The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2204: Fish-like fish [Six million words Wang Wang, please slaughter]

& # 160; Pan Chen smiled and said: "Thank you for your concern!"

Dark light appeared on the surface of Kun Peng's body, and immediately turned into a fish-like fish, just like a bird, not the animal rule stage of the bird Kun Peng's deity. Although Kun Peng is only the pinnacle of the king of martial arts, the magic power of the gods is equivalent to the pinnacle of martial arts of Yuanshen Yuanshen, but it is not difficult to temporarily change the stage of divine law. Fairy Kunpeng suddenly raised her wings, and the terrible blue wind struck Pan Chen. Kunpeng, the water is the Kun, the flying sky is the Peng, in charge of Feng Shui and hydropower. This blue wind is a nine-day wind, and its strength is enough to blow away the flesh of many martial arts.

However, Pan Chen's clothes fluttered, and a little chaotic gas appeared on the surface of his body, but his flesh was unscathed. His flesh is stronger than the black turtle, and there are two powerful internal and external gases, the real Dragon King and the chaotic Danyuan, so he is naturally not afraid of the gangster gas of nine days. In an instant, he condensed the power of Chaos Danyuan, the power of Chaos Law, and merged into the meaning of chaos, and then struck out, the boxing of chaos became a long river leading to Kunpeng, swept away.

Kun Peng opened his mouth and vomited, a cold black tide washed away, collided with the chaotic river, and suddenly collapsed.

"Xuanmian Town Water!"

Pan Chen looked surprised. He said that Jiutian's help and Xuanming Zhenshui, no wonder he could win Kunpeng's championship and stabilize Jinwu, ranking first.

At this moment, Kun Peng suddenly opened his mouth and sucked hard, the endless airflow was engulfed. He seemed to swallow the whole world into his stomach, and Pan Chen's body was pulled down by suction, crumbling.

"Go in and go!"

Pan Chen remembered that Sun Wukong had subdued the iron fan's princess, so he took the sucker in.

After a while, Pan Chen opened his eyes and looked at a vast ocean, surrounded by nine days of wind, like an independent world. Facts have proved that Kunpeng's real avatar at the bottom of the box is the space avatar. It belongs to the prototype of the cave sky and already has some cave sky weather. If other Golden Warriors are tied here, it will definitely be killed by his mysterious water and 9 days of wind.

However, Pan Chen is not worried. Taking his restoration as an example, it is not difficult to break through this space.

At this moment, a force condensed a black middle-aged shadow. It was Kun Peng. He stared at Pan Chen and said coldly: "I didn't want to kill you, but if you broke in, it is no wonder that I am! "

Suddenly, a black jade symbol suddenly appeared in the air. The jade symbol quickly diffused black gas and immediately condensed into a large black handprint, grabbing Pan Chen.

Pan Chen felt the power of the dark road from the **** handprint. This spirit was vaguely suppressed, and he had an unprecedented sense of crisis in his heart. Obviously, this is already Wu Sheng's offensive force, and his repair is by no means an easy thing to resist. Therefore, he immediately urged the hidden body to mix the beads, and immediately inhaled the power of the black hand mixed beads of the sky and the cave. Then he flashed into the hole in the sky.

At this time, the electric fairy **** of the Nutao Town Army has been urging mana and the sword of the Xuanshui fairy, and then suppressed the **** handprint with the fairy light of the white water system and sealed it on a piece of jade. He immediately said anxiously: "This person's cultivation should be the future sage, if it is not a simple supernatural power, I can not suppress it." How can you offend such a fierce enemy. "

Over the past year, Nu Tao Zhenjun ’s Emperor Immortal God has recovered a lot, in order to suppress the Wusheng Avatar with the power of the fairy sword. Of course, more importantly, the relationship between the two has greatly improved, he will take the initiative to help.

"This person should be a triad. In this world, people yell at the rats on the street, old people don't need to worry!" Pan Chen smiled and explained that he immediately clenched his fists and said, "Thanks to my predecessor, can you lend me a bit?"

It only takes a little time for him to reflect it into the practice room, and then he can understand the power of the enemy in this incarnation.

Rutao Zhenjun nodded and handed it to Yu Pei.

After Pan Chen took it, he pretended to look at it carefully, and gave a smile to the female Tao Zhenjun: "Senior is really powerful, you can reseal this avatar and use it as a Taoist character."

Nu Tao Zhenjun said with a smile: "This is natural. At that time, the old man was also the leader of the Suwon Immortal. He also opened a happy world. If it were not for the unique strength of Dragon Avenue, the old man would not lose.

Immediately, Pan Chen said goodbye, the figure flew by and flew out of the sky.

When Kun Peng saw Pan Chen's revival, he was immediately stunned and said, "How can you avoid the Holy Lord's Avatar?" Is it? Yes, it must be heavenly holiness. "

"Now you know, come in too!"

Pan Chen immediately exercised the power of the cave sky, turned into a chaotic whip, tied Kun Peng's soul, and sucked it into the mixed beads. In short, it is in Kunpeng's internal space. The space barrier isolates many eyes, and he can use the mixed beads with confidence.

After a while, Kun Peng ’s soul was released again, but it was decadent, apparently controlled by Pan Chen, forbidding the soul.

At the same time, Pan Chen also learned from Kun Peng that this time a warrior came to kill him. Because there are not many chances for a duel, this man bought the first boxer Kun Peng of Feng Lei Boxing Stadium to shoot.

Kunpeng, with its unique spatial incarnation, can quietly kill Pan Chen, with the help of the symbol of jade, the sacred God. This matter was resolved a month ago. Therefore, even if he saw the power of Pan Chen, he still decided to do so.

Pan Chen immediately urged the chaotic Dan Yuan forces to break through the space barrier and appear on the gladiator's ring.

Then, the two continued to 'fight'. After a while, Kun Peng was kicked off the sky by Pan Chen and completely lost the battle.

Only a group of silly spectators fell behind.

Although the trumpet is ten games, Pan Chen defeated the first gold boxer Kun Peng in the boxing hall, which is equivalent to clearing customs in advance. This tenth game, regardless of whether the boxer also played, lost.

So, at this time, the host said: "Because our boxer Qing Jiao defeated all the gold boxers, the game ended early." At the same time, our clear corner boxers were named purple boxers, named true Long, and was elected as the honorary deputy director of the museum. "

Pan Chen defeated all the gold boxers in Fenglei Boxing Stadium, which is equivalent to playing on the pitch, which will have a major impact on the reputation of the boxing hall. Therefore, Tian Lei and Wu Zun have proposed the honorary deputy curator's move to pull people to their camps so that a good story can appear. This matter, Tian Lei Wudun had already mentioned it before the start of the game, Pan Chen did not refuse, anyway, this is an honorable thing, and each month can get 10,000 purple coins, in short, this is not A loss. ..

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