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Feng sat there in silence, listening to He Mingshen's narration. He narrowed his eyes and analyzed the meaning of He Mingshen's words.

""Boss He, you can rest assured now. I think the kidnappers didn't want to kill He Miaoqiong. They just kidnapped her for money and not for her life. It's been more than 12 hours now, but they didn't call you to blackmail you. I think they must have other purposes. Is there anything else you haven't told me? If that's the case, I can't help you." Lin Feng said after a pause.

He pointed out the unreasonableness of it. Looking at He Mingshen's hesitant look, he knew that the latter must have other things that he didn't tell him.


He Mingshen sighed deeply and shook his head helplessly.

It seemed that Lin Feng was not an ordinary person.

He saw this after just a brief thought.

He also knew that he could not hide it any longer, so he could only continue to say:"In fact, on the day when the Grand Lisboa Casino opened, the gambling evil Du Kuan came to our place to gamble.

I felt that something was going to happen, as if there was a dark giant hand controlling everything, so I found some bodyguards to protect Qiong Qiong, but I didn't expect that something would happen.


"Oh? The gambling evil Du Kuan?"

Lin Feng certainly remembered him. He personally defeated Du Kuan at that time. Otherwise, the newly opened casino might face huge losses on the first day. It seems that there is a real possibility that someone is doing something behind the scenes.

""Boss He, do you know who you have offended? Is there really no clue at all?" Lin Feng asked doubtfully. Now things are very strange. The kidnappers did not call to ask for ransom, and there was no other action.

"Actually, I do have a suspect, but the evidence is insufficient and I have no way to prove it."He Mingshen said with a wry smile and shook his head. Lin

Feng's eyes lit up and he asked,"Who is this person? Maybe we can find a breakthrough."

"He is the boss of Wynn Casino, Lei Bao!"He Mingshen frowned and said

"Lei Bao?"Lin Feng was shocked. He knew Lei Bao. When he first came to Macau, he went to Wynn Casino and met Lei Bao. He knew that he was also a gangster who turned to the legitimate business. He had experienced bloody storms and was a ruthless person.

"Yes, we are not just competitors between casinos. We have various industries in Macau, Hong Kong and the mainland. I think he is looking for trouble with me because of this."He Mingshen said helplessly.

At this moment, he is no longer the high-spirited casino owner and chairman of a listed company, but an anxious father. He now feels that his head is in a mess and he can't think of a good idea.

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes slightly and tapped the armrest of the leather sofa with his fingers. He finally knew the reason. It seems that the two parties are going to fight a business war. Because of the gambling license, Lei Bao can't make a move. He is eyeing He Mingshen's other industries.

"There is no other way. Let's wait. If you can't find He Miaoqiong in three hours, I will help you find He Miaoqiong."Lin Feng finally nodded and said to He.

Suddenly, everyone fell into silence. Only He Mingshen was like an ant on a hot pot, constantly walking back and forth.

Lin Feng didn't say much. He knew that He Mingshen was already very anxious. Every minute and every second of waiting was like torture.

Time passed by minute by minute, and three hours finally passed in anxiety.

"Xiaofeng, it has been 15 hours now, but the kidnappers still haven't contacted us. What should we do?"He Mingshen had been restless for a long time. When the time came, he immediately said

"Alas, the love of parents is pitiful. No matter how high a person's status is, he still has weaknesses. He Miaoqiong is He Mingshen's weakness. Even a tiger will not eat its own cubs."

Lin Feng couldn't help but secretly said in his heart, but since it has been so long, Lin Feng will not wait any longer. If it is a normal kidnapping, he only needs to pay some ransom and avoid disaster. But obviously, this matter is not something that can be solved with money.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng not only did not reply, but closed his eyes tightly and fell into a doze.

"I said Xiaofeng……"

He Mingshen was completely dumbfounded. At such a critical moment, Lin Feng actually wanted to sleep?

However, He Mingshen did not force Lin Feng. Since Lin Feng said he would help him, he would never break his promise. This was indeed the case. Lin Feng closed his eyes and pretended to sleep, but he was not really asleep. Instead, he directly entered the Supreme System.

"Does the system have a skill that can find people?"Lin Feng didn't waste any words and directly stated his purpose.

"Host, please wait, the system is searching……"

A huge screen appeared in front of Lin Feng, but there was nothing on it except the word"wait".

A few minutes later, the system's voice sounded again.

"Congratulations, host, I found the skill you wanted. Please look at the big screen."

After the system finished speaking, a skill name was listed on the huge screen - Sky Eye

"Sky Eye?" After Lin Feng was startled, he was immediately delighted. He had heard of this skill before.

In the movie God of Gamblers, after Long Wu was captured, it was Zhou Xingxing who found out through Sky Eye that Long Wu was taken to Meng Luo's bar.

He took a look at the exchange point, which was also 100 points.

But now for Lin Feng, 100 points is not a big deal.

After exchanging the Sky Eye skill directly, Lin Feng exited the system.

"I have a way to find He Miaoqiong."

Lin Feng suddenly opened his eyes and a smile appeared on his face.

He Mingshen stopped Lin Feng's words and his expression suddenly became stern. He had not thought that Lin Feng would think of a way so quickly, but as long as Lin Feng said it, he would definitely be able to find He Miaoqiong through a clue.

"Xiaofeng, do you need someone or something? As long as you ask, I will be there in ten minutes. He Mingshen said quickly.

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