The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2179: Unparalleled

At this time, the cold ice layer just spread to Pan Chen's finger, he immediately pulled the sword back!

However, Tong Nan woke up faster than Pan Chen expected. When he just stepped back from ten steps, he pulled out his inferior soldier-level venting knife, and Jingying knife exuded a terrible chill. Case! ? The majestic Xuanqi and Qi were almost full of the knife body in the body, and became a kind of condensed white snow knife Qi, which became Pan Chen!

At the same time, the rebel soldiers scattered, and at the same time loosened the full bow string, the sharp arrows shot at Pan Chen like raindrops!

Pan Chen smiled slightly, his figure spinning at high speed. Pan Li's unparalleled spirit of Snow White flew across the side of his body.

At this time, the arrows in the sky had flown like a rainstorm!

A yellow elf appeared in his palm, and the real soul was entered.

A golden hood surfaced, blocking the rainy arrow.

After a period of violent noise, Vajra's gas mask was broken almost instantly! ?

These arrows are too dense, the impact is very strong, and the three levels of the diamond symbol cannot be stopped!

The arrow behind is behind!

Pan Chen waved his sword calmly and quickly, blocking most of the arrows in front of him. Many arrows shot into his back and waist, but only made a sound of gold and iron, and then fell one by one, like Shot a thick steel plate!

Pan Chen, although the golden body of the dragon elephant is just a beginner, he is no longer afraid of attacks under ordinary samurai!

At this time, Tang Nan had already jumped in the air, and the blade of the sword condensed into Xu Daomang, and he cut off from his back very quickly!

Pan Chen, but if he didn't feel it, he quickly walked towards the rebel pawns!

The soldier once again bowed and shot the arrow, but Pan Chen rushed into the formation of the soldier in the rain of arrows and broke through the formation of the soldier in a few breaths. Han Yuanjian swept the blood marks on the necks of the three soldiers, and then fell down!

At this time, the soldiers in the distance mistakenly thought they were injured and immediately hesitated.

At this time, Tongnan's long sword failed, shredding on the blue brick floor, but issued a sharp spirit of white snow knife, the spirit of the knife cut the blue brick, and Pan Chen quickly dispersed!

In front of Pan Chen, a bad guy was pulling his bow, but he was cut off from behind by a knife. Snow White's speed didn't drop at all, and continued to cut to Pan Chen. But Pan Chen's figure turned into a residual image to dissipate, and Snow White's spirit continued to pass, which would avoid two soldiers who could not escape their bodies!

The figure of Pan Chen appeared among the dozen soldiers beside him. He surrounded the necks of several unguarded soldiers with a long sword and a bloodshot. These soldiers immediately died! Pan Chenchong smiled with Nan. "Old Liu, good job!"

The soldiers next to him were afraid again. They were also mistakenly cut by Tongnan's knife and immediately retreated one by one!

Tong Nan's face was gloomy and terrifying. He said coldly, "Archery!" Who killed the thief and gave him 12,000 gold. "

In ancient times, a copper coin was similar to the current one dollar, one or two silver coins were worth 1,000 yuan, a pair of gold coins was about twelve silver coins, and a hundred thousand gold coins was equivalent to one hundred million yuan. This is both tempting and terrible!

In a flash, hundreds of arrows were shot in. This was not to make them wonder if they would be hurt by mistake.

Pan Chen was about to escape again, and the distant room flew down from a five to six foot long rope. A familiar voice came: "Wait!"

He didn't hesitate. He grasped the rope with his left hand. The shape of the sword spun quickly. The sword was as light as a net and cut off the arrow. The lost arrow couldn't break his golden body like a dragon.

At this time, Tang Nan jumped up again, condensing an inch of knife, Pan Kong waved the knife and shredded.

When Pan Chen was about to dodge, a huge pull came from the rope in his hand. Without resistance, his body flew towards the house.

Pan Chen is about to escape, and hundreds of archers shoot arrows together!

Pan Chen waved his sword to resist, but this shape was quickly pulled into the house by the rope. After a while, he fell into the room.

At this time, a bright and moving woman in white stood in the room, Jiang Yuelong. She looked at Pan Chen with bright eyes, and smiled slightly at the corner of her mouth. "This time I saved you!"

"Thank you very much, let's go!"

Pan Chendao, although for him, was far from desperate at this time, but walked out of the battlefield early, while also saving him a lot of consumption.

At this moment, like a rain arrow, the two of them hurriedly did light work, galloping along the row of houses.

Under the house, Wu Tianliang said, "Lord, do you still want to chase him?"

"Don't catch up," he said. "You can't catch up with success. Moreover, due to the rapid advance of external forces, ordinary soldiers have caught up with them, and they are also dead!"

After finishing the car, Tong Nan touched it a few times and pulled the skin off his face.

Wu Tianliang said ashamedly: "This is a wise move, the budget is wrong, this will cause the loss of our army, please God punish!"

Tang Nan shook his head and said: "There is no problem with the strategy of the military division, but this person has the courage of 10,000 people and there are many mental characteristics in his body. No matter how many soldiers he is, he is useless. "Let's go according to the original plan and put Yuxi County first. "

Although Pan Chen is indeed strong in battle, his real purpose is not to kill Pan Chen, but to train the army first and then conquer Qinghe County. Since he could not hide his whereabouts or attack at night, he would attack him directly. In any case, he is now strong again, and a county army cannot stop him.

Wu Tianliang nodded and said: "The Lord said too much!"

"One order, all the people and horses gathered in Yuxi County!"

Under Tang Nan's command, all the soldiers gathered quickly.

After a while, in a hotel, the ground, the counter, and the entrance to the stairs were lying on the body, bloody.

In the kitchen, the chef also fell to the ground, but the rice and ingredients were missing.

The aim of the underworld insurgents is to turn all people into displaced people and speed up the period of unrest, so almost all hotels and restaurants were washed away by blood.

At this time, in the room on the second floor by the window.

Pan Chenzheng and Jiang Yuelong drank water and ate a big cake.

Jiang Yuelong mixed into the county, but found that there was no food and had been hungry for a while.

Pan Chen has just experienced a battle, and his constitution and vitality have consumed a lot, and he must add the essence in time.

At the same time, he is also calculating the result of the war. He has just killed 6 soldiers and got the essence of 80 points and the knight value of 540 points. ..

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