The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2332: Leaving the nuclear power plant [Wang Wen, 6 million words, please kill]

He intends to practice there, by the way, he has been there, waiting for the birth of Murong Anyang, so that he can get rid of it as soon as possible.

For example, after Pan Chen left.

His part, Pan Chen, left the nuclear power plant in one step.

After walking out of the nuclear power plant, he continued to walk for a long time before finding a bus stop.

However, he waited a long time and did not see the bus.

At this moment, he happened to see a taxi coming, so when he thought of it, he reached out and stopped the taxi.

After getting on the bus, he talked to the driver and reported his destination.

Then the taxi took him to the ninth orphanage.

To the east of No. 1 Middle School, just one block away, there is a very high-end community.

Because it is a school district house, the house there is expensive, and most people cannot afford a house.

People living here are either rich or expensive.

At the moment, in a nearby villa, I saw a 16-year-old boy standing on the balcony, holding a very high-end mobile phone in his hand, looking a little nervous.

"Pan Chen, you can't blame me for Zhang Chengbiao's vicious heart. If you want to blame me, you can only blame yourself for not being interested."

"Hmm! Don't pee on your face, a toad wants to compete with me villain? I can't help it. This time, I will let you completely disappear in the sun, see how you will argue with me in the future? "

In other words, it's almost ten o'clock in the evening. Why haven't people heard the news in the auditorium? There should be no surprises.

Just then, the phone in his hand was shaking.

So he picked up the phone, lit the screen, and looked at it. MMS was sent by a strange number.

After hesitating for a while, he ordered MMS and a set of photos appeared immediately.

After taking a closer look at the group of photos, his mood became a bit more complicated.

"Is Pan Chen really dead?"

"This boy is dead"

"But when it comes to this time, I can't see whether it is a man or a mother. How can I be sure that he is Pan Chen?"

"Oh, maybe I'm too worried. The reputation of the 100 scenes has always been very good. I can't even clean up a boy who has no electricity. I cover the customers with some false means, right?"

"Okay, the day after tomorrow, Monday, go to school to see if the boy comes to class to see if he is dead."

The ninth orphanage.

When Pan Chen got off the bus, it was almost ten o'clock.

After saying hello to the guard, he went in.

When he entered the hospital, he wanted to visit President Hu.

However, when he reached the dormitory building, he looked up at the room where the dean lived, without lights. He suspected that she was asleep.

So, think about it, don't disturb her, I plan to talk about it the next day.

At this moment, he went directly to the cabin where he lived.

In the house, Pan Chen lay directly on the bed.

He is not in a hurry to practice.

Instead, lie there, thinking about some problems and planning how to go the next way.

"In other words, I am a very simple freshman and I have not offended anyone. Who would do this to me?"

"Is it Zhang Chengbiao?"

"Well, no one seems to hate me except him."

"However, he is a sophomore and he has such a ruthless heart to hire a murderer."

"The courage of the rich seems greater."

"Forget it, I don't want that much. It is still important to increase your strength, as long as it is enough, no matter what you play, it is useless. Well, I am not dead. The enemy will definitely kill me again. I must hurry to improve my strength. "

"But forget it tonight. Get a good night's sleep and wait until you have enough energy to sleep."

Thinking of this, Pan Chen closed his eyes and soon fell asleep.

The next day, at dawn, Pan Chen woke up.

When he woke up, he was not in a hurry to go out, but sat on the bed and began to practice the method of swallowing the sky.

Moreover, after thousands of years of development, humanity has entered the Xinghe era. Some people can awaken the seeds of the original force through special means, thereby practicing the original art, absorbing and refining the original force in the universe, and gaining various abilities.

Unfortunately, Pan Chen was not the lucky son of that part. When he was seven years old, he failed to wake up the seeds of the Force in order not to practice.

However, after Pan Chen turned, his body could practice such a mysterious method of swallowing the sky.

Currently, he directly manipulates the suction formula to practice.

It can be said that he is very familiar with various secrets of this secret method, practice, familiar with it, everything goes well.

Moreover, it is very effective.

About an hour later, he successfully practiced in Dantian and officially became a practitioner.

Or you can call it alien.

Because, without going through the seeds of the original force, he can absorb various cosmic rays and form a force, that is, real anger, to absorb various cosmic rays.

Real gas and force, two different names, are actually the same thing.

In short, after mastering the supreme method of swallowing heaven, he can realize his alien dream.

After another hour of practice, the alarm clock set on his phone rang.

So he stopped practicing.

After taking a bath, he went out.

After going out, he went to see Dean Hu first and saw that she was not much better, so he was relieved.

After chatting with Dean Hu for a while, he knew that Dean Hu should be busy, so he made an excuse to have breakfast, and then left.

After coming out of Hu's room, he didn't go to breakfast.

Because, now, he is already a practitioner of food and life, whether or not he eats fireworks.

He wanted to improve quickly.

So he returned to his cabin.

Sitting on the bed, he immediately began to practice the method of swallowing the sky.

Don't give up day and night, try to practice.

Soon, it was noon the next day.

At this time, the real gas in his body had exceeded 26.

More than 20 people are really angry. This level, placed in the cold snow world, is the environment of the moon guest.

After a little more practice for a day, the kingdom was directly promoted to the kingdom of the moon guest. If you put this speed in the cold snow world, it will scare many people to death.

His speed is equivalent to an hour of practice to add real gasoline, which can be said to be very fast.

However, think about it for real. In the inner world of the Blade of Cold Snow, some monks only distill the moon's heavenly people into real anger, just like a picky person who only eats one kind of food, and the nutrition is naturally supplemented slowly.

And by swallowing heaven, everything is correct, the digestive capacity is also very abnormal, and the nutrients obtained are naturally many.

It turned out that Pan Chen wanted to continue practicing and returned to school at night.

However, he found a problem, that his Dantian could not stand it, like, suddenly eating too full, uncomfortable.

In addition, his Dantian was developed for the first time, lack of tenacity, and the spirit must be truly moisturized before the toughness will slowly improve. ..

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