The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2022: What a powerful body!

Pan Chen drank very low in his heart, and a black golden light flashed on his body, raising the defense of the meat to a level.


Seven first-hand voices spread through Yuefu Square, and Liu Zhenyu's seven sword shadows hit Pan Chen, but Liu Zhenyu himself was surprised that Pan Chen was unscathed except for breaking the seven-hole clothes, but instead put Liu Zhenyu back A few steps.

"What a powerful body!"

"How fast is the sword!"

The voices of Liu Zhenyu and Pan Chen sounded one after another.

Liu Zhenyu was naturally surprised that Pan Chen grabbed his seven swords with flesh. His sword was not a mortal sword, but was built with the power of the family and took thousands of years of precious iron. The sword itself was sharp and unusually cut. Iron, and then cooperate with his wind sword, harmless to the enemy.

And Pan Chen, carrying his opponent's seven swords, finally understood the opponent's means, not vitality, but the speed to the extreme, split from the seven swords in one breath, the seven swords are all entities, he just remembered the wind The other side of the sword, the meaning of the word wind.

"Everything is invincible, but it is fast and unbroken! Your flesh is strong, but I don't believe you have no weaknesses!"

Liu Zhenyu shot again. His speed turned into gray shadows from all directions, and he moved from all directions to Pan Chen. In particular, he picked out the weakness of the human body, throat, eyes, sandalwood, the spirit of heaven, and he did n’t even loose the yin.

Pan Chen was also a little frustrated. The opponent was very quick. Even though he was not as weak as him, although he successfully avoided most of the time, he was assassinated several times.

If it was not Pan Chentian who went to practice on the third floor, if several key points were assassinated, then, if the location chosen by the other party is the most vulnerable part of the human body, it would be a real life worry.

When seeing Liu Zhenyu secretly comfort the enemies Pan Chen, Lin Kai and Ye Zhengkun, the two fathers and sons were really scared.

"Butler Qin! Come here, Master 2? Go find him!"

Ye Zhengkun found the housekeeper Qin and gave orders in his ear.

Butler Qin helplessly said: "The third master has sent someone to find it, but he couldn't find it. The second master disappeared early this morning, as if he knew Master Mu was in trouble."

"What is Master Mu? This evil ungratefulness has the following sins. How dare you call him Master!"

Lin Kai's face flushed, staring at the housekeeper Qin.

"But when my hometown is still alive, Master Mu has always been the owner of my Ye family!"

Ye Zhengkun interrupted the housekeeper Qin's words and said angrily: "Enough!" Little nonsense, hurry up and find your second brother, he taught him! "

Butler Qin sighed and hurried away with several famous artists.

"The seven swords are together and broken!"

At this time, Liu Zhenyu, who was at war, suddenly took a drink in anger, and the sword in his hand shot a dazzling green light, which became a flowing shadow piercing Pan Chen's chest. His sword has been brewing for a long time, and he wants a sword to pierce Pan Chen's heart.


The sword in Liu Zhenyu's hand suddenly broke into two pieces.

Pan Chenliu's two faces changed at the same time. Liu Zhenyu's face couldn't believe it. If he saw General Ghost, he couldn't think of how he would use thousands of years of iron to make a sword. The faces of Liu Zhenyu and Liu Zhenyu changed at the same time. Liu Zhenyu's face was incredible. If he saw a ghost, he couldn't imagine his sword being made of iron for thousands of years.

Pan Chen didn't expect such a thing to happen at first, but when he touched his chest, he immediately realized that his chest was still close to a broken sky that could not be penetrated by thorns.

"If the sword is broken, go die!"

Pan Chen reacted happily. The dragon claw extended his hand and went straight to the other side to catch it. He had no strength to save this blow. Once he caught it, he must have broken his bones and tendons. ?

"Don't hurt my brother!"

Just like Pan Chen just caught a paw, a woman's voice came not far away. At the same time, a purple whip flashed straight towards Pan Chen's face, but Liu Li saw Liu Zhenyu's opposition.

"Beauty, even if I don't want to fight on the wheels, the wood is thick, but the twenty-something brothers can't stand idly by!"

Liu Li just shot, Huang Linnan's voice also sounded, he did not know when to flash behind Pan Chen, bare hand grabbed a whip.

All this happened quickly, and only for a moment. Pan Chen looked at Huang Linnan gratefully. Instead of thanking the other party for helping him to stop Liu Li's attack, he felt that he was no longer fighting alone.

Carefree, Pan Chen grasped Liu Zhenyu's arm tightly, preparing to make the other party pay the price, but at this time, a shiny knife suddenly flew in front of him.

The gold knife flew quickly, and Pan Chen unconsciously let go of Liu Zhenyu's hand and grabbed the gold knife.

As soon as he caught the flying knife, Pan Chen's face sank immediately. The knife was caught in his hand and still had a great impact. He walked back a few meters, and then reluctantly increased the power contained in the flying knife.

When the car crashed, the gold knife fell to the ground. Pan Chen looked at his palm. In his palm, a shallow wound appeared unexpectedly and was injured by the flying knife.

Pan Chen turned and looked at Ma Zongyun. Although the opponent shot quickly, in his opinion, the presence of the scene would hurt him. No one but the born master.

"Forgive and forgive, if you kill him, I will kill you today!"

Ma Zongyun said lightly, he and Pan Chen looked at each other, and could not see any feelings.

"You old bastard, scare people, Wood, **** him!"

Huang Linnan, afraid that the world would not be chaotic, stared at Ma Zongyun and rushed to Pan Chendao.

Ma Zongyun, who was scolded by the old man, obviously frowned, and a pair of deep eyes swept Huang Linnan, but he did not attack.

"Is this to deceive the younger generation?"

Pan Chen looked at Ma Zongyun in horror, and just hit him from the other party, he would feel that this person must not be a normal character.

"I can't tell you to deceive the little people. I didn't stop you from teaching them. I just told you not to kill him. You killed him and put my face in the middle of Yunzong."

Ma Zongyun said lightly that he seemed to have a tall manner in the world.

"Since my predecessor said so, I will let him go!"

Pan Chen didn't seem to want to shoot again. Liu Zhenyu knew he couldn't compete with each other, picked up his broken sword, and returned to his seat. When he saw that Liu Zhenyu was fine, Liu Li withdrew his whip and returned to his seat. ..

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