The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2241: Another decision [Six million words Wang Wang, please kill]

Hong Yuanba and Dong Haichuan protect each other's laws.

After a while, Pan Chen opened his eyes. By this time, he had refined the spirit of the dragon battle and restored the spirit of the dragon battle. Most of the pure soul was used to upgrade the real dragon armor, and his spirit was elevated to the level of the bull demon general. In addition, he just found his soul and got some news.

The Black Dragon tribe has buried many thin steel plates on the ground to cope with his soil escape skills. Although these plates are thin, they will hinder his ability to escape the earth. However, Pan Chen has been refined into a five-line escape, but every five elements of matter can escape at will, but it does not hinder.

However, the Black Dragon Tribe made another decision, that is, to refine the gods. Every cow and devil can learn how to use divine thoughts and can explore the earth at any time. If there is anything unusual, it is difficult to hide from the soldiers on patrol. If he goes to Black Dragon City, his actions will be greatly hindered and dangerous. As a result, he had to give up the idea of ​​killing the bull demon.

In fact, Pan Chen and others are now very lucky. We must know that these bulls and demons are naturally strong. If they do not understand superb practice and magic, let alone destroy a tribe, even if they do not understand superb training skills and magic, they are afraid that they can deal with all A soldier of all kinds of animals! . !

Other freshmen participating in special training cannot do better than him. Therefore, as long as he pays close attention to the next three days to get more crystal nuclei, it is still very promising to get the first special training.

At this time, Hong Yuanba said with a smile: "Brother Pan, which tribe do you want to fight next?"

Pan Chen said: "When we destroyed the Black Python tribe, we posed a great threat to the Green Lion tribe. Now that we have eliminated the Golden Eagle tribe, as long as the Black Dragon tribe is lobbying, the leader of the Green Lion tribe will certainly agree Merged into the Black Dragon Tribe. "Therefore, we must intercept the Green Lion Tribe. Otherwise, once they are allowed to enter the Black Dragon City, it will not be so easy to kill them. "

At this time, Dong Haichuan suddenly said: "Pan Chen, now the golden eagle, black python, bear tyrant, white elephant all the territory is no longer owned, why don't we go to these places to hunt those demons?" These cattle Although he and the devil are not human, they are a wise civilization after all. Do we really want to destroy them? "

Pan Chen was silent for a while and said: "I know you sympathize with those cows and demons, but after all, we are different races, not ourselves, our hearts must be different!" This sentence is not just a word. If Mainland China empowers the demon family, what do you think of our family? "

Next to it, Hong Yuanba said coldly: "If you let the demon family rule the Divine Land, our family is blood food!" In the same way, the same is true of these cows and demons, they can only be our enemies! Only when the Chaoyang Emperor collects and destroys all the paradise borders and provides them for the Divine Land, will he have the martial arts of our Divine Land. This is a world of weak meat and strong food. If we are weak, we will eventually be ourselves. "

Dong Haichuan sighed, he didn't understand this, but looking at those who lost their sons, fathers, husbands, old, weak women and children, some of them could not bear it.

Pan Chen and Xuan Shuizhu immediately put two people into one of them and handed the hermit to the Green Lion tribe.

An hour later, Black Dragon City, the city ’s main office.

While practicing Dragon, a close guard suddenly came and reported, "Wang, the leader of the dragon battle is dead!"

His face suddenly turned black. The Black Dragon tribe has three strong men above the leader. He and his brother dragon battle, the king Longxiao, has more than eight other tribes. At this time, the Dragon War was destroyed, the power of the tribe was greatly weakened, and the deterrent power of the new vassals such as target forces was also reduced. also blamed the dragon for being too confident, thinking that as long as it has been shrouded in the ground, it is not afraid of the killer ’s reclusive attack. With the power of the dragon battle, it can even seize the opportunity to solve the other party. death.

Immediately, he whispered: "Immediately summon General Black Jiao, and ask him to bring a thousand outstanding soldiers to meet the people of the Green Lion tribe. If he meets the murderer, he will have a chance to kill them!"

"Yes!" The guard answered, and soon went down.

Then a thousand excellent soldiers set off.

In the afternoon, Black Point returned to Black Dragon City, but only brought back more than 3,000 old and weak women and children. Other soldiers were killed by Pan Chen and others.

Dragon's face has turned into iron green, the Green Lion tribe has been destroyed, his power is now smaller than Dapeng, Black Tiger, Sirius tribe alliance does not exist, it would be very difficult to unify the Ministry.

At this time, Pan Chen destroyed the Green Lion tribe. In addition to obtaining a large number of crystal nuclei, he also refined the spirit of the leader of the Green Lion tribe and the spirit of the Six Bulls, and raised the soul of the real dragon armor to the limit of the martial arts. Level.

Then, Pan Chen rushed to the Sirius Valley, but found that all the residents of the Sirius tribe had moved. He came to the Dapeng Tribe, only knowing that the three tribes of Wolf, Dapeng, and Black Tiger have been integrated, and are now called Tianpeng Tribe. At the same time, the vigilance within the tribe has greatly improved, and many ordinary soldiers on patrol have practiced the magic of refining the gods, and can freely use the power of divine thought to explore the land. He was almost spotted several times. This is also thanks to the fact that his hermit has reached a perfect state, the breath and the power of the earth merge into one.

Therefore, he gave up the idea of ​​continuing to deal with the Tianpeng tribe, preparing to hunt down ordinary demons. Of course, this is also an opportunity for the Black Dragon Tribe and the Tianpeng Tribe to fire, so that he can take the opportunity to pick up his body. In short, what he needs is a crystal core, whether he kills or not.

At dusk, the sunset was bloody.

At this time, the original Xiongba tribe was near the river.

A group of elks like elk came over, carefully looked at the river, then lowered their heads and drank water by the river.

Suddenly, a huge green crocodile jumped out of the water and bit the elk's head, about to sink into the water.

At the same time, a black spear fired from a distance, passed through the crocodile's head, and instantly killed the crocodile.

Right next to it, the elk fled in panic.

Immediately, a white figure flashed in and brought the crocodile body and elk body together with the elk body to the shore, took out the hidden iron spear, and skillfully took out the two crystal cores. Among them, the magic deer crystal core value integral, the crocodile crystal core value is slightly higher than the crocodile crystal core value, and the value integral is slightly higher than the crocodile crystal core value integral.


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