The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1935: Although you are a devil [six million words Wang Wangwen, please kill]

"Thank you for your help!" Pan Chen was very excited.

Yan Jie said with a smile: "You're welcome, Pan Chen. Although you are a demon, but it doesn't matter. In Datang, we don't care about this." You work very well for me, Furonghua can't enjoy it! "

Pan Chen quickly showed her gratitude: "You must remember the demeanor of the cabinet master next time."

Yan Jie nodded slightly and said, "Just keep in mind!"

When Yan Jie turned around, a strange smile appeared on his lips. Pan Chen looked at Yan Jie's distant back and said in his heart that in the future, he should be more careful and cautious in the alchemy hall.

The two returned to the venue with different ideas. At this time, the game had been held for four games. Datang won one and lost three, and the situation was critical.

Pan Chen discovered that an inner disciple who had been defeated by the other party had bruised the meridian. Obviously, he was broken by heavy technology, and from now on, he has become a waste.

Pan Chen looked at those who angered the Tang Dynasty and released a cold awn in his eyes.

Yan Jie is very satisfied with the killing spirit in Pan Chen's eyes. In his mind, the demon's repair is bloodthirsty. He took another pill from his arms and handed it to Pan Chen, saying, "Pan Chen, you are taking this medicine now, and I will send you it later!"

Pan Chen nodded to take the Elixir, and then took the medicine. This time, after taking the Elixir, he felt that the Elixir he had just taken had not increased, but Pan Chen was silent for a while, and then he understood. At this time, he just wanted to kill!

This is not his nature, but the madness inspired by the red drugs he takes.

Seeing his eyes as red as Pan Chen, he wanted to kill, and Yan Jie's heart was even more ecstatic. He is familiar with the characteristics of various monsters. Judging from Pan Chen's current situation and the subtle changes that happened to him, Judge Yan Jie must belong to the family of poisonous snakes.

Yan Jie's eyes glow strangely, viper, that is a long-lived demon.

Hong Sang immediately became a remnant, slashing towards Pan Chen at a very fast rate.

Pan Chen's eyes shone, and the spear turned into lightning, piercing Hong Sang.

For the first time, whether it was Pan Chen or Hong Sang, they were just trying to test the strength of the other party, and then make specific changes based on the strength of the other party.

Hong Sang's blood shadow knife frantically cut to Pan Chen, surrounded by red knives.

Pan Chen waved his guns one by one, using the terrible turning force to resolve the amazing destructive power of Hong Sang Dao.

The two men fought a few strokes, and Hong Sang's heart was shocked. Pan Chen felt really terrible for him, and he only understood Pan Chen's power. For Pan Chen, Hong Sang's eyes were shining, his eyes were cold, and his eyes were cold and terrifying.

Su Da looked at Pan Chen. The enemy's enemy is a friend. He whispered to his companions, "Pan Chen can't do it. The way you look at him now is completely different from what you just wanted to kill, I understand." Pan Chen must have taken some medicine to improve it! "

Pan Chen stared coldly at Hong Sang, the spear in his hand remained motionless.

He was observing, observing the flaws of the red mulberry blood knife.

In terms of true qi, he had reached the foresight at this time, only to feel that the true qi on his body seemed to flow from the heart to the whole body, as if it could not be used.

In terms of experience, Pan Chen may be a bit inferior.

This Hong Sang is a terrible opponent, Pan Chen made a conclusion to Hong Sheng, but he can't beat such an opponent.

What is born is blended with heaven and earth. For example, Pan Chen took a shot. According to his current state, his long gun will definitely have a whistle and explosion sound. In the ears of outsiders, this exaggerated action must be a very powerful trick. But inherently different, Pan Chen's first day shot, according to theory, there can be no whistle sound, gas explosion sound, because there is less friction with the air. ?

However, if you do n’t want to whistle and blow out gas, you can only have the realm of the first paradise.

Pan Chen asked himself that he could not eliminate his voice, but as a natural and strong person, it is a true fact to enhance his physique.

The two men shot more than ten times, and Hong Mulang's eyes widened. The blood shadow knife in his right hand turned into a sky full of blood, condensing all the real anger and chopping it to Pan Chen.

This is Hong Sang's famous stunt, killing the sea with a knife! This is an extremely broad and profound martial art, which Hong Sang has been popular for many years. There is a thick red mist in the air, people will be poisoned when inhaled. The dense fog in the air can also wrap the human body like life. Even if people hold their breath, dense fog will invade the human body.

When the blood shadow knife pierced the air, there were voices of ghost crying and roaring everywhere. The sound was as sad and terrible as possible.

Pan Chen's eyes were fixed on Hong Sang's blood shadow knife, and there was a trace of concern in his eyes. He didn't want to rush forward, and the red mulberry flower was very hard.

At this moment, Yan Jie suddenly shouted loudly: "Don't be blindfolded by his blindfold, the natural strong man is not afraid of his poisonous fog!"

As soon as this sentence came out, all the martial arts on the stage looked at each other. What, this Pan Chen is actually a naturally strong person, how could it be so young.

After hearing that Pan Chen was a strong man by nature, Hong Sang appeared restless on the stage. It is true that his horizontal knife split into the sea looks terrible, but most of them are blindfolded, but what is really powerful is that he is immersed in a trace of hostility on the blood shadow knife. This trace of hostility activated the entire horizontal knife, splitting the sea, and making the horizontal knife split the sea, which looked amazing.

"Calm and feel the hostility on the blood shadow knife seriously! This is the key!" Pan Chen heard a strict secret voice coming from his ear.

Pan Chen quickly and carefully observed, and finally showed him clues.

I understand!

There is a strange thing in the fog, which looks like a whip, and it follows the fog no matter where it hits.

There was a secret sign of shame in Pan Chen's heart. He never noticed that the fog seemed to have life, but it was actually a bit of hostility.

Now that he saw through the trick of crossing the sea, Pan Chen's eyes were cold, and the next dense gunshot came out.


A clear voice sounded, a red large knife flew out of the ring, and all martial arts under the stage were instantly quiet.

"You, you" Hong Sang vomited blood, his eyes wide and pale. Everyone on the stage looked down at Hong Sheng's eyes and found a large bowl of blood on his chest. The blood poured out like spring water. ..

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