The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1753: Never die [Six million words Wang Wang, please kill]

There is no water around the mangrove, but Pan Chen feels that the tree is full of vitality. If no one hurts it, it will live like this, just as it will never die.

Pan Chen didn't know why this happened, but he didn't think it was an illusion. Driven by curiosity, Pan Chen walked to the tree and touched it with his hand, but found that when his hand touched the tree, it suddenly burned and scared Pan Chen.

After a small step, Pan Chen suddenly heard an ancient voice from the burning tree:

"People who reach the end of the world need to put the mushroom on the grave. This mushroom is loose when it is soft, and hard when it is first encountered. The person who can get it is certainly not a desperate selfish person!" Such a person can Enter this tomb, otherwise others, even if they are strong, will not be able to break in. This mushroom can be taken directly, its effect is to increase the spiritual knowledge of the monks, if it is below the basic period, it will inevitably double the divine knowledge than before. If the monks in the foundation period are to be established, they can also greatly increase their knowledge of God. In addition, using my meat to feed the martial arts tree, burning the water of martial arts can wash away the impurities of the body, purify the divine knowledge, and go to the original body point. Although we can't change our physique, we can do more with less, whether it's the state of perception or the understanding of spells! "

Pan Chen heard that he had settled down here and continued to listen to the tomb owner's words and finished what he wanted to say. The person who can use such an incarnation to seal his voice on this tree must be a strong person at the end of the Dan era, so Pan Chen did not dare to be careless.

"Beside the Budo tree, there is a remaining magic weapon." This is the magic weapon I sacrificed. During its death, it was damaged in the battle with the strong, leaving only a piece of debris. But it can still be used three times. Although it is not as powerful as it is, ordinary spiritual weapons are definitely not its opponents! "

"I have been pursuing heaven all my life, and my qualifications are also very good, so in addition to practice, I basically focus on another hobby: learning the array of dharma." The time limit is about to be a little small, and their lifetime income , Making it a convenient method of carry inverse five-line array. This array can kill hundreds of monks, but to fully exert their power, first need to meet many conditions. Finally, the key to this array is that planners will be marked, otherwise the power of the array will be greatly reduced. Even the trapped people rushed out of the battlefield, making this array scrapped and unusable! So, don't use it easily before you learn to print it! "

"I practiced the power of light, but the spell I practiced was an ancient spell that only appeared in ancient times," the undead. "This spell is difficult to practice. Although the effect of the practice is particularly attractive, it is not a talented person. It is best not to try it easily. Of course, after eating my five waters, it should not be difficult to speculate."

"Occasionally, I got a secret technique that no one has ever practiced," Gravity Porter ", it has a bold guess, which is beyond imagination, but it is just a fantasy dream. So I hesitated For the rest of my life, I still dare not practice. I hope that the right person can pass it on to the right person. Maybe the spell will shock the whole fairy world when it is confirmed! "

"In the end, I once loved a woman, but I wandered between Xiandao and her for half my life. Finally, I chose Xiandao and let her down. So hopefully those who enter this grave will go to the dusty nun There, let me find a woman named Sui Shui. If she dies, go to her grave to worship and tell her that I came to see her; if she is still alive, tell her that I love her very much, I am in this life Losing her feelings, only in the afterlife will be rewarded. "

Once, I saw a sword under the chance coincidence, it was a ruthless sword called "Ask the Fairy". "This sword is endless and invincible! It's just a poem about this sword, it reminds me of all this: Invincible in fairyland, please don't ask your feelings for the sword!"

"The immortal world is invincible, please don't ask for love from the fairy sword!" Pan Chen mumbled and chewed the poem without knowing whether it was bold ambition or sadness. But in any case, Pan Chen is very certain that he will never take the road to the end of the world.

After talking about the end of the world, Wu Dao tree also burned into a small beach in the water of the five islands. The aura of this water is exciting, and the surface radiates a crystal brilliance, making Pan Chen lift a little water to drink. The entrance is sweet, the body feels comfortable, and the body becomes light.

Suddenly, Pan Chen felt a dry hot gas diffusing out of his body, which made his whole body warm as if it were on fire. He quickly took off his clothes and began to meditate, absorbing a strong aura.

When Pan Chen emits heat, he knows the reason, which should be caused by the precipitated fruit he eats. So far, this result has not been improved, and it really seems not an ordinary thing.

Three days later, Pan Chen fully understood the efficacy of the fruit. After excellence, he successfully broke through the five-layer practice and reached the level of six-layer training. It just needs some time to fix it firmly.

After this, Pan Chen took out Zeng Zheng Mushroom again and released the divine knowledge to try. God entered the cave through the grave. It was found that Chen Qiulin wandered in front of the tomb, and his momentum returned to the same level. It seems that the injury is already very good.

She seemed to feel Pan Chen's divine knowledge. In addition to her consternation, she also released her divine knowledge to study it. But she found nothing because Pan Chen took it back. In addition, the formation of this tomb serves to prevent the detection of divine knowledge. People inside can release divine knowledge, while people outside cannot use divine knowledge to observe the inner things.

Pan Chen stood up happily and walked around. His knowledge should be comparable to that of the monks on the eighth floor. With such a strong spirit, who would have thought that it would be owned by a monk who practiced six stories?

Pan Chen took out all his magic weapons, the five-piece Siamese star, and used divine knowledge to control them flexibly. When the mind moves, Silver Star will follow the command line, and there will be no more vague and uncontrollable feeling.

After feeling the increase in power, Pan Chen began to refine these five waters. Speaking of which, Pan Chen values ​​it most. This kind of spiritual water helps to understand the realm and magic, it is definitely more precious than any medicine of Danyou!

After refining some martial arts water, Pan Chen felt that his mana was more pure, his divine knowledge was cleaner, and it was more convenient to use. ..

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