The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1798: God of Ore [Six Million Words Wang Wen, Seek Slaughter]

Chapter 1798: The God of Orai Six Million Words Wang Wang

With the depletion of spiritual power, Ore's **** became blurred. At this time, I want to quit, I have lost my strength. Suddenly, a powerful force came from below, pushing him up directly, as if someone had patted his back. Thunder rang in his ears one after another, but he was already numb.

Olet opened his eyes slightly and saw vaguely that he was only two or three hundred feet away from the cloud. It seems that I can only hear the heartbeat and breathing, if there is no whisper, I don't know where it comes from.

Olet smiled painfully in his heart. If he fell like this, he might fall into the meat roll immediately. From now on, wandering in this chaotic era, Olet has come up with hundreds of ways to die for himself, but now this is really unexpected. Although the parents of justice met as short as each other, kindness is not shallow, and it seems that this life cannot be repaid.

Miss Su, I did n’t intentionally use you to grab Lei Yunxiao back and make you suffer from house to house.

I, Oria, will repay my grievances, and I will repay them in the afterlife. Pan Chen, the blood feud between my father and my family fell on your shoulders.

Suddenly, like an elf passing through the cloud, the cloud layer like a vortex was clearly seen, like a big mouth, and a red thunder came out from the heart of the vortex. Like a group of twisted red snakes, straight to the cloud.

As soon as the thunder met the cloud spirit, it was like suddenly seeing something terrible. It stopped condensing and condensed into a thunder ball on the edge of the cloud.

Pan Chen just discovered that in the spirit of Yunwu, there are hundreds of large and small thunderballs. Apart from a few feet, the fog was already full of thunderballs, and the spirit of the cloud seemed to be drowned, surging, and occasionally threw down the faint thunder, like another small group of robbery.

Suddenly, a flash of spirit flashed by. As long as you can fly out of these 300 feet, you can get out of Thunder Prison! Olet bit his tooth and his body recovered from the severe pain.

But at this time, the robbery in the cloud seemed to be irritated. If there was a substance in the black lightning, it immediately tore the mist and hit Pan Chen.

The dark thunder, like an invincible spear, broke through the sky instantly. Suddenly, there was a loud noise a few feet in front of him, and gold and iron were fighting. Ollett suddenly saw the black thunder in front, and a shiny white slender hand appeared, and then the entire right arm disappeared. Burst

It appeared, turned out to be a woman's figure. Under the dark thunder, the woman's figure suddenly appeared dozens of times. Oleite finally found out that it was Lin Limei's weak body, his right arm was held high, blocking the thunder of his life.

Under the black thunder, Lin Limei's right hand quickly appeared a few cracks, and did not sound for a moment, and finally the black thunder disappeared. Lin Limei's wonderful body fell, slowly solidifying, from transparent, flipping and falling to Oleti.

Olet stood before Yu Li and hugged her. I saw that Lin Limei's eyes were loose, her clothes were stained red, and blood was flowing from her mouth. The blood and flesh of the entire right arm were blurred, and the bones were visible deep inside. o‘letian did n’t know what hit the key, almost trembling all over, his eyes sore, and tears kept falling.

Lin Limei seemed to see Olaitian as if she was back. The left hand poked gently to Oliti's right hand, and put a small jade pendant on his palm.

He smiled and said, "This is the treasure of your Ye family. It records the magic of your father's hidden cloud and the meaning of shooting, me." There is always greed. I did not return it to you. My father gave it to me, and I always thought of it as your thought. "He coughed again and spit blood again.

Oli didn't know what to say, and it was tightly connected with Yuzi and her left hand. Shivering, "If you want, I will give it to you." Don't say it, let's go. "

Lin Limei shook her head slightly and said, "Maybe I can't say much, but these." I have to tell you. Yeah, my father also killed you and took the treasure of your family personally. His unjust death was a retribution.

I want to kill you but I never killed you. I didn't stab you that night. "Just as he spoke, his breath seemed unsustainable, two more blood was spit out, and his face hurt.

Ollett heard that her father was involved in the destruction of the door and couldn't help shaking the tiger's body, but as soon as she saw her appearance, her heart softened.

There, the accountant compared whether she had hurt him and hurriedly reached out to let her into the only real gas and soothe the blood. However, under this real anger, Lin Limei's meridian was almost broken, her five internal organs were seriously injured, and her heart was very weak. Although there is a halo protection outside of Xintian, it quickly dissipated.

Oriente seemed to be incredibly electrocuted, trying to take back his hand, could not help clenching his fists, and kept trying to save her. However, as we all know, such a serious degree of injury can be said to be almost exhausted, only the unfinished breath of this breath.

Lin Limei was breathing more and more heavily, but continued to say: "I don't want to take revenge anymore, and today I will return this jade pendant and this life to you, this resentment, this ending." "I have a brother, Lu, you Do n’t embarrass him anymore, will you? ”When he spoke, his eyes seemed to disappear, but he was still watching Olet ’s face carefully.

Olia immediately replied, "I assure you."

Lin Limei smiled, seeing nothing in her eyes. But he went on to say: "You are a person who is sometimes too stubborn, a little proud, and grumpy, and the rest are very good."

It would be great if there were not so many differences between us. The way you look when you are serious, the way you lose your temper is really good. A man like you. I. "

An unfinished word, with a last breath of failure, remained in Lin Limei's heart. The joy in her mouth and the shyness in her blush seemed to be looking forward to a wonderful thing. Even her messy silk hair and blood stains were like makeup, and her ability to reverse the face of all life was not diminished.

Olet ’s heart, like a mountain that has not moved for thousands of years, suddenly collapsed completely at this moment. The loud roar was like an invisible force, twisting the whole world, the light and dark hysterics intertwined, like a big mouth, immediately engulfed him.

"Forbe, look at the people in this corner."

"Miss, this winter is too cold, these poor people will suffer from the cold. That old slave used to be like this."

"In such cold weather, he will freeze to death on the street. Ask someone to send him home."

"Miss, how can this let me know if your God knows?"

"If Dad finds it, you put it on me."

"Oh boy, you are so lucky to meet our young lady. Our lady is a bodhisattva and your little life is still alive."

"Forbes, don't do that. He seems to be breathless."

"Yes, come and do me a favor."

"Hello what is your name?"


"You said you could be a groom, a handyman, a chef, a martial artist and a nerd. Do you know the word?"


"Great. I will read to me every day in the future."


"In other words, the name Ye Yi is too bad. How about your name Su Wu in the future?"

"My name is Ye Yi."

"Well, Ye Yi, this is a big deal, then I will call you younger."

"Whether you see it or not, don't say it lightly, if you know it, don't pass it on. No intention. No intention."

"No heart is wrong, the name is wrong, the heart is wrong, it is called evil."

"Why? How do you know?"

"I heard it outside."

"Don't read it again, do you remember?"


"Liar, what you learned, right?"

Do not

"I don't believe it, then you read it."

"There are fish in the North Sea, named An."

"It's impossible, it can be remembered for so long."

"Xiao, let's go."

"Where are you going?"

"Let's go overhear in the backyard."


"Yang Yeyi is well known, but she hasn't played a few times a year, have you heard it?"

"you are."

"Yes, how can I climb over the wall without stepping on you? Let's go!"

"Miss, I can hear your voice. Don't climb over there, you will find it."

"How do you know? Dad is not in good health and has not been out for half a year."

"You have to crawl over and I will go back to bed."

"Ah! Then how do I go back, bad boy?"

"Mrs. too. Just a moment. I don't need to rest so late. Miss, you are heavy again."

"Shut up! I'm sad. I'm crying. Oh Xiao, I haven't seen my mother smile for a long time."


"Xiao, tomorrow is the fraternity of our family. You go with me."

"The wall in the West Yard was not ready yet, and Fober broke my leg. He explained that the sky could not be completed."

"Now you tell him that if you don't follow me, I will pull out his beard."

"You are all young girls, what do you want me to do?"

"My siblings are scholars, and my uncle's big cousin has guards. By the way, didn't you say you also practiced martial arts?

"I practiced."

"Are you good at this? How do you compare with Master Xu's disciples?"

"Master Xu is not as good as me."


"Ask Lord Xu, don't you believe me?"

"That would be better, I will call Dad away."

"Sister, do you want us to bring a clerk?"

"Well! Don't look down on others. My clerk is very good."

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