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International God of Gamblers Contest is another very qualified contest after the Macau God of Gamblers Contest.

On this day, countless journalists flocked to the Lisboa Casino to attend the press conference.

However, the rules of the International God of Gamblers Contest are very strange. In order to protect the gambling masters of various countries, reporters are prohibited from filming and can only publish this event in text.

On the host platform, six flags were flying, including Macau, China, the United States, Europe, Australia, and the last one was the Philippines.

The six countries have sent a gambling master, but unfortunately, the representatives of Australia and China have not yet appeared at the press conference.

However, time waits for no one, and the press conference was held on time.

First, a host dressed in a well-dressed suit took the lead on the host platform.

He cleared his throat and said,"Welcome friends from the press and media to the press conference for the 'International Gambler God Competition'. Now I declare that the press conference is now officially open."

The host looked back and found that the representatives from Australia and China had not yet arrived at the reception. He sighed helplessly and said,"Although the representatives from Australia and China have not arrived yet, we can't wait any longer. Now we welcome Mr. Raymond Lam, the God of Gamblers."

After the host finished speaking loudly, he was the first to applaud warmly, because this International Gambler God Competition was held in Macau. As a native Macau person, of course, he had to applaud and cheer for their local God of Gamblers.

At this time, behind the huge God of Gamblers stone tablet on the host's desk, Raymond Lam came out with a smile on his face, and then waved to the surroundings.

Especially when he saw Ah Zhen and Long Jiu sitting below, his lips were slightly pouted and he made a Feiwen expression.

The two women applauded Raymond Lam with smiles on their faces.

The entire press conference hall was filled with thunderous applause, which was so enthusiastic that several contestants from other countries curled their lips in disdain. You know, they are also so well-known in their respective countries.

At this time, a group of people strode in from outside.

Standing at the head of the crowd was a half-bald man in his 50s, wearing glasses, with a chilling smile on his face.

Behind him stood Le Qing and Gao Ao, as well as a group of short Asian faces.

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes slightly. He didn't expect that it was not Gao Ao who came to participate in this gambling god competition, but Le Neng. They came to compete on behalf of the Han team.

You know, this old guy is the King of Thousands. His skills can be said to be extremely comprehensive. Gao Ao and Gao Jin's gambling skills were all taught by him. From this, it can be seen that his skills are very comprehensive and his strength is also quite strong. He is a tough opponent.

""Sorry, we are late. I am Han, the one who will be participating in this competition." Leneng always had a smile on his face.

Gao Ao's defeat in the Macau Gambling God Competition last time had already disappointed Leneng. As the largest dealer in the outside world, he knew that the most popular person this time was Lin Feng, the new gambling god. Even the majority of people bet on his victory, which had already surpassed the gambling elders like them.

Therefore, this time he not only wanted to win the outside bets, but also to avenge the last humiliation.

"No problem, you are not the last one to arrive, the Australian representative has not arrived yet, please take a seat."The host nodded and made a gesture of invitation, asking Leneng to sit under Han's **.

Not long after, another group of people came in. This group of people were tall and obviously the last Australian team.

Lin Feng looked up and saw Gao Jin with waxed hair, his hands behind his back, walking towards the host platform.

However, Lin Feng couldn't help but frowned slightly, because Gao Jin's face was full of frost at this time. He stared at Leneng on the stage with fierce eyes, wishing to peel off his skin and pull out his tendons.

Moreover, Xi Qi, who was like a little tail, did not follow.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the Australian representative has also arrived, welcome you." The supporter applauded and said

"I'm sorry, I was delayed because of some things. I'm Gao Jin who withdrew due to injury last time. Now I'm recovered. I accepted the invitation from the Gold Coast of Australia to participate in this competition. This time I won't let you down."Gao Jin's voice was a little cold, and there was obviously something behind his words.

"Well, since all the gambling masters from various countries are here, please move to the Lisboa Casino and watch this battle of the century."The host said very incitefully, and then everyone started to walk into the venue.

Leneng passed by Lin Feng and Gao Jin, and couldn't help but sneered, and strode towards the casino.

Gao Jin clenched his fists tightly, making a crackling sound, and it was obvious that he hated Leneng to the core.

"Gao Jin, why didn't Xiao Qi come?" Lin Feng had a bad feeling in his heart.

Gao Jin gritted his teeth and said,"This shameless old man once assassinated me in order to compete with me for the right to compete in Australia. During the assassination, Xiao Qi fell down the villa and broke her spine, becoming a vegetable for life."

"As expected!" Lin Feng sighed in his heart. He didn't expect that his arrival still didn't change history. It seemed that Gao Jin was really destined to be a star of misfortune. None of the women who followed him had a good ending.

It seemed that he had to speed up the creation of an empire. Otherwise, like Gao Jin, he would watch his beloved woman die in front of him. The pain was unbearable.

Lin Feng didn't ask any more questions, because he knew that Xiaoqi had left the world, otherwise Gao Jin wouldn't have come to the competition with hair wax.

When everyone came to the competition site, the tall plaque read"International Gambler Competition", which was quite majestic.

After the host saw the referee and the reporters sitting on the chairs, he said loudly:"This time, the International Gambler Competition will be participated by six players from various countries, including Macau representative Lin Feng, Australian representative Gao Jin, Han representative Leneng, American representative Tim Nelson, Philippine representative Tony Morano, and European representative Pierre Zidi.

There is no upper limit on the bet, and the lower limit is five million US dollars.

"_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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