thousands of blood swords opened the gap of Tulong's Wanlong lock and killed Xiang Zhimei. It's like arrow rain.


Zhi Mei mourned, and all the arrows of rain stabbed her. The flower of life suddenly withered.

"You are going to die!"

The witch wolf raised a black ghost fire all over his body and turned into a cloak. At this time, he had only a huge pair of blood pupils exposed.

The witch wolf is furious and enters a **** rage state. The black in the night of the underworld seemed to be white before the witch wolf. At this moment, his erupted ability was five times more trance.

Ming Yan passed through the barrier silently and came to the enemy, surrounded from all sides, trying to kill him.

But the man also burst out with a stronger energy than before, and raised his hand to expand a barrier to block and block the enmity. He put away the knife and stepped in front of the wolf wolf, and a whip that spurred the sonic boom was pulled towards the wolf wolf.

The strength of the witch wolf has improved, and he can naturally see his movements, but his body speed has not yet adapted. Although the whip leg passed him, the enemy's leg wind hurt him. The blue blood is like an instant blooming flower, floating

"As a leader, you can't know your subordinates, you can't control your own strength, and you can't calmly and quickly make combat deployments. Then what is your face and ability to be a leader!"

The enemy seemed angry than the witch wolf, this was the first time the enemy spoke. His voice is so cold, if Han Penetrates the soul of others to break his ice, he is an emotionless war killing machine:

"These naive mistakes will only push your subordinates into the abyss of death. Instead of letting you live them, it is better that you die them. I will judge today!"

His attack has never stopped, and there is no **** soldier in his hand, but he is sharper than the **** soldier. The serial whip legs are violently perverted, and their shape changes as they wish.

At this moment his murderousness was no longer restrained like an eruption in the raging waters, and the impact obliterated the witch wolf.

His cold voice reached the spirit of the witch wolf and touched his nerves, and unconsciously he glanced at the body of Zhimo. It is no longer the white fox lying there, but a woman, a woman with a human taste.

The witch wolf was stunned: When was Zhimo replaced? Where is she real person? Is everything my fault? I killed Asong! I killed Zhimo!

The enemy's fierce attack hit the body of the witch wolf, and the blue blood covered the entire body of his body like running water, but he seemed to be unconscious, not resisting or defending.




The three Tiekui roared with outrage, and they were full of anger. They were locked by dozens of people and could not move at all. They were struggling to resist and rescue the Wolves.

"Chi charm is still alive! As long as there is hope, we can't give up. Let's save Zhi charm together. You still have us! And us!"

"Boom, boom, boom!"

The fire phoenix was outside the space knot, he turned into a huge fireball, and the space around his body was extremely dry by his flame.

The Fire Phoenix roared and whined in a low voice. Although he was born **, these flames belong to his power sooner or later, but such a powerful flame is still beyond his control. Fire Phoenix is ​​hitting with his life to save his companions.

I still have them! I still have my partner! The spirit of the witch wolf awakened in the fallen abyss, he kept thinking and struck the cage to rebirth. He soared into the fallen abyss, and the witch wolf was about to smash the world!

"my buddy!"

A whistling sound came from the body of the witch wolf, and his eyes gradually recovered, as if the light was on.


The roar shook nine days and ten places. Hunting Prison, Fire Phoenix and other four people were protected by a soft defensive cover in advance.

The earth-shattering howling directly shattered the space knot and reached the entire square. Billions of souls surrendered under the whistle and shouted with them, as if to celebrate again.

"Seven years"

"Do you think he is awake? The spirit element in Dao's heart has been extinguished by nearly a quarter, and the spiritual power has leaked seriously. This kind of injury cannot be cured in this way. Only pray."

Very strange sounds were heard deep in the dark space, with excitement and sigh.

"Those who perpetrate my heavenly prestige, though far away, will be blamed!"

The wolf wolf's past-life soul Ghost Stone appeared. He wore armor and his sword stood between the sky and the earth, and the earth shivered with a long roar.

The ghost inflammation on the witch wolf has not disappeared, but the blood-red eyes turned into a round of Yin and Yang reincarnation pupils, although it was dim, but it showed its magical power. ..

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