The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1918: Beautiful face [Six million words Wang Wang, please slaughter]

Zhou Jing's mouth was full of food, his cheeks bulged slightly, and Zhou Jing's beautiful face was lovely in the moonlight.

Pan Chen looked at Zhou Jing's face blankly, and Moonlight drew a more obvious sketch for her. He was fascinated by what Zhou Jing just said in his mind.

After a while, Zhou Jing finished the snacks in the bowl and wanted to go to the night market.

At this moment, a shadow quickly emerged from the restaurant and jumped to the nearby low roof, especially under the silver-white moonlight.

The shadow suddenly turned around, looking at the roof of the restaurant, and found Pan Chen and Zhou Jing.

The dark figure stopped, and then calmly crossed the eaves, watching him walk towards the night market.

"It's him"

Zhou Jing blurted out, his eyes became sharp, staring straight into the dark shadows.

Pan Chen also felt that this figure was a bit familiar, the other party seemed to cover up the familiar side, Pan Chen's repair because he could not feel its breath.

Shadows passed through several roofs in rows and then jumped into an alley. Soon, it appeared on the night market. Because he was too far away to see his face clearly.

"Let's go check it out."

Zhou Jingyi changed his original joke and even said seriously. Pan Chen understood Zhou Jing's intention and nodded in agreement.

Just as the two were about to catch up, a pair of big hands suddenly stretched out from behind, put their shoulders down, and grabbed them firmly. Pan Chen was startled and suddenly turned around, standing behind a tall figure.

The man ran a few laps in the night market and confirmed that no one was following him. His body was deformed. When no one found him, he flashed into the dark alley and disappeared.

In another corner of Jiaying City, the man entered a humble hut.

There was no light in the room, a large black, no five fingers. This is nothing for fairy practitioners. The man went straight to the chair in the middle of the room and sat down.

"No one will come. Be careful. It's bad to make mistakes now." There was a mature man's voice opposite him in the dark.

"When he first came out, his sister and another man found out, but they didn't come. I also went around a few times to make sure no one was following me." The man said methodically, his words a little confident.

"Okay, it doesn't matter. I don't want to be exposed before Chuzhuang opens. I set up two layers of mana in this room. If they explore it with divine thought, I will immediately know and stop it. Then, we can What is it easy to say? "The other party replied that there was no emotion in it.

"Aren't we working together to have the opportunity to join this school? Of course, be careful. But do what you promise! Otherwise, I won't say anything." This person is a little cold, and seems to be a little distrustful of each other.

"Now we are all on the same boat, saying that this will destroy our partnership. You may be unsuccessful with them, and more likely to be the last group of people on the Chuzhuang platform with us. You can also see our Power. If it ’s not for safety, how can we target them specifically? If you do n’t believe us, you can leave now; if you work with us, tell me their details. “The sound comes from another part of the room. Not too slow.

The man didn't answer for a while, and darkness concealed all his expressions. In the other party's eyes, this is exceptionally clear. After a while, the man finally said: "Okay, let me tell you. Half a month ago, they hired a monk with four layers of refined gas. Although there are only four layers of refined gas, he can use six layers. Refining gas to drive out an elven beast. I do n’t know the reason. The spirit beast is called the black-backed mane bear. I have n’t seen it shoot. It looks not weak at all. The message of the bear bear told a place in the dark.

"Finish the sixth floor," the voice paused, as if thinking about it. He said, "Well, we will discuss how to deal with him." If it is just a spiritual beast, he does not need to care too much. His owner is just a boy with four layers of refined gas. "Okay," he stopped again, but said quickly, "If we haven't come up with a plan by then, then if we don't want to come up with something else, we can easily kill one with your hand. A four-story boy. "In my opinion, it is unwilling to use his practice to drive out spirits. There is not enough power to stop your attack. "

"You want me to kill the child" The man was surprised, his voice lowered, and then shouted.

"Of course, it is most convenient for you to do this. You come to us as soon as you kill him, and you are safe."

The man didn't speak in extremely quick thinking. Then he whispered, "Can you really protect me?"

"Of course, we are all practitioners, and the stability of our mood is very important to us. If we default, the impact on our mental state will affect our future practice. Well, let us know more about it."

"Well, I believe you. They also prepared a great thing."

The man thought about it, agreed, and then told another person about Chen Fanlin and the others.

After the two men talked about incense, the man left the restaurant with the help of the night and returned to the restaurant.

There was still darkness in the hut, and no one had ever been here.

Time is like a huge wheel that never stops, smashing the time that has just passed, turning it into an intangible history. Even what you have just now will be irretrievable.

Six days later, Chen Fanlin and five others gathered together in the Sanguang era and were ready to go.

Chen Fanlin left a note and some silver in the room. If you write some goodbye and thank you on the note, finally give the boss an explanation.

Subsequently, Chen Fanlin released all the gods and searched nearby to see if anyone was asleep. After confirming the correctness, Chen Fanlin waved to the four people to signal that they could start. The crowd nodded and sacrificed flying equipment. Pan Chenzhao installed Chen Fanlin's flying device at the old station. Then, one by one flew out of the room, out of the city.

Along the way, Chen Fanlin's idea of ​​God has been released, exploring the situation ahead, he does not want to be discovered. In these six days, Chen Fanlin also heard of the guards on the wall, and naturally went out from the place where he was the most inconvenient. The third is when the guard changes his guard.

On the wall, a uniformed guard stood weakly, holding a gun in his hand. He looked up at the empty moon, glanced outside the silent city, yawned, and stretched out. Go downstairs and find someone to change clothes. He didn't know that when he walked down the wall, those five people quickly flew over the wall and then disappeared. He seemed to feel something, but when he looked back, he was still lying on the floor in the moonlight. He touched his forehead a few times, then went down again.

The five people took advantage of the opportunity of the night and quickly left Jiaying City. They have been flying towards Chuzhuang.

Although there are still a few days to go before Chuzhuang, based on the experience of previous years, Chen Fanlin decided to go a few days in advance, in case things suddenly change.

Half a day later, five people came to a small pool.

"Chu Zhuang is below, let's go down."

Chen Fanlin said that as soon as he stood up, the flying magic device sank. Others followed.

Many people have gathered in this basin, about 200 people. They are scattered in different areas of the basin, and they obviously do not know each other. Several people gathered together, and it seems that Chen Fanlin had the same plan.

The arrival of Chen Fanlin and others caused a small disturbance, and some people disagreed. Now everyone who comes is likely to be their own competitor, and the intention of several people coming together is more clear, and several points must be noted. ..

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