The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2206: Countless doors [Six million words Wang Wang, please kill]

& # 160; General Silver Armor clenched his fists and said, "Yes, Master, the owner of this city was invited!"

Pan Chen did not understand why the city owner would find himself. He pondered for a while and said, "Lead the way!"

"Dare to ask the general, do you know what the shopkeeper is looking for?"

On the way, Pan Chen asked.

General Yin Jia said: "This is not known after the end of the day, but it should be related to recent rumors."

Beside, Ziying asked: "What is the rumor?"

The silver medal general hesitated for a while and said: "Legend Pan Gongzi is the real dragon who beat six gold boxers in Fenglei Boxing Hall. His son cooperated with Tianlei Wudun and intentionally hurt the audience in the boxing hall." You colluded with the devil, mutilated the innocent, and slaughtered countless doors. If it was not the owner of this city who let this down, then the inn where Pan Gongzi was closed was unsafe for a long time. "

"Thank you, General!"

Pan Chen clenched his fists, that is to say, he thought a little in his heart and immediately realized who was making rumors and attacking himself. He shouldn't do it secretly, but it is smart to criticize him and borrow a knife. It seems that this person must be cut off as soon as possible, otherwise there will be trouble!

A quarter of an hour later, Pan Chen walked into the hall of the city hall and saw an elegant middle-aged man dressed in white sitting on the throne. Although the middle-aged man in white looks at his temperament and elegance like a Confucian scholar full of poetry, Pan Chen feels a terrible machine far beyond Jin Wu, Kun Peng, Golden Boxer, Even the most respected and powerful person-Tianlei Wu Zun. However, Pan Chen felt from his hidden body that he was far more than Jin Wu, Kun Peng, the gold-level boxer, and even the most respected King Lei Wu Zun. Obviously, this is the white wind after the west wind, and also the owner of the west wind city, leading the thousands of families of the west wind road festival! According to the information he received, Bai Feng was Wu Sheng's strongman. As for the specific state of Wu Sheng, he did not know, and he did not dare to peep with fake eyes.

Then Bai Feng looked at Pan Chen and said, "Pan Chen, do you know why Ben called you?"

Pan Chen held his fist and said, "I don't know, please ask Master Hou to make it clear!"

Bai Lifeng said with a smile: "Your identity at Fenglei Boxing Stadium is exposed. Tianyi Pavilion moved your diver's list from the south to the west and rose to 55th." Many experts on the Xilong list are not convinced and intend to propose question. At this moment, I still want to have a martial arts meeting, so I am ready to let you meet the crowd, are you sure? "

"Of course!"

Pan Chen smiled and immediately held his fist and said, "Thank you, Master Hou, thank you for helping me get rid of the rumors!"

These rumors cannot be suppressed, but can be transferred and eliminated. This military meeting is the best way to divert and eliminate rumors, as long as he can subdue the crowd and conquer others! In the world of martial arts, power is the truth. If you have absolute power, you will naturally break those untrue rumors.

Bai Feng said: "You don't have to thank me. I did this because Mulan begged me." Mulan asked me because I promised my friend Yunmeng to help you at a critical moment. So, this matter, you can write on the sheriff. "

Pan Chen shook his head and said, "In any case, thank you, Master Hou." If you have anything to do, Pan must be responsible, please ask Master Hou to make it clear. "

Bai Gaier listened and said with a smile: "Well, there is one thing you can help." If you win the first prize, we will talk about it later. "

An hour later, Xifeng City performed a martial arts stadium, which is the legal venue of the city ’s duel competition, with thousands of rings, enough to accommodate tens of thousands of people.

At this time, thousands of martial arts masters gathered for the Xifeng Road Wushu Conference.

Pan Chen has seen many acquaintances in it, such as Fei Yujian, Lv Feiyun, Jin Wu, Kun Peng. Although their appearance and temperament are very different from the appearance and temperament in the boxing hall, they cannot hide his fake eyes.

Bai Lifeng immediately said: "Today, there are so many young Junjie gathered here to attend my Xifeng Road martial arts conference. I am very happy, but please remember that if someone does it on purpose, it will never be light!"

All contestants immediately began to draw lots and start a group match.

It can be said that the gold content of the Xifeng Road Wushu Conference is still very high. The contestants are basically national elites. The worst is the martial arts strongman who condenses the top Jindan. Many of them come from the western region, preparing to challenge Pan Chen ’s hidden dragon list. . Therefore, the competition was very exciting. After an audition and promotional competition, Pan Chen, who ranked in the top 64, successfully advanced in the afternoon.

After a while, it was Pan Chen's turn to play, this time against Lu Feiyun. Although Lu Feiyun often goes to Fenglei Boxing Gambling, drinking flowers, but this does not mean that he is a garbage. On the contrary, his training ability is very high and amazing, not only condensing the best Jindan, but also reaching the peak of the king of martial arts when he was young, the combat power is equivalent to the middle peak of martial arts, otherwise the master Feiyujian is impossible Train him to be an heir.

Lu Feiyun smiled painfully and said, "Although I really want to meet Brother Pan, I did not expect that we will meet for the first time, but we are on the boxing ring."

Pan Chen smiled and said: "Thank you, Brother Lu, last time Dan Lingzhai said, thank you for your help. If you are grateful, you will not say too much." In order to show respect, Pan will do his best. "

"Your sister, who wants you to respect, put some water, let me make a few more tricks, and show it in front of my future father-in-law, isn't it?"

Lu Feiyun was depressed and gloomy.

Not far away, for the first time wearing women's clothing, Magnolia said coldly: "Lv Feiyun, what are you still hanging out, hurry up, there are people waiting for the game!"

The contempt in his words made Lu Feiyun angry. This woman is really a poisonous tongue. Why does she like this woman?

"Brother Pan, please give me some suggestions!"

Immediately, Lu Feiyun concentrated the power of Dan Yuan, urged the body to fly the sword, and then opened his mouth, a white sword sparkling, pierced Pan Chen.

Pan Chenqu pointed to a bullet, and the white sword lamp was repulsed, turning into a flying sword and falling into the hands of Lu Feiyun.

Immediately after, after more than a dozen moves, Lu Feiyun was punched by him in boxing, which was enough to give him face.

After a while, Pan Chen's second game began.

This time the opponent is a blue shirt swordsman, from the submarine dragon roster outside Xifeng Road. He looked at Pan Chen and said with a smile: "Even if you are Pan Chen, it's not very good. You just won a few boxers. Tianyi even ranked you in the 55th place. It was a mistake. The ranking laughed! "He looked at Pan Chen and said with a smile:" Even if you are Pan Chen, it is not very good. I just won a few boxers. Tian Yi actually ranked you in 55th place.

The submersible list ranking is a monthly reward. Natural competition is fierce, and every diver will strive to improve his ranking.

With no expression on his face, Pan Chen clenched his fists and said, "Please!"

"I beg you!"

After the blue shirt swordsman was finished, he pulled out the scabbard and poured Dan Yuan with extremely cold power. The white **** sword flourished and suddenly cut off suddenly. A huge cold sword gas attacked Pan Chen.

Pan Chen did not flash or escape, leaving the extremely cold soul to be smashed by the knife gas, and the body immediately condensed a layer of black ice and turned into an ice sculpture.

The blue shirt swordsman was very happy. His figure was shining, and the sword in his hand quickly pierced the heart of the ice sculpture.

As the sword edge approached, the ice sculpture suddenly cracked and Pan Chen rushed out of the ice and came out with one blow.

The turbulent boxing hit the blue shirt swordsman and his cold ice sword like a hot dragon, and then the blue shirt swordsman suddenly vomited blood, and even the man fell into the boxing ring with the sword.

The blue shirt sword ranking is not low, 98, the vast western region, unlimited territory, Wu Wang is countless powerful, he can rank 98, has experienced this war, many submarine dragon list experts affirmed Pan Chen ’s strength, Knowing that this is by no means fully supported by the people of Tianyi Pavilion, deliberately holding up Pan Chen's ranking.

Magnolia's bright eyes flashed with colors of appreciation. It seems that Yunmeng Lord's eyes are not bad. If it is not counted as a foreign object such as a holy object, I am afraid Pan Chen's ranking is more than that.

Shortly after the knockout, he decided to enter the top eight and enter the final stage.

In the first game, Jin Wu played against another strong man on the submarine dragon list. At this time, Jin Wu ’s identity was Lu Xun, and he was the core disciple of Jin Wu ’s education.

The Golden Pentagram is one of the eight holy sites in the west. As Lu Chenghao, he became a gold boxer in Fenglei Boxing Hall only because of the rich training resources promised by Tianlei Wudang. In fact, he rarely appeared in the game, because apart from Kun Peng, even the boss Blue Dragon, could not resist his sun is really hot.

Another powerful dragon list is comparable to the top of martial arts, but he was blown off the boxing ring by several moves, and even the soldiers were almost melted by the sun.

Then, Pan Chendeng walked into the boxing ring. His opponent was a middle-aged man, dressed in black, with a slightly black face, and a heavy iron sword in his hand, without opening.

His identity has been around for a long time, but he is Yang Wufeng, the core disciple of Tiejianmen, ranking 59th on the Qianlong list. The Iron Sword Gate is also one of the eight holy places in the western region. This school's swordsmanship is simple, and the sword is unprecedented, and it is clever and clumsy. Straightforwardly speaking, it belongs to the sword of force. This is Yang Wufeng's more deeply rooted swordsmanship. The sword is extremely powerful and unstoppable. The hand of the Excalibur is also a sixth-level Divine Martial Art.

Immediately, the two greeted each other, and Pan Chen's hand suddenly appeared with a muddy real dragon sword, a condensed spirit, and an infused sword body.

Yang Wufeng also concentrated the strength and soul of Dan Yuan, poured into Xuan Tiejian, and stood up with Pan Chen.

After a while, Yang Wufeng's figure suddenly flashed, and Xuan Tiejian in his hand quickly cut to Pan Chen. Although he is good at swords, his body speed is not very slow. On the contrary, his speed is very fast, no less than that of many submarine dragons.

Pan Chen felt the power of the laws of the earth from Yang Wufeng's sword, and its core should be the mystery of gravity. With the blessings of the laws of the earth, the weight of an iron sword weighing thousands of pounds not only increased by a hundred times, but the thickness of the sword was also unstoppable. Therefore, almost all the enemy of death is his **** of death. However, he did not dodge with light power, but also condensed the power law of the soil system, insisted on the chaos of the true dragon sword, and quickly cut it out using the formula of chaos to cut the fairy sword. ..

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