The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2311: My predecessor [Wang Wen, 6 Million Words Net, for slaughter]

After thinking for a while, Pan Chen felt that there was nothing to hide, and said bluntly: "Because there is a holy moon tree on it, there is a wishing fruit on the tree, which can realize a wish."

King Jin said, "I understand."

Pan Chen asked: "My predecessor, have you been there?"

King Jin shook his head and said, "No."

Pan Chen asked: "Why?"

Golden Face King said: "Because this is a very strange place, there is a moon and moon door that is isolated. Although the old man has arrived at the door, if he wants to break that door himself, the door will not be able to enter."

Pan Chen, oh, said: "That's it."

The King of Gold said: "So even if you find it, if you don't have the power, you can't get in."

Pan Chen smiled and said: "We have a lot of people and powerful forces, and breaking this door should not be a problem."

King Jin said: "Really?" After a while, he said: "The situation of the old man is actually very simple, that is, I want to test your strength first. If I can enter the eyes of the old man, I will take you to find it, and then Try to cooperate to see if you can break it.

Pan Chen said: "Well, no problem."

Golden Face King said, "Come on, come on." So who is the first one? "

At this time, Zhao Tianlei opened his mouth and said, "Let me learn the skills of my predecessor first." When he spoke, he bluntly exposed the Hubble, and said, "Please!"

King Jin gave Zhao Tianlei a affectionate look. He saw the latter's breath so strong that he dared not underestimate it. "Okay, let's do a few moves first," he said.

Finally, I saw him fly to Zhao Tianlei with golden wheels.

"Break me!"

Zhao Tianlei drank a glass of wine, swiped the gun with just a dozen shots, and released the gods like Jinlun.

Then, Zhao Tianlei shot and punctured the Golden King as fast as electricity.

"Well done!"

King Jin's pupil shrank and drank very low, and he came out of his hand and beat him.

So, next, the two sides fight together.

The golden king's palm was covered with a golden awn, hard and hard, and he dared to have direct contact with the chaotic Poseidon.

The sharp gunpoint pierced it, and only a piece of Mars spattered.

The faster the two sides play, and after a while, they become entangled balls, which are inseparable.

After fighting for hundreds of actions, it is still equal and no one can take any action against it.

At this moment, I saw King Jin suddenly shouted and stopped.

Zhao Tianlei stopped.

Zhao Tianlei breathed a little fast. It seems that the battle just now was quite difficult for him.

I saw him take a deep breath and said calmly, "Master, how can I get through?"

But King Jin ’s face did not change color, his breathing was very long, and he nodded: “Young man, you have good strength and can pass the barrier.”

Seeing the sudden appearance of Princess Lanxi, she took a few steps and said, "The King of Gold, next one, can it be my turn?"

The golden king glanced at her and said, "Little girl, you are too urgent." You can do it. "

"That would offend you, look at this trick!" Princess Lanxi whispered, and then directly exposed San Luo's sword, flying out of the thorns.

King Jin said a weak word.

Then he attacked each other with one hand.

Princess Lanxi's attainments in swordsmanship are getting deeper and deeper. Under the waving of the long sword, the sky was covered with cold swords.

Empty, hanging under the sword light, I do not know how many times have been born, how many times have been destroyed?

However, such a fierce attack, once cut into the golden body, but only splashed a piece of Mars, but could not hurt half of it.

In addition, Zhao Tianlei is at least a true king, and the offensive power is much stronger than she did not know. Even Zhao Tianlei cannot help King Jin's defense. Of course, she cannot do it.

After walking about a hundred steps, King Jin found a crack, slammed his hand from the side, hit her left shoulder, and then drove her out.

However, his strength was well controlled, but he just blasted Princess Lanxi out and did not hurt her.

After Princess Lanxi, Yan Ziyu, Li Xueer and Sun Zhongshen appeared one after another, but none of them were opponents of the Golden King.

The sun couldn't help himself. Before there was no madness, after more than a thousand rounds of battle with the exquisite sword and the golden king, he lost by half a step.

He is not crazy.

Because it was just a discussion, not a life-and-death struggle, and his competitive spirit was not great.

Therefore, he does not think it necessary to show all the cards.

As for Bai, Zhao Er's daughter, whose strength is relatively weak, only insisting on a few hundred steps, it is a failure.

Oh. Pan Chen smiled slightly and said, "King of gold noodles, let me learn your tricks too."

At the end of the sentence, Yuanshen ’s invisible wings slammed loudly, and he went out to attack the Golden King, as fast as electricity.

Although, now he can use the nine swords to reach the sky, use the ice and snow swords, swallow the front of the god, or use the sacred moon hook, but this is more powerful than the sacred warriors above the supreme warriors, sharp and invincible.

He felt that if it was used to deal with a demon king, it would be inappropriate to kill a chicken with a bull knife.

Therefore, he has to compare it with a pair of meat punches.

"Ah? So hard?"

The golden king's pupils shrank suddenly and immediately slammed against each other.

In the second minute, the two punches slammed against each other, and a piercing anger broke out.

Then, at first glance, the two sides parted ways and stepped back.

But both sides are fine.

Soon, he attacked and killed each other again.

Thus, a melee battle began.

Boxing to the feet, fighting is fierce, exciting, and of course, very exciting.

"Why? What strange power can you kill with each other's power?"

"Why haven't I thought about it before?"

"Okay, this is a waste of my time."

During the battle, Pan Chen found that using the opponent's offensive power can cause some damage, and some strange powers block himself. Although it is very slight, it is better than nothing.

This discovery undoubtedly surprised him.

Because, this made him suddenly come up with a way to quickly remove the seal on his body.

In addition, he never thought about the reason for borrowing power.

This is because, at first, after solving the problem of Mrs. Poseidon, he basically flew on the Yunlong for more than three years to practice, and used the flash sword to grind away some thin lines that were changed by strange forces.

Next, Pan Chen deliberately slowed his hands and feet, and was beaten many times.

"Why? Was this boy beaten on purpose?"

The King of Gold naturally saw each other's thoughts, and he had some questions about what the other party wanted to do.

However, he found that the opponent's physical fitness was too strong. No matter how he punched his fist, the opponent calmed down and had nothing, just a very happy look.

This made him a little dissatisfied. ..


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