The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1745: The status of the fairy horse [Six million words Wang Wang, please kill]

"Jade Emperor Tianpeng is not for no reason," the queen's mother put in a sentence: "After all, the Queen Horse Director is responsible for the status of fairy horses, establishing casinos, and raising horses, which really damages the majesty of the court."

"It makes sense for the Queen Mother to say the same thing." Jade Emperor said with a smile: "Why don't we give some punishment?"

"That's fine," said the queen's mother.

When Pan Chen shook his heart, Jade Emperor quickly changed his face. If one second says he has merit, the next second will be punished. This is a strict requirement for his wife.

"Sun Wukong" Yu Dilang said.

"The little fairy is here"

He said: "If you don't obey your knees and build a horse farm and casino in private, it is a sin. However, in order to unite the heavenly courts, big sins can be avoided, and minor crimes cannot be escaped." Jade Emperor stopped. , Said: "That's it. After a while, Ru is the mother's almond feast. You go downstairs to invite all the fairies to the meeting."

"Jade Emperor" Tian Peng opened his mouth. This is not a punishment, but a reward.

"Jade Emperor is wise." All the fairies spoke at the same time, breaking the ceiling.

The queen's mother frowned slightly, without saying a word.

"Thank you, Jade Emperor" Pan Chen didn't understand, so he was very grateful soon.

"Well, now that you're done, you can step down, Sun Wukong." Jade Emperor waved his hand.

"Yes, Jade Emperor."

Pan Chen left the palace with a skeptical stomach and was taken to the palace for no reason in the morning. Well, it is strange that it will fall into the task of entering the world and sending out invitations.

However, this time entering the Temple of Heaven is definitely a good thing for Pan Chen. Finally know the identity of the Huangpao people, that day the Jade Emperor. This identity is different. Pan Chen and Jade Emperor are holding each other. Under the same scent, there will naturally be good things.

One of the most important entrances to heaven in the fairy tale world is the only way to the world and the only way from the fairy world to the mortal world.

For the first time, Nan Tianmen summoned the courage to defend Erlang God Yang Jian from heaven, and no one could take more than half a step. Once, in the world of mortals, there was a demon's behavior that reached the point of great Roche's immortality. He wanted to go to heaven to kill all the gods, but he was killed by Yang Jian in front of Nantian Gate. In the end, he didn't even cross the Nantianmen.

Pan Chen changed a dress, a gray suit, the clothes fluttered in the wind, a strand of hair fell in front of his eyes, a smile on the corner of his mouth, very strange, this is the image of him spent a lot of effort, covering his obscene temperament .

The soldiers on both sides of the Nantianmen walked towards the Nantianmen and stood upright, naturally exuding the spirit of purification and killing. They all experienced thousands of wars. Each of them became majestic, reaching the level of Xuan County.

Taking the fairy in Xuan County as the guard of the guardian of the portal, we can see the significance of Nantianmen.

Not far from Nantianmen, it is a military barracks where most of the soldiers live. It used to be a big event in Nantianmen. It would pour out and destroy the enemy.

From the establishment of Tianting to now, only two people attacked Nantianmen. One is General Nan Tianmen Erlang God, the other is Qi Tiantian's great saint Sun Wukong.

"Hello ladies and gentlemen."

Pan Chen smiled and greeted several soldiers, and then walked forward.

There is an auspicious cloud in front of the Nantianmen Gate. It is still, but inside it is a vortex filled with strange space powers leading to the world of mortals.

Looking at the vortex, Pan Chen was taken aback. If he falls from the inside, even the fairy's body will be torn into pieces and fragments by the space forces of the two worlds.

"Why not go down?"

The sound suddenly sounded. Pan Chen, one meter away from Pan Chen, appeared silently, watching 3500 calmly.

Jun Jun Pan Chen smiled. "You are here too"

"Jade Emperor wants you to send invitations, why are you still here?" Yang Jian asked.

"This" Pan Chen glanced at the space tunnel and said, "This should be safe."

"Of course it is safe." Yang Ji said: "This is the only way to the world, and it can naturally ensure safety." Well, the queen mother's almond feast is limited. You better go back quickly. "

"Here" Pan Chen was still hesitant.

"Sun Wukong" Yang Jian suddenly said: "Looking over there, it seems that someone is coming."

"Where?" Pan Chen turned his head and looked.

Only hearing a loud noise, Pan Chen felt **** pain, and the whole person was kicked into the space tunnel. Seeing Erlang put his right foot away, he turned around and immediately scolded him.

"Sir Lang, you are too mean."

Yang Jian used a dust collector to clean his right foot to get rid of wind and rain. By the way, he cleaned the ground. "This monkey soiled the ground," he whispered. The mortal world of heaven.

The ancient forest in the mountains looks very quiet, wild animals running, whispers in the stream, no traces of people appear, everything is so natural.

A strange sound came from the sky in the mountains and ancient forest. The sky seemed to be torn apart, revealing a crack, and a gray snowman fell from the crack.


Pan Chen was startled, and found that he had suddenly left the space tunnel, the Xianli surged, his body stagnated, suspended in the air.

Looking at the sky, Pan Chen scolded: "Erlang God, you are a dangerous little man, I haven't finished you yet."

Although he was scolded in his heart, Pan Chen still dared not take the Erlang God. That is the level of the Fairy Da Luo, known as the first **** of war in the fairy world. He is a little fairy sun monkey. The gap is too big.

Looking at everything he is familiar with, Pan Chen has some feelings in his heart. He lived in the heaven of Xianjie for several months, but this world is where he was born and where he practiced for thousands of years. Although most spiritual practices have been closed for thousands of years, at least in the past few years, I have seen the beauty of the real world.

Now, entering the heavenly court and returning to the mortal world of the heavenly dynasty, Pan Chenfang realized the special characteristics of this country's world. What he heard and saw was only part of it.

The heaven continent is mysterious, contains all kinds of secrets, and many of these really strong people, even beyond the realm of the gods. These people ignored Thunder's elven world, did not want to fly, and stayed on the earth.

"I am familiar with it."

Pan Chen has thousands of feelings.

"Let us complete the task of Jade Emperor first."

Pan Chen took out the jade, looked closely, and then determined the itinerary.

Able to participate in the almond feast of the Queen's mother, at least there is a golden fairy. There are not many, or even fewer, golden fairies in the fairy world.

Judging from the jade, Pan Chen is concerned about three. The first is the mountain **** of Mount Tai, which is the first mountain in Shenzhou. Its mountain **** can be unpredictable and reach the apex of the golden fairy. The second is Songshan, in Wuyue, the **** of Songshan. Wu Yueling xμng is forced, and the power of Songshan God, the head of the Five Mountains, is also extraordinary, which is also the level of the golden fairy.

Third, Pan Chen should pay attention to this point, that is, the town of Yuanzi, known as the ancestor of Dixian, is located in the landscape of Wuzhuang in Xihe Niuzhou and has been rebuilt into the sky.

Lao Ma once said that there are many great gods in this world, but false gods are really rare. Among them, the two must have reached the level of false gods, the great emperor of the Western Buddhist world, and the other is the mysterious Bodhi.

As for the true child, mysterious and unpredictable, Lao Ma believes that even if it is not a false god, it is not far away. In the Celestial Realm, the network is very broad, and the status is unusual, even for the polite jade.

Only ten people in China can be invited. In addition to Taishan, Songshan God, Zhenyuanzi, there are Longmai Yellow River God and some Xianmen characters, they have all been built into heaven. Any of them is a blank for Pan Chen.

Putting away the jade, Pan Chen whispered, "Go to Taishan first."

In this way, go against the wind.

As the saying goes, climb Dongshan and the trail, climb Taishan and the small world.

Mount Tai, as the most popular mountain in the world, has been supported since ancient times. It has also become a place where the emperor worships the world and shows national strength and merit.

Taishan originally had Xianmen, but later because Taishan was too important, and the world was too rich, I did n’t know how many Xianmen wanted to establish a sect on Taishan, so a **** incident occurred.

Later, Jade Emperor personally issued a decree prohibiting Xianmen from setting up a sect gate on Mount Tai, giving Mount Tai a great right to mobilize Mount Tai ’s spirit and kill any immortal gates that dare to violate the will of the Emperor. Many times, many fairy gates dared not build mountain gates on Mount Tai.

During this time, with the help of Taishan Spirit, Taishan God made great progress, broke through the realm of golden fairyland, and became an excellent player.

Today's Taishan, there is no more Xianmen, only mortals live on it.

At the foot of Mount Tai, Pan Chen looked up at Mount Tai and was frightened by the majestic posture of Mount Tai. It was the first mountain in the world.

"This is Mount Tai, so majestic."

Pan Chen sighed. The spirit of Mount Tai is rich, even the gods in the sky can feel it. The fairies who live in it will definitely do more with less. Even the mortal body will live a long time in such a rich mountain god, and the disease will not survive.

Take out a transparent round bead from the storage bag with a blue light inside, as bright, bright and beautiful as usual.

This pearl was given to Pan Chen by the Jade Emperor, whose main purpose was to find a fairy and send an invitation.

Whether it is the **** of Mount Tai, the **** of Songshan, or the town of Yuanzi, the weakest are the gods of Jinxian level, far exceeding Panchen's gods. If they get together, Pan Chen may not find them.

So Jade Emperor handed the pearl to Pan Chen. It contains special energy that can guide Pan Chen to find the fairy he is looking for.

Injecting a force into the beads, the blue light flashed suddenly, turned into a strange ripple and looked around, gradually affecting the entire Mount Tai.

Soon, a young Taoist came slowly, breathing deeply, as if merging with the entire Mount Tai, his eyes were slightly bright, and in his eyes, there was a self-evident overbearing breath.

"Dare to ask who the fairy is?" The young man smiled slightly.

"Little fairy grandson monkey" Pan Chen did not dare to have the slightest disrespect, the young Taoist was at least a mysterious fairyland in front of him. According to the Jade Emperor ’s will, the mountain **** of Taishan was invited to the almond feast of the queen mother ’s mother. How dare you ask? "...

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