The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1991: Two people cheering

Although I don't know what eternity is, but looking at the moon and stars not far away, Jin still guessed the identity of eternity, and he cheered at the moon and two people.

Faced with the rebuke of Jin Shu, Xing Kong and Yue Ji both have difficulties. They actually do not want to do this, but they cannot change the eternal decision.

"It's useless to blame them. This is all my opinion. They didn't love each other in advance." He stared at Jin Shu with a smile and opened his mouth to explain.

"Well, Lao Bangzi, let go, otherwise you can't blame my rudeness!"

Without asking the meaning of each reason in detail, Jin Wei said that he was concerned about Pan Chen's safety. After all, the long sword is now on Pan Chen's neck.

"Let people go? Ha, you two are not enough to be afraid." A kind of sneer that always despise.

"If it's enough, you have to try it before you know it!"

When Jin opened his mouth and spoke again, Kong Ling couldn't help but shoot first. He squeezed the formula with his hand, then swept his hand out of his hand, and went straight to Pan Chen and the eternal two to sweep the floor.

The five-color divine light contains the power of the five internal elements. Under the impetus of the emperor's cultivation, this power is incomparable with the power of the quasi-emperor.

Faced with the attack of Kongling's five colors, the left hand sleeve robe waved in ancient times, and a chaotic ancient tree suddenly appeared chaotic gas in front of him and Pan Chen.

This messy tree is more than 100 times larger than Panchen's messy sapling. When it appeared in mid-air, it immediately attacked the five colors of light and laughed low in the sky. All the light was absorbed and there were no waves at all.

"How can this happen?"

Seeing that he had nothing to brush, the five-color lights were broken from time to time. Kong Ling said that he was not shocked to be fake, because he knew that even if he crossed one or two small kingdoms against the enemy on weekdays, it has never been easier to lose.

"Five-color lights don't brush, but you haven't achieved great success yet, you still care about the law, don't understand the truth, it's a pity!"

Breaking the five-color light, the ancient face shook his head excitedly.

"Pretend to be a tall man, take me to say it again, destroy the world and create a wheel!"

With the failure of the low-level attack, Kim flashed into the sky, then raised his hand, hitting a huge blood wheel from the air with the destruction and terrifying smell of the earth, and then fell to the eternal underground.

Facing the amazing attack, the chaotic tree in front of the ancient times suddenly gave out five colors of divine light, and then rubbed straight on the huge blood wheel.

The steering wheel, which looked magnificent in the first place, was wiped by the five-color lights, and then the spirit was darkened, and then collapsed in the air.

"This is Kong Ling's five-color lamp, what's going on?"

When I saw my attack collapse under the influence of these five colors, the initial golden body shape from top to bottom appeared with incredible colors on my face.

"He changed my offense. This old man is too sinister and too cunning."

No one knows his natural incarnation better than Kim. He turned back with cold eyes and then turned into a five-colored peacock, over 10 feet in size, he wanted to work hard for the rest of his life, he wanted to become a five-colored peacock over 10 feet in size, he thought Working hard for the rest of his life, he wanted to become a peacock with a size of more than 10 feet.

"Don't fight, you go, they are all killed by this devil. Even if the two of you work together, you are not his opponent. He is a half-step ancestor!"

Kong Ling struggled hard. Suddenly, he and Jin Shu's ears sounded Pan Chen's spiritual voice at the same time.

"What, they were all killed by this old devil? I fought him!"

When I heard that the mixed-blood heaven and others died in eternal hands, instead of leaving, he became more angry. He shook his body, turned into his body, 36 wings of blood, killed the King of God, and then flew to the eternal underground.

"Forget it, don't fight, it's meaningless, your strength is too weak!"

Before the gold rushed to the ancients, the ancients suddenly picked up the long sword and released Pan Chen.

Kim immediately stopped in midair, and even Pan Chen's face was an unexpected color. He didn't know what medicine he sold in this eternal gourd.

"Don't think you just let my master go, old man. How dare you kill my friend? I'm sure I won't die with you today!"

Although the release of Pan Chen from ancient times was an accident, Jin Dazhong did not give up the meaning of eternity, he was still full of hatred for eternity.

"Who said I killed them? I thought they were here."

An eternal sneer, and then a wave of hand, as the flashing space fluctuated, the cloudy sky and others appeared again in the air, they were not damaged at all.

"What is going on, eternal wise man?"

The change of attitude towards eternity, the stars and the rose is also full of surprises, they fly by quickly.

"Some things you don't know yet, just enter my space for a while."

Eternally speaking, with a wave of hands, the stars and the moon entered the field space.

"Pan Chen, what's going on?"

Some people looked at it inexplicably, and then mixed heaven and others and looked at Pan Chen.

"I don't know, I should ask him."

Pan Chen and Tianren united and did not know what happened. He looked back at the sky for a long time, and he knew that the other party would definitely say.

"The strange thing is why I didn't kill you, and I didn't want to kill you."

When I saw all the people looking at themselves, they said with an eternal smile.

"Old guy, what do you mean? Come on, come on!"

Jin Shu and Kong Ling both flew to Pan Chen's side, looking at those obviously wrong eternal things, Jin said without hesitation.

"It's not interesting. I just want to try your strength, but I'm a little disappointed. I can't afford the name Tiangang. I'm not qualified to be famous like me."

He shook his head helplessly, looking disappointed.

"You are not qualified to be as famous as you. You actually know the sinful identity of our heavenly emperor. You are not one of the evils of heaven, right?"

Shi dare to open his mouth to guess.

"I didn't expect that your smartest thing is a stone. Yes, I am the successor of Tianyixing. This is the only reason why I don't kill you, otherwise I won't let you go to kill you."

It will not be hidden for a long time, and a news that Pan Chen and others did not expect came. ..

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