The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2219: Several people followed the spray [Six million words Wang Wang, beg for slaugh

& # 160; Then, a few people followed the spray and went straight to Song Hanjiang to demote, but also made Song Hanjiang's family spray back.

Among a group of people fighting for power and interests, Pan Chen turned around quietly and left alone to discuss who should be the boss. His advantages can be adapted to any environment, he does not have to work hand in hand with a group of people fighting with each other, this is natural.

Dong Haichuan looked at Pan Chen's back, hesitated for a while, and followed.

At this time, many people saw Pan Chen and Dong Haichuan leave one by one, but they left the group with a sneer, lest they become the first to be eliminated.

Fang Yingxue looked at Pan Chen's distant back, and there was a familiar feeling in his heart, but he was speechless. Then she made contact with several girls.

After a while, a dozen miles away, Dong Haichuan caught up with Pan Chen and asked, "Brother Pan, why are you in a hurry to leave?"

Pan Chen smiled and said: "This world can even be counted as a task. The magical things are fools, waiting for them to break through each other?" Now that he is still fighting each other, he may have been wiped out by magical objects instead of Waiting for them to come up with the results. "

Dong Haichuan was suspicious, and suddenly his face changed, because he felt that many cold air engines were coming soon.

Pan Chen also felt the silver awn flashing in his eyes, and the distant scene clearly appeared, only to see a giant python with black scales and crimson eyes spit out letters quickly and swam away. These pythons are very large, ten feet long, small and more than ten meters long. The body contains a strong Xuanyin spirit. The lowest breath is the initial martial arts level. Those big ones are basically the pinnacle of martial arts. Level. In particular, these pythons are terrible, but they are many times smaller than the sixth-order monsters, and their bodies are stronger, more defensive, more flexible, and more difficult to deal with.

If there are only a dozen or so, Pan Chen can easily kill it, but the number of these black pythons is too large, at least a few hundred, even if his body is strong, there is a real dragon fight, too five smoke to protect the body It is difficult to resist so many black python attacks.

"let's go!"

Pan Chen grabbed Dong Haichuan's hand and made a five-element escape, which turned into a yellow light and soon fled to the ground.

After a few minutes, Song Hanjiang and Hong Yuanba each called a group of people, but they had not won or lost yet and were preparing for a match.

Suddenly, someone shouted, "No, something is coming!"

Another said: "A lot of pythons, everyone is ready to fight!"

Everyone heard the screams and quickly pulled out their magic weapon soldiers, surrounded by a group of people, all guarded.

After a while, a black python appeared around the crowd, immediately opened the mouth of the blood, suddenly spitting, a piece of black liquid attacked the crowd.

Many students hurriedly urged defensive magic weapons to resist.

Immediately, the moisturizing sound, but many people's magic weapons have been corroded. Although the damage is not serious, these basically can perfectly defend against magic weapons. Even so, they can be corroded. It can be seen that the power of this python poison is Astonishing! Many students' values ​​suddenly reversed. In their impression, even the python demon, it is non-toxic. But in front of these pythons, it is clear that they do not talk about the laws of science, and they actually have a powerful incarnation of poison.

However, the black python is not only good at vomiting poison, but also good at fighting hand in hand, entangle the enemy, and hang it. As a result, after the python spit out the venom, they immediately rushed up and rushed towards the crowd.

The students immediately urged all kinds of magic weapons and soldiers to attack. Their treasure chest of attack reached the ultimate level. Although the body of the python was extremely tough and surprisingly defensive, it still could not resist the attack of student Pan Li, and many pythons were hacked. Especially the two people of Song Hanjiang and Hong Yuanba, the power is really amazing, almost crossing all the way, blocking the invincible!

However, the vitality of the python is very tenacious, and many pythons that have been chopped into pieces have not completely died, but exploded on their own.

The roaring sound kept ringing, flesh and blood fragments splashed. Many students' body armor was broken by the self-explosive power of the python, and the damage was not very light.

Then, two black pythons appeared, and they were almost twice the size of ordinary pythons, causing the remaining pythons to continue attacking. Although Song Hanjiang and Hong Yuanba stopped the two main pythons, some shallow students still could not resist the pressure and broke through the defensive circle.

There was a gap in the defensive circle. Some students were besieged by the enemy and immediately shy, which soon led to the formation of chaos and the situation fell into crisis.

Fang Yingxue looked helplessly at her sisters. Several women bowed their heads, and none of them stood up to speak for her. .Figure

At this time, Mei Ruoxue said coldly: "Before you go, you have to hand over the nuclear you just picked!"

Now that she and Fang Yingxue had turned around, it was natural to step on each other to the end, so that she would never turn over.

There will never be any missing person in the world, so some people agree: "Yes, hand over the crystal core!"

Fang Yingxue knew there was no way, so he took out three black rings from Qiankunhuan, all of which were dropped by ordinary black pythons, only as big as pigeon eggs. She will give the nucleus to others.

At this time, Wang Yuanba suddenly said coldly: "Song Hanjiang, I despise you the most." These two people saved us, but instead of gratitude, you turned into black and white here and spilled sewage Others. Still to intimidate a little girl, so you can do such a bad thing. You think everyone is as stingy as you, telling you that Lao Tzu will not go with you, nor will Lao Tzu's brother go with you. From now on, we parted ways. "

Then he looked at Fang Yingxue and said, "Will you go with us?"

Fang Yingxue showed a trace of surprise in his eyes and cried happily, saying, "Yes, yes!"

"Guys, let's go!"

Then Wang Yuanba and a group of people left. There are not many of them, only fifteen or six, about a quarter. It turned out that there were more than 30 supporters in Wang Yuanba, but now less than half. But the spiritual temperament of these people is obviously different from other people, full of confidence. Struggling on the edge of good and evil, a great exercise in the nature of human nature, at least the cohesion of the team has been strengthened.

Song Hanjiang looked at Wang Yuanba, who was gone, with iron skin on his face and awe in his eyes. If it were not for his scruples, he would definitely do it. Wang Yuanba's remarks not only broke the conspiracy of his marriage to Pan Chen, but also caused a great blow to his reputation. Is a person with personality problems eligible to be the leader of everyone? ..

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