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Although Lin Feng's physical fitness is very good, and his strength index is also off the charts, the stone wall is too smooth, so he can't use any strength at all. Even if he stretches his arms as much as possible, there is still more than one meter between him and the stone platform.

After Lin Feng landed on the ground, he frowned slightly, then raised his combat saber and stabbed the stone wall with the tip of the knife, but only sparks could be seen, and there was no scar on the stone wall at all.


Lin Feng sucked in a breath of cold air. He had not expected that this stone wall would be so hard that it was impossible to shake it at all.

At this time, Long Jiu limped to the bottom of the stone wall, squatted slightly, crossed his hands, and said to Lin Feng:"Lin Feng, come, use my strength, you go up first."

Lin Feng was delighted. It seemed that he still had too little experience. Although this platform was more than three meters high, the height of two people added up was enough to climb up the stone platform.

However, how could he let Long Jiu be his ladder?

He pulled Long Jiu over, held her in his arms, patted her back gently, and said with a smile:"As long as one person can survive, go up, I'll be a ladder for you."

But Long Jiu shook her head, pushed Lin Feng away, and said stubbornly:"My ankle is sprained, there is no hope, don't worry about me, even if I go up, I can't get you up."

Long Jiu's expression was very calm, not because she was ready to die, but because she was desperate, and there were not many things in this world worth her nostalgia, but Lin Feng was definitely the top priority.

Just when the two people were giving way to each other, the wolves outside roared again. Obviously, the fire in the fire outside was not as bright as before, and it would be completely extinguished in less than ten minutes.

The wolves would definitely rush in as soon as the fire went out, tearing them into pieces and making them their delicious meal.

Lin Feng was a little anxious, and shouted at Long Jiu:"This is not the time to be humble. After you go up, find a chance to save me. If both of us are down there, I will have to be distracted to protect you, which will be even more disadvantageous to me."

After he finished speaking, he hugged Long Jiu and came to the bottom of the stone wall. He squatted slightly and shouted:"Hold on to the stone wall and climb up quickly."

Long Jiu's lips were bitten by herself. She secretly hated herself for being stubborn, but there was no other way now. She could only go up first and then find a chance to save Lin Feng.

She stepped on Lin Feng's arm, and then stepped on Lin Feng's shoulder. When Lin Feng stood up, Long Jiu's fingers could already touch the bottom of the stone platform.

Long Jiu took a deep breath, and then jumped hard. Although she sprained her foot and could not jump too high, it was enough to grab the edge of the stone platform.

She concentrated all her strength on her arms, pulled herself up, and pulled herself up.

"call……"Long Jiu exhaled a breath of foul air, and looked at the stone, which was large and flat, enough for four people to lie flat on. It might be due to the material, the stone was as smooth as the stone wall below.

At this time, Lin Feng was sweating. Obviously, although his body was much stronger than Long Jiu, he was a little exhausted after running around for a few days.

He held the combat saber in his right hand, and his eyes exuded a murderous aura. He was not the kind of person who waited for fate, he wanted to fight for any opportunity.

"Come on, there is no tiger in the mountain, I will be the king."Lin Feng shouted, constantly cheering himself up.


A very courageous wolf was the first to avoid the fire and rushed in. It stared at Lin Feng fiercely. It knew that this delicacy would be difficult to get, because it could sense the murderous aura on Lin Feng.

But it was hungry, so it stretched out its scarlet head, licked its mouth, and then bared its teeth, revealing its bloody mouth, and made a forward move.


Lin Feng snorted coldly. He would not sit still and wait for death. If there were more wild wolves, he would think of other ways, but if there was only one wild wolf, he really didn't care. He held the combat saber in his left hand, and a playing card appeared in his right hand. With a flick of his finger, the playing card flew out.

At such a close distance, even if the wild wolf had a quick reaction speed, it would be difficult to dodge. It just avoided the vital parts, but its front paw was still scratched with a bloody mark.

Lin Feng switched the combat saber to his right hand and rushed forward first.

In this way, a wolf and a man fought together.

The wild wolf's sharp claws scratched a bloody mark on Lin Feng's body, but Lin Feng stabbed it into its throat.


The sharp saber directly cut the wolf's throat. After a wailing sound, the wolf fell directly to the ground and died there. The wolves outside the cave smelled the blood and became even more restless. They were about to rush in together.


Lin Feng exhaled and glanced at the scars on his body, but he was not afraid at all. He was on high alert, waiting for the next wave of attacks.

However, at this time, a rope made of twisted bandages hung down from the stone platform, swinging gently in the air.

Then Long Jiu's anxious voice was heard shouting,"Lin Feng, come up quickly."

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, nodded at Long Jiu on the stone platform, then stepped back a few steps again, and suddenly rushed towards the stone platform.

With a leap, a kick, and a leap, he grabbed the cloth belt steadily with both hands. He jumped higher than before, probably because it was a real life-and-death moment, and he exerted his huge potential.

Lin Feng struggled to grab the cloth belt, and a little���

At this time, the fire outside was about to go out, and the wolves could no longer hold back and rushed into the cave. A wild wolf rushed to the front, looking at Lin Feng swaying in the air, and after a roar, it flew over.

Lin Feng spread his legs and dodged. The wild wolf hit the hard stone wall and fell down, howling non-stop.

_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collect and recommend

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