"What? You want to get the controlling stake of Ho's?"

Everyone present couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. Lei Bao's last sentence was like a heavy bomb, which surprised them all.

You know, Ho Mingshen is the most wealthy man in Macau. If you want to get their controlling stake, the difficulty can be imagined.

"Brother Lei, are you sure you want to do this?"A middle-aged man wearing golden glasses whispered

"That's right, I know what you are worried about. Under the current circumstances, it is impossible for me to accomplish it alone, so I called you together to hold this meeting. I think if you all join, it is not impossible to acquire 50% of the shares of Ho Group."Lei Bao put the wine glass in his hand on the table, staring at everyone present with burning eyes.

His words made everyone silent. Originally, they thought that Lei Bao was just using this incident to hit Ho Mingshen, and then make a fortune in the battle for stocks, but Lei Bao wanted to fight for the controlling rights, and the significance of this matter had undergone a qualitative change.

They all knew that although Ho Mingshen had not had other things in recent years, his vengeful character also made them a little scared. If they could really knock Ho Mingshen down in one go, it would be fine.

But if Ho Mingshen was not completely tripped up this time, he would face his crazy revenge in the future.

However, they also knew that the real value of the Ho Group was his He came to the mainland earlier than everyone else to develop, and now this big cake is also very coveted.

Lei Bao could see that these people were old foxes and would not agree to his opinion directly, so he continued:"You also know that the Ho family is the big tiger in Macau.

The benefits we usually get are simply incomparable to his.

Although there are some open and secret struggles between us, they are just some insignificant exchanges.

But this time is different.

Such a good opportunity is in front of us.

We should not give up so easily.

I believe that as long as we work together and invest together, we can definitely buy the controlling rights of the Ho family.

As long as we have their controlling rights, even if He Mingshen is powerful, he can only be at our mercy.


Several people could not help but nod their heads. If it was normal, even if several companies joined forces, they would not have such a bottom line. A lean camel is bigger than a horse. He Mingshen has many tricks. If they fail to do it well, they will end up losing more than they gain.

However, this time is different. Whether it is the news or newspapers, they are discussing the huge ransom of 20 billion. For a while, shareholders will be worried and will not buy the shares of the He Group again. As long as they can hold on for a few days, they will definitely be able to take over the controlling rights of the He Group.

"Brother Lei, this time we, the Xiang family, will stand together with you."

At this time, a man first stood up to agree with Lei Bao's opinion.

Although the Xiang family is almost the weakest among these aristocratic families, as long as someone took the lead, the others could not hold back their confidence and stood up to agree with Lei Bao's opinion.

"Hahaha, okay, okay, brothers, don't worry, I will definitely make your investment get a generous return this time."Lei Bao happily raised his glass and said to everyone with a big laugh.

"Cheers!"Everyone raised their glasses and drank the red wine in them.

For businessmen like them, there is no such thing as friends or no friends, and there is no such thing as friendship. In their eyes, there is only interest.

As the saying goes, there is no getting up early without profit. Now, because of the relationship of interest, they have been closely linked together.

And they also analyzed it very clearly. As long as they hold on tightly, they will definitely be able to buy the controlling rights of He's. As long as they buy the controlling rights, then their distribution of interests will be beyond imagination. It will even be effortless to directly let their forces enter the mainland market.

Because He's has already built a bridge in the mainland, they only need to They can easily get what they want through this route.

Several parties finally reached a consensus, predicting that the stock market would start a war without gunpowder.

At this time, Lin Feng, He Mingshen and others were sitting in the office of the Lisboa Casino. In front of them was a satellite phone. This phone was found when He Mingshen sent people to clean up the battlefield. This satellite phone was found on a mercenary upstairs. There was only one incoming call and one outgoing call. The outgoing call was He Mingshen's mobile phone, but the incoming call was obviously also a satellite phone and there was no number.

Lin Feng knew that this call must be the masterpiece of the mastermind behind the scenes.

"Xiaofeng, the next battle will be more fierce than real swords and guns."He Mingshen narrowed his eyes and said coldly. Lin Feng nodded. He knew that every time he fought, tens of billions would be involved.

Now, He's stock has opened, but just after opening, his stock fell rapidly, and it will soon hit the limit.

Lin Feng looked at He Mingshen with some doubts and said,"Boss He, even if there are rumors outside, there is no reason for the stock to fall so fast."

He Mingshen also nodded, and his fingers quickly typed a few times on the keyboard. There were many more rumors in the news, such as internal losses, tax evasion, and many unfavorable news. It's no wonder that the stock of the He Group fell so much, it turned out to be like this.

"These guys seem determined to trip me up."He Mingshen's eyes flashed with fierce light, and a fierce look appeared on his face. Lin

Feng tapped the table with his fingers. Lei Bao was so eager to act, I believe he will soon announce the plan to acquire He's, because once the news is announced, it will be a good news for their Lei's stock market, and Lei's stock will definitely rise sharply.

Lin Feng stroked his chin, it seemed that he would easily get a share of the pie in the struggle between the two.

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