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"Shameless, really too shameless."

Tienan almost vomited blood, more than a dozen people were injured, five people died, and he actually wanted to claim compensation of several hundred million? His own people also suffered heavy casualties, who could he go to for justice.

However, now he did not have any suitable reason to refute Lin Feng.

He knew that if it were not for Lin Feng and the people he brought, he would not have been able to escape the disaster, and he would have ended up lying in a pool of blood like these people.

Looking at Tienan's reluctant expression, Lin Feng was suddenly displeased, and said in a cold voice:"Why, it seems that Mr. Tienan doesn't seem to want to be responsible for our losses?"

""Oh." Tienan sighed and could only transfer another 200 million to Lin Feng.

If anyone else had asked for such a high price, Tienan would never have compromised, but after seeing Lin Feng's methods, he could only admit defeat. He had no choice but to agree to Lin Feng's request. Otherwise, if Lin Feng asked him to swim back to land, the consequences would be predictable.

Lin Feng finally completed the plan. He nodded with satisfaction, snapped his fingers and said,"Let's go."

The security guards left the casino in an orderly manner and returned to their luxury cruise ship.

Lin Feng ignored Tienan because he knew that the other party had a way to contact Japan and would not die if he stayed on the warship.

They had no grudges against each other, so he would not kill them all. He did not have any psychological burden to make him bleed heavily once.

Looking at the backs of Lin Feng and others leaving, Tienan could only smile bitterly. Fortunately, money can be earned again, but life is gone, and after facing Lin Feng this time, he was defeated again. He secretly swore in his heart that he would never want to have anything to do with him in the future, especially to become Lin Feng's enemy. People, the consequences would be disastrous.

Thinking of this, Tienan found a satellite phone and contacted his base.

Lin Feng was not in the mood to know Tienan's thoughts. This time, Lin Feng won a great victory in the bet. The funds that had already bottomed out soared and increased to nearly 600 million again, but 150 million of them belonged to Aku.

He sat on the soft big sofa, and opposite him sat Long Wu, Long Jiu, Aku and others.

At this time, others did not have any emotions, but Aku was like an ant on a hot pot, a little restless.

Lin Feng could see that Aku was very anxious to see the real Keren.

"Hehe, stay calm, you will be able to see Keren when we return to Dazhou Island."Lin Feng smiled and comforted A Ku.

A Ku nodded and suppressed the restlessness in his heart.

""Thank you for your hard work this time, Brother Wu." Lin Feng looked at Long Wu with gratitude.

Ever since the two met, Long Wu had spared no effort to help and protect him, allowing him to rise from obscurity. It can be said that Long Wu had devoted himself to his work.

A smile appeared on Long Wu's face, which seemed to have remained unchanged for a hundred years, but he was not good at talking, so he just said lightly:"This is what I should do." Then there was no further words.

"This time our team members performed very well.

After returning, each of them will be rewarded with 300,000 yuan.

For the injured team members, all medical expenses will be borne by our Thunder Security Company.

For the dead team members, each of them will be given a pension of 5 million yuan.

"Lin Feng said this with some sadness.

Although they have an absolute advantage, there is still a death index.

This is something that cannot be avoided.

War is like this.

There will always be bloody sacrifices.

As for Long Wu and others, Lin Feng will definitely give each of them a reward of 1 million yuan. They are his backbone, and Lin Feng certainly cannot be stingy.

The luxury cruise ship finally arrived at Dazhou Island. A Ku rushed down first because he was eager to see his lover.

Jersey's girlfriend pushed the car and smiled at A Ku who rushed towards them.

A Ku came to Keren, squatted down directly, and held Keren's little hand tightly.

Although Keren is still a vegetable and has no reaction, she cannot be compared with Keren's sister, but this is her most beloved person. No matter what she is like, A Ku will never leave her.

"So romantic, so touching!"Jersey's girlfriend leaned on Jersey's arms, looking at this scene with envy, and said with emotion

"Hey, if Keren can really recover, I believe Aku will be very happy."Long Jiu said with some sadness.

Lin Feng's eyes suddenly lit up. He didn't know if the system had a repair program. If Keren's injury could be repaired, maybe Aku would be more loyal.

Aku pushed Keren and walked inside. Now nothing could affect him. There was only Keren in his eyes.

The diffuse smoke ended completely. The whole training camp was surprisingly quiet, with only the buzzing of insects.

After Lin Feng and Long Jiu fought, Long Jiu fell asleep contentedly. There was a happy smile on her face. She leaned against Lin Feng's chest. She felt that she was the happiest woman in the world.

But Lin Feng did not fall asleep. He squinted his eyes and dozed off, then went directly into the Supreme System.

"System out."Lin Feng shouted

"Hello, host, what can I do for you?"The system's calm voice sounded. It always appeared immediately when Lin Feng needed it most.

Lin Feng scratched his head and frowned and said,"Is there anything in the system that can be repaired? A friend of mine was seriously injured, his spine was damaged, and he has become a vegetable now."

"Host, please wait.……"

After the system finished speaking, it fell into silence.

Not long after, the system's voice sounded again:"Congratulations host, you have found the required option."

Suddenly, a transparent screen appeared in front of Lin Feng. On the screen was a crystal bottle. On the crystal bottle was written"Magic Water for Repairing Trauma".’

"Oh, not bad, there really is a potion that can repair it."Lin Feng was delighted. If this happens, when Keren recovers, A-Ku will definitely follow him wholeheartedly without any second thoughts._Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collect, recommend

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