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"No way?" He Miaoqiong stared at Ah Cai in front of her.

Who is this girl? She is the daughter of magician Shi Yijian. Not only is she beautiful, but her temperament also shows that she is not someone who is easily deceived.

What kind of person is Lin Feng? This girl, who just met him once, fell in love with him at first sight.

However, He Miaoqiong is not Ah Cai. She knows that Lin Feng has a girlfriend and they get along very well.

"Ah Cai, I advise you to give up this idea. Raymond Lam is not suitable for you." He Miaoqiong advised.

Ah Cai couldn't help but said nervously,"Is he married?"

He Miaoqiong blinked. Although she couldn't understand why Ah Cai asked this, she answered truthfully,"Although he is not married yet, he already has a very gentle girlfriend. Judging from their relationship, they get along very well."

At this point, He Miaoqiong's eyes were a little dim. If she had contacted Raymond Lam first when they were not getting along, she shouldn't be so entangled now.

However, what she didn't expect was that Ah Cai suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and said,"I thought it was a big deal? It turns out that they are not married yet. That proves that I still have a chance. Hehe.……"

"What?"He Miaoqiong widened her eyes and looked at Ah Cai in disbelief. Was this sister who came back from the United States too open-minded? How could she imagine such a thought?

She shook her head speechlessly, secretly sighing that Ah Cai was too deeply poisoned, but she was powerless to dissuade Ah Cai. The cultural gap between the two countries was too big.

At this time, Lin Feng, Shi Yijian and He Mingshen were chatting there.

Suddenly, Lin Feng asked,"I heard that Mr. Shi not only 'wins all over the world', but also has a unique skill of being able to touch the points of playing cards, right?"

Shi Yijian heard what Lin Feng said, smiled and shook his head, and said,"Those are just rumors."

"Oh? I don't think so. If the gambling skills reach a certain level, it can indeed reach the point of touching the cards."Lin Feng said with a slight smile.

Shi Yiqian had a smile on his lips, his eyes fixed on Lin Feng, waiting for his next purpose.

Lin Feng smiled and continued:"Since I am fortunate enough to meet the magician Shi Yiqian today, why don't we gamble a few times?"

Shi Yiqian nodded. Sure enough, Lin Feng had this purpose. However, he was also very curious about what kind of ability Lin Feng had to dare to be so arrogant. You must know that touching the playing cards is not a skill at all, but he removed his nails and put on a fake nail. As the nails swept the words and flowers on it, they would be fed back into his mind.

He didn't think Lin Feng had done this kind of operation.

"Great, it would be a unique opening to see the God of Gamblers and the Great Demon Master fighting each other."He Mingshen's eyes lit up. Although he was also a former gambling king, he was not good enough in front of Lin Feng and Shi Yijian. He also wanted to experience the style of the two people and see who was stronger. Shi Yijian raised his eyebrows. Seeing that He Mingshen and Lin Feng both had this intention, he nodded:"Okay, let's treat it as an appetizer."

Suddenly, the whole banquet hall was boiling. They rushed here and surrounded Lin Feng and Shi Yijian in three layers.

You know, it is very difficult to see these two gods being on par.

In the Grand Lisboa Hotel, there is no shortage of gambling tables and gambling games. In less than ten minutes, all the equipment was neatly placed there.

Lin Feng and Shi Yijian sat on one side of the gambling table.

He Mingshen smiled and said to Lin Feng and Shi Yijian:"If you two trust me, how about I deal the cards?"

Lin Feng and Shi Yiqian nodded. He Mingshen's identity and status in Macau are both transcendent and very trustworthy.

Then He Mingshen took out a crystal platform, which was hollow in the middle and could hold two playing cards. The purpose of this was to prevent someone from changing the cards.

He Mingshen shuffled the cards quickly, turned his back to Lin Feng and Shi Yiqian, and casually pulled out a few playing cards and put them into the crystal platform.

Returning to the gambling table, a crystal platform was placed in front of each of them.

Shi Yiqian smiled slightly, and was about to reach out to touch the playing cards inside.

However, Lin Feng waved his hand and said,"Senior Shi, it would be boring without some prizes. But how about this, how about we add some chips?"

Shi Yiqian leaned back in his chair, squinted his eyes, and smiled,"Okay, then we'll bet 5 million US dollars."

Lin Feng smacked his lips. 5 million US dollars is only 40 million US dollars. For Lin Feng who is in dire straits, it is not enough to quench his thirst. But it is better than nothing. 5 million US dollars is 5 million US dollars.

"Then I will tell you the rules. Of course, the one who guesses correctly wins. If both parties guess correctly, then it depends on who takes the least time."Lin Feng said leisurely. Shi

Yiqian nodded without any rebuttal.

Just like that, the two people simultaneously stretched their hands to the crystal platform.

The audience around them did not dare to breathe lightly, staring at the two people's game with wide eyes.

Shi Yiqian first pretended to touch the cards with his palm facing up, but if he just did this, he would not be able to know the number and suit of the cards. He turned his fingers over calmly, and then touched the poker cards with his fingernails, and immediately the information on the cards was transmitted to Shi Yiqian's mind.

Of course, Lin Feng did not need to be so troublesome. When the crystal platform was delivered to When he was in front of Lin Feng, he had already opened his clairvoyance and saw two cards in front of him, one was a 6 of hearts and the other was a 5 of clubs.

However, he certainly couldn't just say the cards in front of so many people, so he also followed Shi Yijian's example and stretched out his hand, put it into the crystal platform and fumbled around for a while, but his eyes were always staring at Shi Yijian, as long as he opened his mouth to count, he must say the cards in advance.

Time passed by second by second, and at this time Shi Yijian suddenly opened his eyes, just about to speak, but saw Lin Feng directly and loudly said:"6 of hearts, 5 of clubs!"_

Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collect, recommend

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