The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1940: Surprisingly! [Six million words Wang Wang, seek slaughter]

Chapter 1940 is amazing! Six million words Wang Wang, seeking slaughter

Pan Chen completed the book with great excitement and excitement. Open it and faint! Fright is fright, but not strength, but to practice this set of state of mind, practice to promote amazing, surprising!

"Grass! This is rubbish!" After reading the previous introduction, Pan Chen knew that this method is not as powerful as the "Falling Wind Decision" of "Leafing School." He was about to throw it away, but suddenly moved in his heart, holding it tightly in his hand.

"Strength. This doesn't seem to matter! Now I just want to learn to use the spirit of the body, just to learn a set of real methods will become. And, there are no monks in the world, I casually, no one can resist, so take the time to pursue What terrifying ghost world collection? As for the flight? At least a few hundred years later, anyway! "

With this in mind, Pan Chen was happy to bring this "amazing decision" out of the Chamber of Secrets.

Pan Chen brought the book to the hall. In the big chair where Zhang was supposed to be the owner of "Leafing Leaf School", he lifted his legs and slowly turned them over.

According to the field of practice, the practitioners can be roughly divided into nine. They are foundation-building, light-opening, heartbeat, Jindan, Yuanying, hole-out, distraction, fitness and mahayana.

Among them, each field is divided into three phases: before, during, and after three phases.

To lay a good foundation is mainly to refine and enable the body to adapt to future practice. Because of this, in the later stage of infrastructure construction, his own strength is probably equivalent to that of ordinary martial arts masters.

Open light is the introduction of spirit into the body, commonly known as spiritual wisdom. At this time, you can enter the repair gate first.

Cardiac exercise, also known as mental exercise. For Reiki, the aura and various intangible and indefinite things, the natural environment, can be perceived by the mind. At this stage, the spirit will gradually become stronger. From then on, practitioners should also pay attention to the cultivation of the soul.

Jin Dan does not need to say that this is the dividing line between ordinary people and practitioners. It is also a symbol of birth. Only after training into Jindan can we use some powerful skills beyond nature in the eyes of others.

Yuan Ying is a kind of sublimation of Jindan, and it is also the embodiment of Yuanshen. It can be said that with Yuan baby, the therapist will have an extra life. Of course, mana is also stronger.

As for the future thinking, decentralization and integration, it also revolves around the emergence of Yuanbao and the promotion of realm. Finally, the environment of Mahayana Buddhism means that practitioners are full of merit and can be hijacked and promoted.

As long as they pass the test and baptism of heaven, they will be able to break away from their normal birth and be included in the fairy class.

Pan Chen read it carefully several times in front of his nose, and it was easy to remember the contents inside.

Then, the first exercise began.

The first floor is to lay the foundation, which is to exercise. The real working method is different from the heart method, it can remove the waste accumulated in the body, more through the meridian. Of course, personal qualifications are also important.

At this stage, most people usually need to work with some kind of panacea to get through this period. If not, depending on their respective qualifications, it may take months and years to break through the early stages of infrastructure construction.

When Pan Chen first practiced, he also spent some time on the first floor. Because he had never been in contact with people's acupoints and meridians before, it wasted a lot of his time, just comparing books and exploring the direction of meridians.

But after that, his practice seemed very smooth.

The body extinguished by heaven has been reborn. As far as the flesh is concerned, today's Pan Chen is almost no different from a real fairy.

In addition, he already has a fairy spirit in his body, knowing the way Zhenyuan should go, and how to drive Zhenyuan, the elves in his body can't wait to flow happily under his control.

After a long time, Pan Chen opened his eyes and looked at his hands in disbelief.

Just when he started to practice, he found that the fairy in his body was particularly large, and the operation was much purer and easier to operate than the "True Element" described in the "Surprising Decision". It can be said to be intentional, heartfelt and angry.

The most important point is that the spirit spirit turned only a few times in his body, even breaking through the foundation and opening up the three areas of light and heartbeat.

When the fairy spirit continues again, it has great significance to break through several kingdoms again and again. Pan Chen was terrified and stopped in a hurry.

The reason why he is afraid is partly because of ignorance. He did not know whether the result was good or bad. Although "Shocked Decision" is known for its fast practice speed, it doesn't seem so scary, does it?

On the other hand, at such a speed, is it careless to reach the scene of Mahayana and cause thunder and robbery?

"No! I haven't enjoyed enough yet! If you are hit by thunder, you will go to another world. This is not a good deal! In addition, there were two magic weapons in my heart that couldn't resist the power of thunder , But I have nothing! Come and go, do n’t you die? "

In fact, Pan Chen himself did not know that his body had been looted and baptized. Just like the dead man, his account has been cancelled on the earth, no matter what his repair is, Lei will not come to him again.

Looking at the book in my hand for a long time, recalling the spells I saw in the back room, it seems that many spells were marked in infancy before we learned it.

As a result, Pan Chen gritted his teeth and decided to practice again. If the kingdom continues to rise, stop yourself before the Mahayana period.

After making a decision, Pan Chen put down the book and knelt again on the teacher's big chair.

As before, Xianqi quickly walked through his body, nourishing all parts of his body happily.

The exercise process of the practitioner is like expanding a finger-sized bottle, and then purifying and increasing the water inside.

Pan Chenxian was knocked down by thunder. The "bottle" of this body was countless times higher than the "bottle" of ordinary people. The fairy gas in his body is purer than the distilled water distilled a thousand times. Now all he has to do is increase its weight.

For other practitioners, those who prevent themselves from breaking through the porch, in Pan Chen's body, the acupuncture points are unhindered.

Therefore, in order to climb again and again, Pan Chen's body grows rapidly in accordance with the characteristics of "surprising decision".

Soon, Jin Dan of a soybean seed condensed in the thick Dan Tian spirit and suddenly appeared. Then, at a rate visible to the naked eye, it grows wildly.

With Dan Tian's tingling, Jin Dan's "wave" land plummeted. When Pan Chen whispered in pain and sweat, he quickly became a small man.

The little man sat quietly in the same position as Pan Chen himself.

Then, as the little man grew up, he raised his head and looked around. He flew out of Pan Chen's body suddenly and danced around him.

"If you can avoid this path, that's the trick."

Just when Pan Chen thought that his kingdom would develop, the little man returned to his own Dantian. After that, there was no other movement, only after it continued three times.

Pan Chen waited a long time before he was sure that the kingdom would not be promoted again, so he opened his eyes. ..

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