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Feng remembered that this man named Ah King was a con man. He was chased and beaten because of cheating. He accidentally killed a famous gangster named Yan Tong and was sentenced to five years in prison.

Although Ah King was a general among the thousand sects, a con man was still a con man after all. Now he came to find him for unknown reasons.

"Jersey, did he tell me what that sure-win business is?"Lin Feng sat up and asked curiously. Jersey scratched his head. To be honest, he did ask Hua Gu Long, but the other party said that he would tell him after seeing Lin Feng, so he came to Lin Feng directly without asking the reason.

"How about this, if they are free now, let them come directly."

It is still early and not dark yet, so Lin Feng also wants to meet this legendary Ah King.

""Okay, Brother Feng, I'll call Huagulong now." After Jersey finished speaking, he walked aside and dialed Huagulong's number.

After a while, Jersey came back to the house with a smile and said,"Brother Feng, they said they can be here within an hour."

Lin Feng nodded, and said nothing more. Several people chatted here.

Sure enough, in less than an hour, the bell of Lin Feng's villa rang again.

Jersey quickly opened the door and invited people in.

Three people came in. A man had a lot of white hair. His complexion was a little bad and his expression was very depressed. Following him was a man with a thief-like look, obviously a gangster. The last person to come in was a young girl.

If Lin Feng guessed correctly, the man with white hair was the legendary Ah King, and the man behind him should be your gangster Huagulong. The last person to come in behind them was Huagulong's sister Xiaoqing.

"Haha, if I'm not mistaken, this should be the legendary King!"Lin Feng came to King's side and stretched out his right hand.

"Brother Feng, you are kidding, just call me King."

Sure enough, Lin Feng was not wrong, the white-haired man was King.

"I wonder what Brother King wants to ask of me?" Lin Feng asked after he asked a few people to sit on the sofa.

King let out a breath and said,"Brother Feng, to be honest, I do have a favor to ask of you."

Then, Ah King told the whole story.

It turned out that gambling is prohibited in Hong Kong. The only bets are horse racing and football. Their bets are small, so they have only won a few hundred thousand. But Ah King is very satisfied with these. After being in jail, he knows that freedom is the most important thing.

He found his ex-girlfriend.

Although she is already someone else's wife, his son is already five years old.

This makes him feel very relieved.

He doesn't ask for wealth and honor anymore, he just wants to live a peaceful life.

However, what he didn't expect was that on a gambling boat, he met his biological brother who killed Chimney.

Then his life became extraordinary.

Not only were his ex-girlfriend and good brother discovered and abducted by Shengjing, but his biological son was also thrown down the escalator by them and was seriously injured.

After listening, Lin Feng sighed and said,"I deeply sympathize with your experience, but, after all you have said, it doesn't seem to have anything to do with me, right?"

It's not that Lin Feng is cold-blooded, but because if he acts out of sympathy, as long as a precedent is set, countless things will follow. Wouldn't he be busy to death? He is not a saint, so generally he won't take action.

Ah King nodded. He knew that Lin Feng would not help because of his personal grudges.

He went on to say:"Ever since you defeated the largest peripheral bookmaker, Le Neng, a year ago, within a year, a Macau man named Ma Jiaowen, he controlled all of Le Neng's peripheral capital and became the largest peripheral bookmaker in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Mainland China, Singapore and Macau. The World Cup also made him a lot of money. The day after tomorrow's final will be between France and Brazil. The whole world knows that Brazil is the strongest football team."

Lin Feng nodded and said,"You are right. Everyone is indeed optimistic about Brazil."

Although he didn't know how to bet on football, he had heard Jersey talk about it. Aku has also been studying this event recently, and he is more optimistic about the Brazilian team.

A King shook his head and said,"Brother Feng, you are wrong.

I have received accurate information.

The European Mafia has already taken action.

As long as Brazil loses, the outside bookmakers around the world will win a lot of money.

Moreover, Ma Jiaowen and the Mafia are very good friends, so he got the inside information early on.

Now he boldly accepts all the bets on Brazil's victory, and the amount is huge.

However, as long as Brazil wins, he will definitely go bankrupt and become penniless.


Lin Feng frowned slightly, and said in a somewhat cold voice:"It's so good, such a heavy news is given to me? Tell me, what are your requirements"

"I am giving you this news. No matter how much money you win, it has nothing to do with me. But I hope you can protect our family after this gambling game. I believe that in Hong Kong, no one can have your strength. I don’t ask you to protect me for a long time. I just want to be able to get on the plane to Europe."

Lin Feng nodded. This deal is really a good deal. He only needs to protect a few people, but he got such an important news.

"Okay, since you think highly of me, Raymond Lam, I agree to your deal. Don't worry, I will accompany you in this gambling game, and after it's over, I will send you out of Hong Kong safely.���

Lin Feng agreed to King's request, and he also wanted to meet Ma Jiaowen. He had heard that Ma Jiaowen was ruthless and a very difficult opponent.

"Jersey, you heard it, arrange for Aku to buy the World Cup France Victory, well, let's buy 200 million for fun."Lin Feng said to Jersey.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Huagulong's eyes were shining. The God of Gamblers is the God of Gamblers. Every time he makes a move, he is gambling with hundreds of millions of money._Read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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