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"Fifth brother, where are you now? I just arrived in Hong Kong."Raymond Lam asked

"You wait for me at the dock, I'll be there soon." After Long Wu finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Lin Feng scratched his head and said in confusion:"What's going on? Brother Wu wasn't so impatient before!"

Less than twenty minutes later, a black SUV came speeding from a distance.


The off-road vehicle made a series of squeaking sounds, then made a beautiful drift and stopped directly in front of Lin Feng.

Long Wu jumped down from the vehicle, patted Lin Feng on the shoulder and said,"Lin Feng, you are finally back."

Lin Feng blinked. He had only been away for three days, but Long Wu looked as if he had not been back for three years.

"Come on, come on, get in the car." Long Wu and Lin Feng got in the car and drove towards their villa.

""Fifth brother, what happened? Why do you seem so excited?" Lin Feng couldn't help but ask Long Wu.

Long Wu shook his head with a wry smile and said,"Lin Feng, you don't know, these few days when you were away, whenever I delivered materials to Dazhou Island, Long Jiu always followed me, asking about my life and inquiring about your news. It was really annoying."

"Forehead……"Lin Feng had never thought that this would happen. Although he had been with Long Jiu since he came to Hong Kong, he had never been so nagging.

"Lin Feng, tell me the truth, nothing happened between you and Long Jiu, right?"Long Wu looked at Lin Feng with a strange look in his eyes. Lin

Feng didn't understand what Long Wu meant for a moment. He thought about it seriously and then shook his head and said,"Probably not. You have always been living in peace and have never had any disputes or anything." When

Long Wu heard this, he knew that Lin Feng didn't think that way, so he thought about it for a while and then said,"You two have been living in the same suite.……"

Long Wu stopped talking here, because he couldn't say the following words.

Lin Feng's eyes lit up, and he finally understood what Long Wu was talking about.

"Fifth brother, stop joking.

You have been following me all the time, even inseparable, but there is nothing between us.

Lin Feng smiled bitterly, but he did not blame Long Wu for thinking too much.

He and Long Jiu have lived together for such a long time.

Anyone would think that something beyond friendship happened, but this kind of thing is hard to cut and unravel.

The more he talked, the more confused it became.

Long Wu smiled awkwardly and said,"It's good that it didn't happen.

It's good that it didn't happen.


Then he didn't say anything about this, but told Lin Feng in detail about what happened on Dazhou Island in the past few days. Lin Feng was very satisfied. At least it was on the right track, and the next things would be much easier.

The next day, Lin Feng and Long Wu came to the dock together, but there were only two of them, so they did not drive his luxury cruise ship, but rented a speedboat, because the cruise ship was burning money once it started. Even though

Lin Feng was rich, he felt a little painful. Now he had to develop his power in the rapid development period, and he could not lack funds in any aspect.

When the two of them went to the island, Lin Feng found that it was only a few days, but he could see a lot of changes.

The path leading to the training camp on the shore has been widened a lot, and the weeds on both sides have been cleared. Along the way, the ground is paved with square bricks, extending all the way inside.

As we walked, we could see the training camp in the distance, surrounded by high fences with sharp barbs on them.

"Fifth brother, this is not necessary, right? If they can't stand it, they can just quit. There are plenty of people who want to join the training camp."Lin Feng said with some displeasure.

""Lin Feng, you misunderstood.

These fences and the barbs on them are not to prevent trainers, but to prevent some wild animals in the deep mountains and old forests.

We have explored and found that there are still some wild animals, but fortunately, there are no big guys like tigers and lions.

However, the most difficult ones are the wild wolves.

They are very cunning and come in groups.

But I am not prepared to kill them all.

This is also a test for survival in the field.

" Long Wu explained to Lin Feng in detail.

"What, using wild wolves for assessment?" Lin Feng was a little horrified, you know, that is a very dangerous thing.

Long Wu smiled and shook his head, and said:"That's nothing, a real warrior must come up with solutions to problems in any emergency. This is a real warrior. If he only talks about it on paper, or grows up in a greenhouse, even if he is strong, but once he encounters something he can't solve, his will will immediately be depressed, and he will not be able to protect his employer from harm."

Lin Feng shrugged his shoulders and didn't refute. Anyway, he let Long Wu be the chief instructor, and he had the final say in everything.

When the two walked into the training camp, the weeds here had been cleared, the villas had been repainted white, and there were many tents next to them. Obviously, the new security guards lived there

""Lin Feng, you're back." At this time, Long Jiu's voice sounded, and a beautiful figure ran over from a distance.

Lin Feng didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He heard what Long Wu said to him yesterday, and now he found that Long Jiu was so enthusiastic, which was really inexplicable.

"Yes, I'm back. How are these people doing recently?" Lin Feng changed the subject and put the new security team members in front of him.

Long Jiu curled his lips and said,"These people are just average, and the female team members are even worse. In my opinion, it's hard for any of them to stay."

"Haha, don't worry, there is only one Long Jiu in the world. If you compare these people with you, they are really no match, but let's see after two months of training."

Lin Feng is not in a hurry, he is just looking for some people with potential and increasing his efforts to train them._Read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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