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It was impossible. You know, 6.48 million is equivalent to his total annual income. If he loses this time, it means that everyone will have nothing to lose for the whole year.

"Hurry up and invite the expert over." The casino owner wiped the sweat from his forehead and said anxiously

"Yes. The man ran out quickly.

At this time, the whole casino was in an uproar, because the gambling table where Lin Feng was was already crowded with people. When had they ever seen such an exciting scene? 180,000 yuan in banknotes were bet at once, and the visual impact was huge.

You know, in this era, 1,000 yuan is enough for an ordinary family to live a good life for a year. They had never thought about or seen that someone would bet 180,000 yuan. Even if it was not their own bet, their excitement was several times more excited than Lin Feng.

""Hey, what are you waiting for? Shake the dice quickly? Didn't you see that the old man had placed his bets in advance?" All the audience began to shout indignantly, because they wanted to see the final result as soon as possible, whether it was Lin Feng's luck or the casino's luck. However, they were more inclined to believe that Lin Feng would win this bet, then they would be able to see more than 6 million yuan in front of them, and that would be a great feeling.

The young dealer wanted to cry but had no tears. He felt that his whole body was trembling. With such a big bet, he would not dare to shake the dice cup even if he had a hundred courages, because he knew that the other party must be a master of gambling. Now he prayed silently in his heart that the casino would quickly send out a master of gambling to replace him.

Sure enough, not long after, a man in his fifties strode in from outside.

He pushed aside the crowded crowd and entered the gambling table.

The middle-aged man said to the crowd,"I'm sorry, everyone. The dealer just now was a little tired, so I will shake the dice for everyone. Do you have any objection?"

Lin Feng shrugged his shoulders and did not object. According to his gambling skills, any so-called master would be vulnerable in front of him.

The smile on the middle-aged man's face gradually disappeared after Lin Feng agreed, and was replaced by a cold expression.

He moved his hands, then moved his body vigorously, making a crackling sound.


He shouted loudly, holding the dice cover with one hand. The whole dice cup seemed to be sucked into his hand, and he lifted it up from the ground.

"Ding Ding Dong……"

The entire dice cup flew up and down, as if a part of the middle-aged man's body could not escape his control no matter how it rolled.

"" Snap!"

After a round of fancy dice shaking, the middle-aged man directly put the dice cup on the table. Because he used too much force, a stack of banknotes fell off.

The man said with a sarcastic smile on his face:"I can give you a chance to bet again."

In his impression, he has never been able to guess the points in the dice cup, and he has only lost once. However, the winner has disappeared for many years.

There was a sneer at the corner of Lin Feng's mouth. When he saw the middle-aged man shaking the dice, he knew the identity of this person.

He couldn't help but sneer and said:"If I'm not mistaken, you should be Hong Changkui, nicknamed the Dice Devil"

"Hmm?"Hong Changkui couldn't help but frowned slightly. Logically speaking, Lin Feng was only about 20 years old. When he became famous, Lin Feng was still wearing open-crotch pants.

Now he has long retired from the arena and become a technical consultant for this casino. He will only take action when needed.

"This move should be called"Magic Dance", which is to make the dice in the dice cup keep spinning, and stop when the cup is opened. This not only prevents experts from eavesdropping on the number of dice, but also puts the decision in your hands. The moment the dice cup is opened, you can get whatever number you want."

"However, the only time I failed was at the Wynn Casino nine years ago, when I was defeated by Dragon Four, the gambling god of the Celestial Empire. I was right, wasn't I?"Lin Feng said calmly and unhurriedly.

When Hong Changkui heard Lin Feng's words, he couldn't help but take a breath. That was nine years ago, and few people knew about it.

However, the young man in front of him not only knew about this matter, but also revealed his identity. Where did this guy come from?

"Who are you?"Hong Changkui's words became a little unfluent, and he was secretly afraid.

"It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is that you still won't win this time."After Lin Feng sneered, he put the pile of money back to its original place.

No one saw that at the moment when Lin Feng put the money back, he had already used one of Long Si's explosive moves, the Three Dragons Meeting.

Hong Changkui was defeated by Long Si's move.


A powerful energy came from the gambling table, shaking Hong Changkui's hand away.

"Open, open, open……"

All the gamblers shouted excitedly, waiting for the moment when the dice cup would be opened.

Hong Changkui's right hand was trembling slightly. He knew better than anyone what had just happened. Lin Feng's move seemed to take him back to the moment when he gambled with Long Si nine years ago.

"It's over!"Hong Changkui said to himself,"It's not good. I know my ending will not change.

Looking at the excited audience around me, he had to reach out and open the dice cover.


Everyone gasped, and saw that the three dice in the dice cup had all broken into pieces, leaving only the top layer of 6 dots, intact in the dice cup.

"Oh my god, how did they do this?"

Everyone was dumbfounded. They had never seen such a weird gambling game.

Hong Changkui stared at the dice in the dice cup in amazement. The scene of defeat 9 years ago overlapped with today. He knew clearly that Lin Feng must have inherited the gambling god Long Si, otherwise, he would not be able to use Long Si's explosive move - the Three Dragons Club._Feilu reminds you: Three things to do in reading - collection, recommendation

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