The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1896: The power of the senior

Pan Chen raised his head and saw Fang Liuqing not far from him. He was only slightly injured. His life is not in danger. He was relieved. He reached out to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth and slowly stood up. Countless auras were shrouded in the air, frowning and saying, "Senior power is easy to kill both of us, but why don't you do this?"

"If I want to do this, you won't know how many times you have died. I think the corpse is now cold. I left you just because I was so lonely all these years and slowly tortured you to death, unhappy!" The pelvis gently moved the wings of the lower bone, and a wind blew out of Pan Chen immediately. Pan Chen was on alert and fell heavily on the wall.

"Beast, you can't cheat too much!" Fang Liuqing stood up immediately, pointing at the bone plate that didn't seem to have happened in midair, and scolded him fiercely. In Pan Chen's memory, this was Fang Liuqing's first real anger.

"Beast? Haha, this little girl has courage. Since ancient times, no one dared to call me that. Because those who called me are already lying underground!" The sound of the bone plate suddenly changed, as if to come again, torture two Personally, but interrupted by Pan Chen, Pan Chen walked staggeringly past.

"Don't you think it's inappropriate to treat our two younger generations like this?" He stepped on Fang Liuqing's body, protecting her tightly, and stared at the pelvis.

"Oh, my God, do you know me?" The bone plate suddenly seemed interested, looking at the place not far from Pan Chen.

"If the younger generation is right, the predecessor must be the legendary **** of wind." Pan Chen coughed suddenly.

"I can't believe there are people in the world who still remember me, Alice. I like you more and more. But if you want me to spare your life, it's a dream." You said the bone plate, thousands of years By the way, I really do n’t remember who they are.

Pan Chen was not angry, but with more and more attacks behind Fang Liuqing, she quickly pulled up her sleeves, this time she was surprisingly quiet.

"Of course the younger generation does not dare to hope. I just don't know if my predecessor wants to leave this ghost place." After staring closely at these two groups of souls, Pan Chen said word by word.

"You, what are you talking about?" Alice's mood changed for the first time.

"I mean, don't the elders want to get rid of the shackles of the soul and regain the freedom and supreme glory that your **** of wind should have created?" Pan Chen knew that he finally caught Alice's lifeline and calmed him down The nervous thoughts before, said slowly.

"Don't be stupid, boy. I got eternal life because of my soul. Is there anything else to satisfy now?" Haha, ask how many people in the world can have eternal life, even the gods of that day will wither to death, I will not be satisfied! "Alice hated the feeling of being held by her nose and shouted loudly.

"But are the elders really happy? When you were trapped in this big place all year, are you really not afraid of loneliness?" Pan Chen did not struggle, but continued.

"You're talking nonsense!" Alice screamed, so harsh, she set off a gust of wind, Pan Chen curled up high, and sent it to her body, she stretched out huge bones and wings, as if to shoot this insignificant boy Debris.

"No!" I don't know who made the call, but I couldn't stop the huge bone wings from dropping quickly.

Faced with absolute power, everything is nothingness.

"What are you afraid of?" Pan Chen stared at Alice's two flames. His voice was now miraculous and unreal, but so real that he didn't care about the huge bone and wings waving to him quickly.

With a shout, the waving bone wings stopped less than a foot away from Pan Chen. The fire of Alice's soul suddenly shivered, and she stopped and stopped in the air. Pan Chen saw the situation and immediately said: "If you let us go, I will help you get out of here."

"No way." Before Pan Chen finished, Alice interrupted her. "This soul model is arranged by this person. No one can crack it at all, no one can do it at all." Ollis' voice was almost hopeless and helpless.

"I know. But what if there is jade glass?" Pan Chen said softly. He knew his life was finally saved.

Alice was silent for a long time, then sighed: "This is not enough, no one can wake up the jade and glass."

Pan Chen said: "This is not necessarily true."

"Why not?" Alice seemed to think she was about to catch something, so she asked instinctively.

"Look at this first." After Pan Chen finished, a mysterious refined gas map slowly emerged from under him.

Alice looked at this picture of alchemy, the flames of the two souls fluttered, and it shivered and said, "Are you?"

"Yes, I am." Pan Chen nodded.

"God didn't kill me, this is true!" Alice gently placed Pan Chen on the ground, then smiled cheekily, and it took a long time to continue to say: "The entrance on the third floor is under this platform, you Just drop a drop of blood in. "

"The younger generation came here to thank their elders." Pan Chen looked at Yulis, only listening to the rain, and walked to Shitai, cut off his index finger, and a drop of blood fell into the middle of Shitai. Blood, the stone bench in the middle slowly sank, and finally. A stone step appeared.

Pan Chen looked back at the rain, looking back at Fang Liuqing. He didn't want to say anything. He raised his feet and walked up the steps. After a while, the figure was engulfed in dense darkness. After Pan Chen entered, Fang Liuqing also stood up, followed him, and the stone door closed slowly, as if nothing had happened. The whole hall was silent, and suddenly a burst of laughter came from Julius's mouth, which sounded terrifying.

"I, Alice, can finally go out!"

The third floor is as bright and spacious as the second floor, but there is no light around. The bright light is a light blue jade placed on the high altar in the middle. The piece of Qu Yu is transparent and crescent-shaped through the body. If you look closely, you will find that the elves in the whole space slowly pour into Qu Yu. Although a little, it is pure.

"Quyu glass, are you okay?" Pan Chen looked at the light blue jade in front of him and said to himself.

"What is this?" Fang Liuqing didn't know when to appear behind Pan Chen, staring at Qu Yu glass intently and asked.

However, Pan Chen did not answer. He walked slowly towards the altar. He had just taken a step, but he saw a figure suddenly appear in front of the altar. Pan Chen trembled from the bottom of his heart, but calmly asked: "I'm sorry, is this your Excellency?"

The man didn't answer, and the atmosphere was a bit depressed.

After a long time, this character finally turned around and only saw that it was a very handsome man. Pan Chen had never seen such a beautiful, almost monster man, yes, it was beautiful. If it is a woman, it is definitely the face of the city. If it is thick snow skin, it is even less attractive than the one behind Fang Liuqing. What kind of person seems to have the sun, moon and stars in his aura?

He didn't speak, but felt the whole world crawling under his feet. Suddenly, he stretched out his slender fingers and slowly pointed to Pan Chen.

Pan Chen then found that he had lost control of his body! I can't move at all. He could only open his eyes and watched this man's fingers gather great power. It's getting closer. It's getting closer.

Even the air on both sides was oppressed, and he only felt tight for a while, as if to suffocate. However, what is even more terrifying is the unknown fear and weakness.

In the twilight, Fang Liu standing behind Pan Chen moved. Pan Chen only saw a white shadow in his eyes, but Fang Liuqing's weak body stood in front of him and died at this time.

He tried to let her go, but he could do nothing, even if he couldn't growl. He frantically urged him to inquire about this decision, but still no response.

He growled absently, like a crazy monster, trampled on his messy heart, but still unable to break free from the cold cage.

It turned out that he was so weak, at that moment, Pan Chen's heart was cold after all, without any trace of temperature, two lines of clear tears fell from his cheeks, he even cried, and a seven-foot-long man cried !

Pan Chen's face and body were still filled with blood, mixed with tears, blurring his vision. At this time, he found that he could move, he immediately hugged his chest and walked through Fang Liuqing. At this time, her body was so light, like a feather, as light as if it was going to float, and wanted to leave him. Pan Chenning looked at her eyes, full of tenderness.

"Why are you doing this? Why?" Pan Chen murmured, tears falling on Fang Liuqing's cheek, like a lily bathed in spring rain.

Fang Liuqing suddenly smiled and choked, "At least, you can't." She looked at him and made a dull voice in her throat.

"Why can't I? Why?" He growled wildly.

"Because, someone is waiting, what about you?" Fang Liuqing exhausted his last effort.

Pan Chen's tears were surging, he hugged her tightly, and let her white clothes spread on the ground, like a blooming snow lotus, the persistence of the persistence could not be forgotten.

The man just quietly looked at the two people in front. He didn't move, but frowned, not knowing what he was thinking.

"No, you can't die for me. Yes, there are other ways, there must be." Pan Chen gently put the woman in her arms, looked at it deeply, stood up step by step, thinking about the front That man. ..

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