The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1027: I am the only one participating!

In the past few days when Su Yi came to Nine Star City, he has been staying behind closed doors, and it is true that some news has lagged behind.

"I will draw the first ten forces on the field directly. When you signed up, you all got a token with different numbers on it. I will draw ten numbers later, and go directly to the ring, waiting to be drawn people challenge!"

The middle-aged man who was in mid-air spoke again, his voice was so loud that almost the entire Nine Star City could hear it clearly.

But as soon as he said this, many people around were a little confused.

Logically speaking, this method of fighting and defending is naturally to take advantage of the last shot.

No one is a fool. If you rush to make a move, you may end up being taken advantage of by others. cool! Z Jiang#网$》The first VG release $: 0W

What's more, the first batch of players will suffer a lot.

"This method is quite new!" Su Yi thought while touching his chin.

He found that many people around him had the same feeling as him. After all, the alliance conference was held every fifty years, and many young people had never participated in it, so it was difficult for them to know the rules.

However, what the middle-aged man said next directly dispelled everyone's doubts.

"Except for the ten forces that were first drawn to play, each force has only two chances to challenge freely. Once they lose, they will lose their qualifications directly. For the sake of relative fairness, the forces that were drawn at the beginning can still be challenged." Qualified for two challenges!"

Hearing what the middle-aged man said, many onlookers below all understood in their hearts.

If that's the case, the ten factions that played at the beginning wouldn't be a disadvantage, and it would mean one more chance.

But it is obvious that they will soon expose their full strength and be targeted more easily. This is probably a harmless disadvantage.

"Besides, if no one challenges each side's challenger for more than an hour, they will be promoted automatically and get one of the ten quotas!"

It should be when everyone was thinking about it, the middle-aged man said such a sentence again.

Su Yi was taken aback when he heard the words, and then understood the intention.

"This is to force people to come up to challenge, this move is not bad!"

Su Yi nodded, such a rule made him feel perfect.

Those who can come here to participate in the conference, I am afraid that these people will be better than each other, and no one will rush to challenge or something.

And persimmons are picky and soft, everyone understands this truth.

If there are several stronger forces in the ten arenas, there will inevitably be fewer people who want to challenge them, and they will wait and see first, and they will challenge those who are weaker.

What's more, everyone will wait until the deadline before taking action, and let others go up and try first.

But now that there is such a rule, if each side's challenger advances on his own if no one challenges him within an hour, then there will definitely be a lot of people anxious.

There are only ten places in total, but there are so many forces participating in the primary election of the conference. If you don't fight for them, you will have to watch others take away the places.

"The primary election will last for two days. Once the time is up, the power that stands on the ring at the end will win!"

The middle-aged man opened his mouth, and finally said: "Now, I will draw the top ten forces to take the stage!"

"Number fifty-eight!"

As soon as the middle-aged man finished speaking, dozens of people made a noise not far from Su Yi.

Obviously, the fifty-eight number just read is consistent with their token number.

"I am number seventy-six."

Su Yi also took out his token, saw the number written on it, and muttered in his mouth: "It's better not to get me, let's see the overall strength of these forces!"

He didn't really want to be the first one in his mind, because that wouldn't do any good.

Although to some extent, the first batch of ten forces is equivalent to one more chance than others.

But as far as Su Yi was concerned, he felt that he didn't need such an opportunity, and it was more important to look at the overall strength of others.

In addition, he was looking around, wanting to see where some acquaintances were, such as Ji Hannuo from Xuanjianmen, and Chen Chuan, a casual cultivator.

"Number forty-three!"

"Number one hundred and eighty-four!"

"Number three hundred and seven!"

"Number three hundred and fifty-five!"


Numbers were read out from the middle-aged mouth one by one, and every time the voice fell, some surprised voices could be heard around.

When the nine numbers were finished, many people who didn't want to play immediately began to breathe a sigh of relief.

Su Yi also immediately put away the token, thinking that it should never be his turn.

"Number seventy-six!"

But at this moment, the middle-aged man's voice fell, and Su Yi raised his brows suddenly.

"Do you want to be so accurate!"

Su Yi smiled wryly, but he didn't expect to be the last one to be read.

But he didn't particularly care about it, and it didn't matter if they were the first to play.

"The power that just read the number, bring the token, and go on stage after passing the test!"

As the middle-aged man's voice fell, figures around the ring rose into the air and flew near the ring.

"Brother, then I'll go first!" Su Yi greeted Xi Wuqing, saw him nodding, and immediately flew up.

Under the arena, at some point, a stone emitting a faint light was placed.

People from each party participating in the conference need to pour vitality into the stone.

"This stone can measure a person's age, and only those under the age of thirty are allowed to enter the ring!"

Someone muttered nearby, explaining to those around him.


When the twenty people from the first force stepped out and reached out to touch the stone, they saw green lights flashing continuously in the position of everyone's palms.

"See, this green light represents qualification. And each light represents a year old. You count how many light rays there are in their palms, which represents how old they are."

Not far away, powerful people were talking to each other, and they didn't deliberately hide anything, so Su Yi also listened to the words.

"They're almost thirty years old!"

Seeing this, Su Yi observed the group of people in front and came to this conclusion.

This is also very reasonable, after all the same person, the older they are, the higher their cultivation level will be.

It is not easy to find that kind of young but profoundly cultivated genius.

"All Dao Yuanzong passed, let's go to the ring!"

After seeing the light, a big man beside the stone stretched out his hand to take the token from one of them, Hong Sheng said.

With the record booklet in his hand, he compared the numbers to know which sect this group of people came from.


Soon, the second group of people stepped forward, just like before, they all touched the stone with their palms and poured in their vitality.

Also all of them are green rays of light, everyone is qualified, but just like before, all of them are nearly thirty years old.

Groups of powerful people passed by, and they all went very smoothly, without any surprises.

Whenever the tokens were withdrawn, the big man next to them would report the forces they represented.

But when it came to the seventh batch, when a certain young man touched the stone with his palm and poured in his vitality, a red light suddenly appeared, which stunned the onlookers.


Just the next moment after the light appeared, everyone's eyes suddenly blurred, and then they heard a muffled sound.

Then, the young man flew upside down, accompanied by a string of dazzling blood, and slammed into the crowd not far away.

"Defy the rules of the conference, the first time you will be punished slightly, but anyone who wants to fish in troubled waters will be killed on the spot!"

At some point, the middle-aged man in Yuanhuang Realm who had announced the rules of the meeting earlier appeared at the young man's original position, glanced at the figure that fell on the ground, and said coldly.

Such a scene made many people feel tense all over.

Some people were forbidden to fight privately after entering Jiude City, but they seem to have forgotten one thing, that is, this is the domain of chaos, and it is the site of the most powerful forces.

Whoever dares to flout the rules they set will pay a price!

"Dongliu Sect, nineteen people have passed, let's enter!"

The person next to the stone took the token from the other person and said calmly.

This scene is just a small episode, which makes people alert and at the same time feels very reasonable.

The next two groups of people continued to follow up, and nothing unexpected happened.

"Every faction will gather 20 people to participate. Just now, the Dongliu Sect lost one person, and its strength will be greatly reduced!"

"Yeah, I can only blame them for not knowing what is good or bad, and wanting to play tricks in this kind of place, they deserve it!"

"After all, the older you are, the stronger you are. They also want to fight hard. It's understandable. It's a pity that those people underestimated the alliance's method of identifying age!"

"That's true! If it's possible, it's best to let the selected people reach the age limit to participate. This kind of confidence is the greatest!"

Around, many people were discussing, only thinking that the Dongliu Sect must suffer a loss this time.

One person is missing, which must be a lot weaker in terms of strength.

"The last one, where is Force No. 76?"

At this moment, the big man next to the detection stone raised his head, looked around and asked.

"it's here!"

Su Yi immediately stepped forward, handed the token in his hand to the big man, and stretched out his palm to press it on the detection stone.

"Wait!" The big man hastily stopped Su Yi.

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

Su Yi was a little strange, he did the same thing as others, there shouldn't be anything wrong.

"Is it the Overlord Sect?"

The booklet in the big man's hand had already turned to page 76, he raised his head and asked Su Yi, "Are the rest of you here yet?"

He was very puzzled, why only one little guy came here.

"I'm the only one participating in the Overlord School!" Su Yi said with a smile.

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