The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2197: Bet 【6 Million Words Wang Wang, Seek Slaughter】

& # 160; This time, Pan Chen ’s voice was too loud, and many people bet on Pan Chen.

Zhu Lingyue still bets on Pan Chen, but there are only 2 million purple coins. Of course, she is very confident in Pan Chen, but she cannot show it so clearly, otherwise it will be easy to find out the connection between her and Pan Chen.

The result of the game also came out quickly. Pan Chen and the Blue Whale Hercules entangled for a long time, and finally rely on fast movement to win!

Therefore, many viewers make a lot of money.

At this time, this is Pan Chen's last defense, but the opponent is Wu Peng's silver boxer Jin Peng.

The host said, "Audience, distinguished guests, this is our boxer Qing Jiao's last defensive match. If he wins, he will win 10 consecutive games and will be promoted to a silver medal boxer." Some people thought Bet him? "

However, the more the host said, the fewer people would bet on Pan Chen, because Pan Chen's strength was only stronger than Yinlong and Blue Whale. But Jinpeng's repair machine is comparable to Zhongfeng's martial arts, and its strength is close to the gold level, far exceeding the silver dragon and the blue whale. The gap between the two is a bit big!

However, Zhu Lingyue is still betting on Pan Chen and 10,000 crystal coins!

In addition, Purple Princess still bets on Pan Chen in the VIP room, betting 10,000 crystal coins.

The magnolia flower beside him dressed up as a man didn't actually think that Green Horn could win, but in order to show that she believed Zi Zi's eyes, she also put purple coins on Pan Chen. For her, her friendship with the county is far less than ten thousand purple coins.

After a while, the game began.

This time Pan Chen changed the initial combat style, the characters flew by and hit Jin Peng for the first time.

Jin Peng was also a sudden blow, two punches touched, one punch and one punch, and the platinum fist slammed, the two characters quickly retreated, only tens of meters apart before stagnation.

Suddenly, the two characters flashed, and they fought very quickly. The hand on the flesh was raised, and dozens of punches would be punched in a moment. It seemed to be close at hand.

Jin Peng's heart shook himself secretly, and the attack of each punch was comparable to the average peak of ordinary martial arts. Even Tier 6 soldiers can be crushed, but every time they collide with the opponent's fist, there will be a tingling sensation, as if the opponent's fist is much more difficult than the fist thousands of years ago.

Of course, if he knew that Pan Chen only used 10% of his energy, he would not dare to start to doubt life.

Since the fire of Yin and Yang Dao extinguished Chaos Jindan, the progress of Pan Chen ’s mixed elements has been trapped in%. Upgrade once. At this time, although Pan Chen's repair field has not yet broken through, his fighting power has soared a lot, reaching a level that he cannot estimate. Therefore, although he only used 10% of his strength, his combat effectiveness was close to the level of martial arts in the later period.

The fierce confrontation between Pan Chen and Jin Peng caused shock to many people. None of them thought that Pan Chen's fighting power should be so terrible that they had a vague worry in their hearts.

After a while, Jin Peng suddenly exploded, a golden Tian Peng phantom flashed across the ring, and a Tian Peng claw moved to Pan Chen. This claw of Tianpeng is his unique trick, and his power has been close to the peak level in the later period, helping him defeat many powerful enemies.

However, Pan Chen did not dodge, and suddenly punched and kicked. At the beginning of the dragon's voice, a white dragon ghost surfaced, and his iron boxing hit Jinpeng's Tianpeng claws.

Jin Peng spit out blood and fell into the boxing ring.

Jin Peng's physique is already a martial arts class, and his vitality is very tenacious. He struggled to stand up, but Pan Chen's fist strength hurt his internal organs. As long as he was lucky, he would be very painful. He is also a goldsmith system technician. His offensive is super and normal. If he wants to repair his internal organs, he must be a special doctor.

In the end, he gave up the fight.

Pan Chen's performance is also very difficult, fair skin, breathless, and some standing unstable, seems to consume a lot.

Zhu Lingyue, who was sitting in the audience, couldn't help but want to give him a good impression, this is the real misguided performance!

The host immediately announced that Pan Chen won and was promoted to a silver medal boxer!

Zhu Lingyue hurriedly looked at the ID card and found that there were more than 10,000 purple coins on it, and he immediately smiled like a flower. In less than half a day, her purple coin doubled, and she is now like a dream, some incredible! Then, she was very greedy, thinking that this was three times the original. If she pressed all the money down, there are now more than 10,000 purple coins!

At this time, in the VIP room, Magnolia looked at the purple princess admiringly and said with a smile: "The princess really thought that something would happen, so Magnolia won another 10,000 purple coins. We went to drink a lot in the Fairy House Pause, this is my treat! "


The purple governor smiled, but looking at Pan Chen, he slowly left the ring, as if he had a strong interest.

Balance is the most important thing in the world. When someone appreciates you, someone must hate you!

At this time, in a private room next to the county, a young man in white clothes said sullenly, "Road, how many purple coins do we have?"

Beside, a pink maid said carefully: "Master, we just put all the purple coins on it!"

The young man in white looked fierce and said, "Damn green horn, even if he loses so much, I will kill him!"

No wonder he is angry, Pan Chen hides his strength, several unexpected wins, let him lose the last time, everyone will be angry.

Next to it, Lu suggested: "Young Master, the main city is strictly forbidden to kill, and once found it will cause trouble or do not want it!"

However, at this time, the young man in white did not listen at all, killing the opportunity in their eyes.

At this time, Pan Chen naturally did not know that he had missed it, he came to the lounge to rest, pretending to accept the job.

Immediately, a woman wearing a blue skirt came over and said with a smile: "Well, don't pretend, the auxiliary hall will mainly see you!"

Pan Chen opened his eyes and glanced at the woman. She found that this woman is also the descendant of King Wu. Her breath is not under the silver dragon. She is obviously a silver boxer. It looks like this Thunderbox is really talented!

Then the woman in blue and Pan Chen came to the door of a secret room and said, "Vice Master is waiting for you!"

Pan Chen walked into the house with a smile, the door of the secret room closed automatically.

In the back room, a middle-aged man in white was facing him, his back was facing him, standing with a negative hand.

Although Pan Chen did not urge the eyes of the space hole to see it, he still felt a powerful and unparalleled machine, which vaguely gave him a sense of crisis. With his strength at that time, even if he concentrated the peak of the martial arts of the Sergeant Yuan Shen, he could hardly bring him a sense of crisis. This deputy curator is a little scary!

Immediately, the deputy host suddenly turned around and said, "Do you know why I called you?"

Pan Chen said quietly: "Do you know!"

The deputy librarian said coldly: "Just know!" Your Zhu Lingyue got ten thousand purple coins in the boxing hall. What do you think I should do? "

In order to find out the relationship between Pan Chen and Zhu Lingyue, the power of Fenglei Boxing Stadium can easily find the relationship between Pan Chen and Zhu Lingyue. ..

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