The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2306: In one go [Six million words Wang Wang, please kill]

Pan Chen murmured a word, and now he was done in one go.

After a punch, the statue was motionless, and there were no cracks in the eye, which was really difficult.

On the contrary, Pan Chen's fist gave him a headache, he couldn't help grinning, and frowned.

"Well! If you can't open a punch, I'll punch you a few more times."

After he whispered, he flew back and took a dozen steps.

Then, Yuanshen ’s invisible wings slammed loudly, and his whole person flew out, punching with his right hand, extending his hand, and bombarding the statue with his left eye.

The next second, another punch in the left eye.

However, the egg, which is useless, still cannot shake the idol and will not cause any harm to the eye.

However, Pan Chen was not discouraged, so he punched countless punches in a row.

Every punch does its best, but it still doesn't work.

After frying a piece of incense, it was still useless.

Now he stopped and fell on the idol.

In other words, brute force does not seem to solve this problem?

"what should I do?"

"Can I use some obscene methods, such as scolding her like a bitch?"

"Or do I have to pee on her head?"

"Um, urination is too gentle, but forget it. If you spit on her face, you can try it."

After a period of thinking, he couldn't think of a good way, so he had to sit on the head of the idol and rest for a while.

In a mysterious heart-shaped space.

"Well! I can't believe that Pan Chen's hands and feet found my idol so quickly, and insulted my idol, it was really abominable."

"Okay, let you jump for another two days, and wait for me to take care of you after I have thoroughly refined the undead fire."

At this time, I saw Poseidon in front of the lady, and the strange egg was gone.

Well, you do n’t need to rap, but she is almost elegant and sucked into her belly.

In fact, this Ms. Poseidon is the embodiment of the endless Xinghai, and is superb with the supreme god. Even Pan Chen can't compete with her. A mana is blocked by her, there is no way at all.

And the strange egg of the undead Firebird, although it contains strange souls, the potential is very terrible, but still unable to fight Ms. Poseidon, through her intense refining for several months, it has almost become a foregone conclusion. There is no power to return to the sky.

The sunrise is east and the sun is shining.

After all, Pan Chen, who had tossed and turned all night, had no choice but to hold the idol, and couldn't help but feel very frustrated.

"No, I can't make this idol with fists."

"What should I think?"

"By the way, this **** is obviously using the power of these people's faith to implement a secret law, and I must stop it."

"Well, I want to be cruel. It is too soft and has no place in this world."

When thinking, by this time, someone had come in one by one.

Soon it was crowded with people around.

Pan Chen swept away and found that Yan Ziyu and Princess Lanxi also appeared in that old location yesterday.

It seems that everyone's position is fixed.

"Okay! Be cruel."

"Kill it!"

As soon as Pan Chen gritted his teeth, he seemed to have made a decision.

At present, he urges the great **** to separate the tentacles of countless witch gods and invade these people one by one.

When his tentacles invaded the sea of ​​these people, they immediately caused an adverse reaction.

The explosion sounded, and again and again.

All people who were invaded by Yuanshen's tentacles died directly from the explosion, and no one was spared.

After a while, half of the people suffered.

In the end, Pan Chen left only ten people.

There are ten others, all of them little girls, including Yan Ziyu and Princess Lan Qian.

This is not to say that he has prioritized women and men.

In fact, he felt a bit embarrassed to leave some opposite **** with Yan Ziyu and Princess Lanxi.

So, let's leave some little girls to play with them.

The person next to him exploded and disappeared from the thin air, with a lot of noise.

However, ten little girls, including Yan Ziyu and Princess Lanxi, were indifferent.

In addition, now, their minds are imprisoned, which is equivalent to a wooden man, everything is carried out in accordance with certain preset instructions.

Mysterious space.

"Damn, that anti-heaven has gone too far."

"Anyway, although the undead fire is not enough to fully absorb and refine it, with my current strength, I should be able to clean it up. So, let ’s clean up the boy first so that he does not destroy it everywhere Undermine all my efforts. "

"Poseidon, the puppet you controlled was destroyed by me."

"What, don't you come fight me?"

At this time, Pan Chen stood on the top of the statue, stepping **** his feet, and laughed loudly.

The sound fell, just then-

"Child, I want you to live a few more days, but since you are too boring, let you go to **** earlier."

Suddenly, a very cold voice sounded, echoing throughout the pagoda, surrounding the beam.

At the same time, I saw a strange light in the eyes of the idol, and then its shape quickly became smaller.

After a while, she became a beautiful woman, only to see one of her eyes is sea blue, just like the unfathomable sea, people can not see the depth, the other eye is fiery red color, just Like a fire never extinguished, burning everything with the best.

In short, these are a pair of eyes that cannot be ignored, and a pair of eyes that people will not forget after watching.

There is no doubt that these are very magic eyes.

After the styling was completed, Poseidon smiled at Pan Chen lightly and unparalleled, making the latter involuntarily hit the spirit.

I saw Mrs. Poseidon leisurely saying, "God, there is a good person." Oh my god, it is really not easy for you to fight against my supreme power and keep your mind clear. "

Pan Chen took a deep breath and calmly said, "I am flattered." Are you Miss Poseidon? "

Poseidon said: "Yes, I am Poseidon's son, also called Poseidon."

Pan Chen said, "What plans do you have to control these people?"

Poseidon said: "Heaven and earth are not as kind to ruminant dogs as to treat everything. In my opinion, some people are just ruminants."

Pan Chen, oh, said: "I understand." We are not too good. you can. "

Poseidon said, "Boy, your magic is blocked by me, why do you want to fight me?"

Pan Chen smiled and said: "My Yuanshen has achieved the immortality of Yinshen, you cannot kill me." In addition, I still have the power of Yuanshen. "..


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