The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1726: Pluto Order is here! [Six million words Wang Wang, seek to slaughter]


Feng Qing stretched out his hand, trying to catch the leaving back, but was blocked by the space blockage of Sanshengjue. The cry was a smile that made her feel at ease.

"The Pluto Order is here! I won't wait until this time!"

The true power output in the hands of the hunting prisoners has increased by nearly twice the speed. The suppression of the witch wolf is obviously not working. The angry roar is coming out of the ground. They seem to be breaking away from the shackles. The witch wolf's repression seemed a little bit overwhelming. The energy support required by Pluto Order is like a bottomless hole like a water pump, madly swallowing the true power of the prisoner, like playing to drain him.

"Yuyan Claws, disillusioned quickly!"

The witch wolf came up with a lore and attacked the hunting prisoner, showing his position and determination. I saw a pair of black magic flames rising up and burning all the hands of the witch wolf, and wrapped their arms tightly. It looked like a pair of ghost images of the expansion of the witch wolf body. It looks like a pair of fierce ghost claws.

The witch wolf moves, and all of a sudden the sky is full of claw shadows. Wherever the claw passes, it will absorb the strong energy of the wind, and the two will be combined into a purposeful attack on the hunting prisoner with the burning fiery flame that burns everything.


Even the innumerable souls of the underworld martyrs blessed the earth and could not stop the attack that the wolf wolf carried with the underworld world road. The huge explosion sound burst into the ears, but only a little light dust started.


Tiekui and others shouted eagerly. The speed of the witch wolf was too fast just now, and Tu Dun had no chance to open the protective shield. Moreover, the hunting prisoners were originally guarded in the middle by their own people. They didn't know how the wolf wolf came, and when they looked back, a violent explosion had appeared. I can't help but think about it.

"Don't force me to shoot."

The witch wolf turned his back to the crowd, and the white clothes spread out in the wind, hunting and hunting. His voice is no longer plain, but indifferent, without any emotional indifference.

The dust settled and the figure of the hunting prisoner appeared in the field. At this time, it was already clear that he was not injured, but the ground within 10 meters around the body had disappeared. He was helpless as if he were standing on a remote island looking around the ocean. The present is also very weak due to the provision of Pluto order. None of Fang Cai ’s attacks hit him.

"Why ?! Why three years will make you look like this! What did the woman eat for you!"

Tu Dun shouted loudly, his faint sorrow came out of his voice. At this moment, he had become a dragon and tortoise about twenty to thirty feet long, watching the witch wolf with lantern-like eyes, as if he was about He sees through. The space became illusory because of his real body, as if he had been completely controlled by him.

"Go. Don't force me to shoot."

Wu Lang still said indifferently with his hands in his pockets without any emotion.

"We are brothers who have been together since birth. It's no match for a human woman! Witch wolf, have you ever thought that she might be using you!"

Fire Phoenix was also angry and turned into a real body. A thirty-foot-long phoenix that burned heaven and **** appeared, and the heaven and earth suddenly burst into flames, exuding extremely hot temperatures. The shadowy wind was burned into nothingness within 20 meters of its body radius.

"I don't believe you have changed, why on earth?"

"I don't believe me either."

Tie Kui and the Hunting Prisoners did not turn into real incarnations. The four watched the Wolves tightly, as if they wanted to see some clues. But they were disappointed, and they couldn't see any difference from the eyes of the celestial god.

Wolves originally rushed into Tiekui's standing point, and now they have been surrounded by four of them. The outlying ghost soldiers have also crawled out of the crackdown and are looking at Feng Qing with hot eyes.

"Your eyes have seen it, I haven't changed, it's you. With one of his orders, you can use the Pluto order on me. Ha ha, what else can I say? Really think I won't kill you! "

It was n’t you who initiated the attack first, but it was still questioned by the end. What is Pluto Order? It not only represents the identity of Pluto, but if it is fully activated to launch an attack, it will be equal to half of Pluto!

Think about it, how strong are the five Pluto Kings who succeeded Qin Guangwang and Chujiang Wang? Aside from the success of the crossover, the remaining five are only half the length of their fingers compared to theirs. Although they can no longer be promoted, they are now the strongest people underground today! In half, you can easily kill Wolves countless times.

Now the Wolves don't want to explain more, only to fight.

"Where is that shield bullshit, it is you who want to fight, and you who don't fight!"

"Yuyan Claws, the ultimate destruction!"

The witch wolf took the lead in attacking. Thousands of claw shadows quickly and madly attacked from all directions, almost to the point of incomprehension. Every hand grasped as if condensed by thousands of sprites. They pass through the barrier of space, rush in and out directly from the void, and attack the Quartet Beast, making people undefeated. The attack power is also several times that of the previous blow.

Seeing the aggressive attack, the hunting prisoner hurriedly swallowed a pill, and the energy in the body was instantly replenished. This was given by Pan Chen, and he only had three. The four incarnations of the real creatures exhibited all their strengths. Because the witch wolf is a fusion of the Hades of the Underworld, although it is only sporadic fragments, it is not what they can resist now. A moment of uncontrollable dignity rose up.

After a long time, the Four Divine Beasts were a little surprised. These ghost claws never seemed to end, and they could not be destroyed. It's not a waste of time now.

"Nine Nether Nether Flame!"

Black flames and green flames rose from the underworld and controlled by Fire Phoenix. When the space meets fire, the cracked Saint-order master comes and must be burned to death. This is not pure Nine Nether Nymphs, and the level of this flame does not reach the Nine Nether level. This kind of power can be issued. I can imagine how terrifying it really will be.


Tu Dun took advantage of the moment when the ghost claw was shaken by himself to form a fingerprint, this space began to collapse, and countless pieces of debris took the ghost claw and ran it into the unknown space. At this moment, he used the turbulent flow that appeared at the moment to launch an attack to resist the strongest ghost claws.

These are all forbidden techniques. They are the forbidden techniques that they have carried since their birth. Tie Kui and the Hunting Prisoners are no exception. At the same time, the hunting prisoner also issued a command with the Pluto order, and ordered the ghost soldiers to attack Feng Qing.

"Thousands destroyed!"

The wolf has been holding the fingerprints and then directed the orderly attack of these ghost claws. At this moment, his fingerprints once again condensed, and the non-ghost claws that had originally fought against the Four Divine Beasts suddenly exploded. Rolling in, the momentum is huge, they are like warriors of witch wolves.


A roaring and roaring battle with the ghost soldiers summoned by the hunting prisoners.

"Everything changes, all hands are empty!"

This move is too powerful, and the Witch Wolf ca n’t control it. Although it has the most effect, it also makes his blood surging. At the same time, he is still afraid that Feng Qing will be injured by shock. Strong, not daring to try the law. When the fingerprints changed again, the tsunami-like impact of the avenue like a retrograde time went back and forth. Five ghosts of about forty or fifty feet appeared, four hostile four gods, and one tightly caught Feng Qing. Live and protect.

"Cloud! You will be injured if you melt into the avenue again. Let them take me away."

Feng Qing couldn't bear to see the wolf wolf injured. At the moment, a trace of blood appeared in the corner of his mouth, colorful, that was the original blood.

"Nonsense! Rest assured I'm fine."

The witch wolf distracted. That colorful source of blood was caused by the inability to fully control the impact of Dadao. Unexpectedly, he touched his "Dao Xin" at that moment, where there was already a terrible injury, so this caused him to shed a source of blood.

"Wolf, close it, although we are not your opponents under Hades Avenue, but if you attack like this, you will"

Fire Phoenix dissuaded again, and his voice was full of sorrow. But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the Wolves.

"The battle has just begun."

The four ghost claws seem to have eyes, and they are staring at them with a staring, **** smell of evil. The Four Divine Beasts have noticed, and seeing this can't help but make people chill.

The ever-changing, hundreds of hands are virtual. In fact, this wolf wolf won't, this was suddenly realized by the impact of Dadao just now. In other words, this is his first use, the first time

"Take the trick."

The huge spiritual energy of the witch wolf is released. At this moment, there is a lot of wind on this strange land, which is not comparable to the wind of the genius. Now, it must be interpreted with a storm.

The sharp wind of the four sides like a sword met the spiritual energy of the witch wolf and was immediately dissipated by the impact. This spiritual storm has surpassed the storm caused by turbulence in space.

"Wolf, force your mental energy, are you looking for death?"

The hunting prisoner hurriedly shouted. However, the witch wolf did not care at all, and the spiritual storm burst out, and the energy contained in the four giant claws like the depths of the Demon Abyss became more and more huge.

"Stop him! Si Ling Gui Realm."

The hunting prisoner's brow furrowed and he shouted, and the spirit was suddenly mentioned, and a brown dragon flew out of the sky. The other three parties were hesitant but only instantaneous. Then, a fire dragon, a black dragon, and a white dragon rose into the sky one after another, and crashed together with the brown dragon. A violent explosion instantly emanated from high altitude. The dazzling light shot out.

The wolf wolf suddenly mentioned, and secretly cried. He is not condensing four giant claws, and immediately shoots wildly.

I saw the claw marks tearing through the void, and the space channel that was born subsequently shattered into the giant claws and was absorbed by it. The witch wolf uses his hands to direct the four giant claws to attack the dragon with a light ball no less inferior to the human sun. The existence of the light ball has an independent defense, but it can't resist the attacks of these four giant claws. ..

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