The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2173: Six star refining holes

Pan Chen smiled slightly and said, "Six stars, refined holes." Ha ha, should I feel honored. "

Underworld stars division: Generally speaking, martial arts are one-star powers, samurai are two-stars, absolute three-stars, early congenital four-stars, mid-congenital five-stars, late congenital refining realms are six-stars, innate absolute seven-stars, half-step five cases and eight stars There are five early nine stars, five ten stars, five eleven stars, and five peaks are twelve stars.

However, this is not divided by corrections, but by pure combat theory. Therefore, Pan Chenxiu is still acquired, but has been designated as six stars, which seems absurd, but extremely normal.

Jiang Yuelong also understood the reason why the little poison king slaughtered Wan Wanlai. Six-star missions reward defective soldiers, but this is very generous. Sacred warriors can meet but can't ask. It is already a great honor for a holy warrior who refines a hole to possess weapons and possess inferior products.

At this moment, Tu million suddenly smiled and said, "Do you know why I said so much nonsense to you?"

Pan Chen didn't answer, because he felt a slight noise on the ground, so Menglan jumped up and went straight to the sky.

At this time, there were green everywhere and green flames flashing, as if jasper was engraved on the scorpion, also from the footsteps that Pan Chen just stepped on, and then a needle jumped into the tail of the scorpion to form Pan Chen.

This scorpion is obviously not an ordinary poisonous insect. If Pan Chen's reaction is slow for half a minute, he will be stung by the scorpion, and he will worry about the end of the game!

Obviously, Tu million just talked to Pan Chen, not to let him die very clearly, but to plan with Scorpion.

Unfortunately, one step is different, heaven is different!

How fast Pan Chen's body was, he instantly reached a height of three feet, and then reversed the door, and a sword pierced quickly towards the scorpion.

The scorpion is not an ordinary poisonous insect, and it already belongs to the devil. The green light flame is its devilish spirit and has certain spiritual wisdom.

Seeing that the opportunity was not good, it hurriedly urged the evil spirits, and the figure accelerated down. As soon as it enters the ground, it can escape and attack again!

Unfortunately, when the scorpion fell to the ground, Pan Chen had already issued a sword in the first step. Although it only consumed 50 points of mental power, it was enough to keep the weak scorpion of the soul for a moment.

At this moment, the sword was quickly pierced!

Unfortunately, Tu million is afraid of Pan Chen's sword attack. At this point, he was five feet away, even if he was too fast to be rescued. When he watched the venom of his hard sacrifice for more than ten years being wiped out, his face was immediately distorted, and his elegant and leisurely temperament disappeared without a trace. "you dare!"

Unfortunately, Pan Chen's long sword didn't stop, the sword pierced the head of the green poisonous scorpion!

The green poisonous scorpion struggled a few times, and the flames of his body suddenly dissipated, not breathing at all!

Pan Chen looked at the ferocious butcher million and smiled slightly, saying: "It was just a blue fire, a poisonous scorpion, like a dead father!"

In fact, his heart was cold sweat, the poison of the blue fire poison scorpion, even the natural owner can easily poison. This big man with a big palm is still condensing all over his body. He must have been fed a lot of poison and sacrificed for many years. If he was really stabbed, I am afraid Wu Zong will not be easy.

At this time, Tu million suddenly calmed down and said coldly: "How did you find it?" His blue fire scorpion rarely appears in the eyes of others, every shot will kill, and only the vicissitudes of the sea sword can escape! But this person is arrogant and will never say that it is everywhere, that is to say, his card should not be known by many people!

"Guess, of course!"

Pan Chen smiled. In fact, he also learned five copies of the poison secretary at Daojian River and Lake, and he knew very little about Baiduzong. In the forum, the player was exposed by means of 100 poisonous scorpion blue fire poison scorpion and other poisonous diamond injuries, Pan Chen naturally knows. Since the so-called Little Poison King, of course, he couldn't help but watch out for this move, so he has been staring at the movements under his feet.

"In that case, pay for my scorpion!"

After Tuwan was finished, Meng Ran patted one hand, and a green palm rushed towards Pan Chen. This is his nearly 100 kinds of poisonous gas and concentrated 100 kinds of poisonous gas. His brother's five kinds of poisonous gas are colorful, but the toxicity is not completely mixed together. His 100 kinds of poisonous gas have nearly 100 kinds of poisons to be refined into one kind, the toxicity is ten times more terrible than ordinary five poisonous true gas!

Most of the poisons he proposed were extracted by him, extinguishing his own 100 kinds of poisonous gas. Only this blue fire poisonous scorpion was sacrificed by him with poison and 100 poisonous true gas because of his silent nature. A simple wisdom, in his heart, this blue venomous scorpion is more precious than the lower soldiers. Therefore, at this time, his heart for Pan Chen was so strong that he no longer offered a reward!

However, Pan Chen looked pale and became a remnant. He appeared on the side of the body, easily avoiding the poisonous palm.

Tuwan suddenly changed his appearance, and then patted again!

Then, patting with both hands, palms one after another, resulting in countless handprints, Pan Chen Shroud!

At this time, palm lines are dense, cutting off all the locations where Pan Chen dodges, he seems to be in a desperate situation.

But Pan Chen knows that no matter how deep Tu million's poison is, it is impossible to condense so many palm prints with true energy.

In addition, Pan Chen's spiritual power has always been around the body, insight into the microscopic, peeping at the real situation, and found that most of these palmprints have the illusion of little real gas condensation, like a bubble, punctured with a knife. Only six palm prints are condensed by a hundred poisonous gases and real gas, and come quickly from up and down.

As long as there is a moment, the poison palm print will invade the body. When Pan Tonto jumps with his toes and vertical body, he swings a sword along the trend, the green palm print of the head turns into a green spirit dissipation, and the image goes straight into the sky, avoiding other Five deadly poisonous palm prints.

There are also dozens of phantom palms about to touch Pan Chen ’s body, which is opened by a wave of white water and turns into a faint green gas, while Pan Chen ’s body protecting gas is condensed by the real Beitao gas .

At this time, Tu Wan had a flashing shape, and to Jiang Yuelong, his five fingers condensed into green gas, and he was born with it. He is a poison master, and playing with yin is a means. If he works actively with people, he is really mentally handicapped. He dragged Pan Chen with a hundred poisons and thousands of magical hands, just to hold a hostage!

At this point, Pan Chen wanted to go too far, too late to rescue.

Six people including Xu Huofa were also seriously injured in their own hands, and Jiang Yuelong's isolation was immediately at stake!

But she looked very light, with a flashing shape, away from the green corner gang of the six.

However, Tu million's light skills are more on Jiang Yuelong, like the shadow, suddenly, the green palm has reached the ruler behind her!

Jiang Yuelong slightly raised his mouth, a blue iron pill slid from the sleeve to his right hand, Mengeland turned around, and quickly threw it at the butcher million behind him. This is Tianliangzong Mibao Tianlei pills. Pan Chen will give her three Tianlei pills to save her life. This is the last one!

Almost at the same time, she retreated with the blood shadow body, leaving only the remainder.

As a result, Tu million poison claws hit the remnants, and on the same day Lei Wan also hit his chest, violently colliding with the green body of the gangster gas! ..

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