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Feng supported Long Jiu and walked slowly, helped her sit against the wall of the cave, then took off his shirt and covered her. Even if it was just a thin layer, it was better than nothing. Then he ran out and carried branches and hay into the cave one by one.

Long Jiu certainly understood what the man was doing. Looking at the sweat on her head, the several freshly solidified wounds on her naked body, and the tense muscles, she suddenly felt her nose slightly sour. For so many years, she had walked all the way here by herself. When had anyone taken such careful care of her?

The heavy rain finally came down, and soon the branches on the ground outside were rubbed dry. Lin Feng collected some slightly drier branches and then returned to the cave.

"If it weren't for me, you would have walked out by now. I'm really sorry." Long Jiu turned his head away as if embarrassed, and then whispered as softly as a mosquito:"Thank... Thank you"

"Don't thank me. I think you would have saved me the same way if this happened to me."Lin Feng didn't even look at Long Jiu. He was busy there. His tone was very calm, as if it was just a small matter.

He used stones to make a circle on the ground and started a fire inside. Fortunately, he still had a military backpack that was not lost, otherwise he would have to make fire by rubbing two sticks together.

"You should get some sleep first to save your energy." Lin Feng tore off a piece of cloth from the torn part of his trouser leg, soaked it with rain water, and put it on Long Jiu's forehead.

Roasting by the fire and covered with clothes, Long Jiu's body was still shaking slightly, and it was obvious that she was not feeling well.

Lin Feng glanced at her,"Long Jiu, you have to hold on, we will probably have to stay here all night."

"They will come out to find us."Long Jiu said with his eyes tightly closed and nodded slightly.

Lin Feng took out the map and compass. Just now in the woods, he was only concerned about finding a place to stay and forgot to look at the military map in his hand. According to the route they walked, they should be about ten kilometers away from the training camp.

Then after they fell, it was unclear, because he was running around like a headless fly.

Lin Feng looked up and saw that Long Jiu was still trembling, his teeth were chattering.

He walked over and held Long Jiu in his warm arms. As if feeling the heat and Lin Feng's strong heartbeat, Long Jiu finally calmed down and fell asleep in his arms.


A sharp wolf howl sounded in the distance, echoing in the night sky.……

""What's that sound!" Lin Feng was startled and opened his eyes alertly.

However, all he saw was pitch black. It was obvious that the fire had gone out.

"What's wrong?"Long Jiu was sleeping comfortably in Lin Feng's bed. The dizziness and headache symptoms were relieved. She opened her sleepy eyes and asked vaguely.

""I seemed to hear a howling sound just now." Lin Feng said nervously with a tense face.

Now they had no guns in their hands, only two combat sabers. If there were only two or three little wolves, he could still handle it, but if there were more, he really couldn't handle it alone.

Moreover, Long Jiu was also sick. Even if he escaped by luck, Long Jiu was very vulnerable, and he had to protect her.

"Isn't it such a coincidence?"Long Jiu also frowned slightly. When they came to Dazhou Island, they knew that there were some wild wolves and beasts on the island, but in order to train the students' enthusiasm and vigilance, they did not kill them all.

However, at this time, it brought them a crisis.


The wolf howled again, but judging from the sound, it should be quite far away from them.

"Don't be nervous, you may not run into them."Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief. Although he said this, he stood up and quickly relit the fire. He only knew that animals were afraid of fire, but he was not sure whether animals would be attracted by the fire like humans. But now he could not care less. Maybe

Long Wu and others could also find this place with the help of the fire.

Lin Feng pulled Long Jiu's arm and walked a little inside, then raised his watch and took a look. It was not yet 9 o'clock in the evening, and it had been a while since they disappeared. He knew that Long Wu and others should have started looking for them.

The downpour had stopped, because Because of the mountain wind, the clouds were quickly blown away, and the moonlight shone in, allowing the woods in front of the cave to be vaguely seen.

Lin Feng was also a little nervous. This time it was not a lurking enemy. If it was an enemy, it would be easy to deal with. Unfortunately, this time it was a cold-blooded killer in nature. They were not only cunning, but also very ferocious. The thought of white sharp teeth tearing his throat was enough to make him shudder.

Long Jiu closed his eyes to conserve his strength, but Lin Feng had to add dry firewood every ten minutes or so to maintain the intensity of the flame.

Suddenly, Lin Feng stopped his movements, and stretched out his hand, holding the combat saber next to him tightly in his hand.

"What's wrong?" Long Jiu had already opened his eyes and asked after seeing Lin Feng's actions.

"" quiet, there seems to be something on the other side." Lin Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, and then turned on his clairvoyance.

He saw several shadows moving back and forth in the bushes. They were very large and kept moving.

Lin Feng counted them carefully and took a breath of cold air, because there were about ten of them, a small wolf pack.

"Damn, he was so unlucky that he attracted these beasts."Lin Feng couldn't help but curse inwardly.

Because he had seen clearly that these things were really wolves.

They rushed out of the forest and slowly approached the cave. Because of the fire, they stopped at a distance and spread out in a fan shape.

They made a dull hum, and crystal drops flowed from the corners of their mouths and fell to the ground. The sharp teeth flashed white in the moonlight, like knives._Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection, recommendation

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